Guild looking for more active players

We are a small couple/family group of players returning to WoW. Our Alexstrasza based guild plays Tu/Th/Su evenings (and other random times) in dungeons/quests/lvling alts/LFR, but hope to build a team to experience some M+/Raids. We did a lot of raiding in BC, WoTLK, CATA, Legion, and BFA but have only played for short periods since. We have been playing pretty intensely since Dragonflight launch and are having a great time, but would like to experience a little more.

Do you get along with others? Are you willing to help a small team learn/exp the game/dungeons/raids? We are few, but are pretty active, helpful, and friendly. We just want to experience parts of the game we have been missing since we last played but require a group to accomplish. If this sounds like something you would interested in please respond here or reach out in game. Feel free to join our community to play with us a bit to check for fit.

Guild is DrunkenDisaster on Alexstrasza, Community is Drunken Disaster -

Msg in game, we are Pimmscup, Itchynyple, Apophys, Umeshu