damn ! Peruviann here. Its been a min since i seen so many familiar names. Are you guys still playing wow ?
Peruviann - Undead Warlock (main)
Peruvian - Undead Warrior (alt)
GUILD - Public Enemy
yoooooo what is up !!!
I did!
Arunson, SrDano, Barjin, here from BiC/Malcontent! I talk to Magila every now and then, hes all IRL these days so you have to find him in a talkative mood on Facebook.
Hey Gurubashi gangsters. I was known as Lilbopeep the Undead mage and frequent forum poster back in the day. My guild was Cruelty Incorporated, Forceful Entry polished my shoes but not very well, and I’m currenly on Kromcrush as Notcabana, an alliance shadow priest.
Nosro (UD Rogue) / Crushface (Orc Warrior)
OG Void guild.
Some of you guys liked me, some of you hated me. I was a young kid back then and very bad at the game. I still look back fondly on our times together, even the bad times when we were really struggling to keep pushing through progression nights, having our main tank get banned, and eventually losing our guild to AQ40 stonewall bosses.
I’m playing Classic on Incendius now, if any of you guys are interested in making an alt there, or maybe you’ve been playing there the whole time and we haven’t found eachother yet. Feel free to add me @ sk0pe#1159 (that’s a zero, not an O).
I will reach out to those of you that have already replied here.
Hey Kenji, Nosro here!
Ohnoez! It’s Nosro!
You were always my favorite shammy
It’s probably too late now haha; but I was:
Blazzy - Tauren Hunter in Unity (towards the end), I remember Zaull; then I ran with another guild (I think) with some holy paladin named “Valient”
Maniki - Tauren resto druid. I was in a guild called “Organized Chaos” - Sabina, (can’t remember the warrior tank’s name), Chev, some shadow priest, a shaman that would just “disappear” during LK raids, and I know I’m missing a lot more from this guild…we did get some awesome achievement towards the end of WotLK though. Still use my skele dragon as a mount!
Hey, not sure if you get a notification for this or not. I don’t really use the forums much and stumbled upon this thread. This is killdagnomes… To be honest I remember very little about what guild I was in and whatnot in Vanilla and TBC… I mean I was what… 13 or 14 years old?!
Anyways, Im on Faerlina alliance side now as Cliffwow - Rogue. Feel free to add me on Bnet at Killda#1590
Hey man! You still playing? Add me on bnet fatmanskoo#1287
Vampzilla Orc Rank 14 Warrior
Hey brotha yes I was in that guild to with Aorc add me on bnet bigbangdeath #1697
Oh man, some of the names in here were a blast from the past. I played a Tauren druid named Ahumm on Guru pretty much from right after it came online through early Cata - and was in MBD pretty much that entire time (shame Eprac / Vranx finally killed the old forums a year or so back, those were fun to go back and read). That toon has since moved servers (a couple times, with a brief stint as alliance in WoD) and lives on Area-52 horde now, though I haven’t played much retail since the end of Legion.
These days I’m kicking around on the alliance side of Whitemane TBCC as (unsurprisingly) a druid named Ahumm. Feel free to hit me up at Ahumm#1979
ColdPhoenix here! Playing on Whitemane Horde. Khezef, ColdPhoenix, and Castrol are my chars! Come join!
Im late to the party, Character name was Dubora or Dobora its been so long cant remember. I was Enhan Shaman Tauren Rank 10 did mostly pvp not much pve at the time. Battletag is Pormixius#1448!
I raided with you in Sponge Worthy on my resto druid Beeps from Kara on in TBC. Also on my paladin Xblade.
I remember Fizban. I was also in that guild with Souinar, Strung, Sylvenesti, Gambaratoo, Odin and Joker etc. I was Supacracka , Ipunknu, and Ishamael.
Ayy, Morasmonaj here! Was my first WoW character and I used the random name generator for his name. I remember a handful of these people, I can’t remember the name of the guild I mostly played with, might have been Never. We mostly raided ZA and Karazhan and killed hydross once in SSC when I was playing. Rivermo, Scratchmybac, georgesmith, I remember all of those guys. However easily the most memorable part of TBC for me was pushing to get s3 weapon on my spriest with Cem, he was an absolute blast to play with and we had so much fun! He made a video compilation of us pushing to 1850 together but I fear that’s been lost to the passage of time.
I’m playing Horde on Faerlina now, hope things are going well with you!