Guild/Community Idea Feedback Wanted

The Setup

A (yet to be named) non-named town nestled on Redridge’s border with Deadwind Pass or Duskwood. Base idea is for those wanting slice of life and town RP. Maybe run a store. Be the smithy. The Librarian. Even the guard captain. The major thing is, the Mayor/Governor/Regent will be an NPC. No PC will have “control” of the town.

The Twist

Something sinister is going on in the backward of our town. Something that seems to be a mix of Night Vale, the SCP, and Twin Peaks. It seems our town here is just a front for a group that hunt relics, monsters, and cults… and anything else needing done. Anything needing locked up they have a vault and/or cage for as well. And it’s the concentration of all that darkness that begins bringing a change in atmosphere in our town.

But why though?

My idea is to bring a place for those wanting town/slice of life RP. Any “creepy events” will not damper the lives of the townies that do not wish to be involved. But if they want their character to begin “noticing” things, it could bring some great RP. The other thing about this idea is it allows another group of people moving to the town that might be secretly working against the group that started the town to hide all these nasty things away.

Now, of course I know this will take some balancing. So much to the point I think having some mini “faction leaders” for any group within the guild proper would be best. Allowing those leaders to be a council of sorts to the GM for the direction of the guild as a whole.

Ultimately I’m just looking to have fun and make fun for others and I would just like some feedback. Thanks in advance!


I love this. I could see this as more of a Discord server concept than anything. But My gods this would be fun. Espeically since you would have to be creative with it. Worgens? normal. Void throwers? Eh. Done it. VAMPIRES? Ooo not common. Maybe mutations or wannabe Botani entities.

you could have some fun with it. I’d get involved, even.

invent weird wiggly boys with the lads, and then send your friends to beat them up

nothing is more fun

Sounds like a pretty ambitious idea, however I think it sounds badass and you should pursue it.

I think Discord would be something I had planned to do anyway, for people to organize and such. Plan events out with Discord and then RP it out in game. Also had plans for some channels in the Discord text channels that are locations in and around the town.

What about a Discord for obvious reasons and a Community that is used to coordinate in-game?