Guild Finder buggy for some

Having issues with the guild finder. Guild is House of Purgatory on Blade’s Edge.
One guildy tried to find guild on the finder, couldnt find it, it wasnt listed even when searching by name. I can find it on my toon both searching by name and just scrolling through the guilds listed (random placement of guild listing: early on one search, later through many tabs on another). I made a test toon, and applied to the guild, but the GM cannot see the application, “no pending applicants”, also the applicant history is gone, doesnt exist atm…please help. This has happened on one of the newly merged realms.

I reported the same or similar problem over a week ago. Others have as well. No joy in getting it fixed. I have an alt (Okii) that is trying to join my guild and on his “pending” tab I can see that he has an application pending with my guild “Warborn Horde”. But when I am on this toon (Question is the guild master), he cannot see Okii’s pending application. As I said, I have reported it. Twice in fact. But received no joy as of yet.

This has been a problem since Realms have been merged. I have submitted several tickets and some responses are no known issues and one said they are aware of the problem and are working on it. This was SEVERAL weeks ago. They did say however to submit a bug report. I have done several of those as well. Kind of sucks since we cant recruit for SL.

You can recruit, just note in your recruitment listing that applying through guild finder doesn’t work, and give other contact options. I put my Discord contact info in mine. I also list my guild in PerkyPugs Discord.

Is it ideal? Nope. But my guild has gotten several new members despite the guild finder problems by being a little creative. :slight_smile: