Guild realm transfer problem

It’s not letting me post in my other thread again for some reason so sorry for making a new one.

I went and did the realm transfer for the guild but now when i log onto my character who is the guildmaster it has numbers in the name of the guild under my character name. how do i fix this?

Have you completely logged out of the game and restarted the client, Darkryder? From what I can see the guild name doesn’t contain any numbers, so it might just be a temporary issue that will refresh.

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The guild is not on this account so not sure if your able to see it. [maybe you can please correct me if i’m wrong]

i have gone out of game but not restarted app not sure if they will matter

Yes, I’m aware, otherwise I would have asked you for specifics. I tend not to answer a question by making things up.

I looked at the character you were posting on and noticed that not only did it not purchase a character service recently but it was on an inactive WoW license. I then found the secondary account and the recent transaction on your character there. :slight_smile:

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Yeah i figured just wanted to make sure sorry if i sounded rude was not trying to be. so nothing i can do but wait to see if the numbers go away from under the character name?

Not necessarily. Do others in-game see the same thing you do, or are you the only one that sees the guild name with numbers in it?

Not 100% sure but i will log onto another account and make a level 1 just to test it and will let you know

Thanks, Darkryder!

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I can confirm i was able to see the numbers on my level 1 i made. so i guess that means everyone else around me can see them

Very strange. Stay off the character for a few minutes, I’m going to try something. I’ll update this thread when it is safe to log back in.

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Alright, you should be set. :slight_smile:

For anyone else who runs into this, you should be able to submit a ticket using Live Chat or the Callback option under the “Failed Purchase” category and a Game Master will be able to resolve the name issue.


Thank you so much Vrak!