Gummy Worm Pet or Tabard - Who Has It?

Were you able to claim the pet AND the tabard from 1 submission? Or would you have to make another submission using different information to collect the pet as a reward?

And thank you for posting this information. I am hoping to collect all 3 tabards and the pet.

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I purchased a bag of the Sour Brite Crawlers from Friendly Express (local convenience store chain) last week and got the Gummi pet.

I did end up having to email them ( ) after I hadn’t heard a response for 70 hours. They replied promptly and sent me the code.

Not sure how I missed hearing about the tabards. Thanks for the post and heads up about the other promos.

Now to head out and get more bags from those stores.

I don’t like picturing a bunch of mouthbreathers in Dornagal hanging around licking my mount.

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I can lick you instead of your mount if that makes you feel better. /lick

Nope, one of the other, so 4 receipts total for all 4 rewards.

Yeah, I never got a response for my second receipt. Very poorly handled event.

I’m going to have problem getting Crimson Tabard. The nearest Circle K is about 150 miles from me or about 12 gallons round trip at close to $3.30 a gallon plus dealing with slow traffic at Blue Water crossing, the customs who might not approve of me buying candy in Canada and smuggling the receipt back to Michigan, plus meal breaks.

So more than $50 for gas and meal, adding about 230 pounds of pollution from my car to the atmosphere, and more than 6 hours driving just for one tabard? Couldn’t they use a more common store???

There are also tabards from Dollar General and Walgreens.

It’s a shame that these colors are only available at specific locations, which might be out of reasonable range for some players.

Why not just put the code inside of the bag? Always making something simple so unnecessarily complicated.

Your priorities are interesting.

That data ain’t gonna harvest itself.

Snark aside, it’s well above the realm of likely that all of the information they ask for is already floating around, leaked, or sold off anyway.

And it really is silly that they don’t even let you choose what color you get, but it has also taken us trial and error to figure out where each one even comes from. Not to mention the limited attention they’ve released about the tabards at all. I’m not even sure where people learned about the tabards because all I saw Blizzard advertising was the pet.

A sloppy and poorly designed promo overall.

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Has anyone else had trouble getting codes for the Circle K, Walgreen’s, Dollar General tabards AFTER you already have the Gummi pet?

I successfully submitted all 3 of the receipts for each purchase. But then they come back saying I needed to do my registration again. That is where it all goes haywire.

I guess since I am already in Trolli’s system from the Gummi pet, they aren’t letting me get the tabard codes.

I had no issues getting the Kroger tabard thankfully.

I didn’t have problems. Once you click the link you have to register again but nothing blocked me.

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Walmart had them

There are 4 - krogers is a bright yellow one. You just go to krogers dot com and make an account - U get a sign up bonus etc and u can buy the tabard.