Guild Banks Pt. 14

So using BfA guild banks is required?

Also, sounds like you are promoting gold buying. Yes, definitely, buying gold to pay for all those slots.

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Sorry, why does it matter whether I vend a bunch of trinkets and fun little items or store them forever? How does this effect you and your gameplay?

Depends on the context of the slippery slope.
Will guild banks be justification for flying or tmog, lfg/lfr nope. No link, path or correlation.

But you know this because you also participated in the slippery slope thread in the old forums


Want to do the math on how much gold that would cost an individual?

Because even getting one guild bank to all tabs is going to cost over 10,000g and if they use the 8 guild tab system itā€™s about 40,000 gold per full guild bank.

So what you described would be a good way for gold sellers to easily get caught because no one will have that much gold until years upon years down the line and if they are using it all on storage space thatā€™s better for the games economy at that point.

If someone manages to get multiple alts with multiple completely finished guild banks before gold is flowing out of everyoneā€™s ears (years down the life of classic) and I was blizzard I would look VERY hard into where that gold came from.

Also funny that he keeps saying we have a QoL agenda and we have shot down mog and flying on other threads.


can we get dungeon finder added to keep us from having to deal with those pesky humans you call ā€œgroup members?ā€ What if a group member hurts me? or says something mean to me? WHAT IF ANOTHER HUMAN LIES TO ME! please blizzard prevent this from happening by eliminating human interaction.

Several points here:

  1. The cost of a full 8 tab bank is (accoring to WoWWiki) 39,350 gold. The cost of a 6 tab would be 9,350 gold (give up the 6th tab and it drops to 4350). Sooner or later that gold will be in the system. Why? Because after the epic 60 riding, there is nothing else in the game that acts as a gold sink while the game will continue to put gold into the economy. It might be 2 years and it might be 5. I suspect that depends the size of the player base and their level of activity.

  2. Itā€™s not about collecting trinkets and fun items. It is, as Iā€™ve already stated, about collecting massive amounts of farmable goods and the potential to use those goods to manipulate the AH system.

  3. Iā€™m arguing against guild banks. If you couldnā€™t get that, thatā€™s on you.

  4. Iā€™m not looking at guild banks as a launch day issue. Launch day will have enough issues to keep itself busy. Iā€™m looking at what happens a few years down the road. Iā€™ve said in the past that the only practical argument I see in favor of guild banks is that eventually the game will be in need of a massive gold sink to delay the onset of massive inflation.

One of those merits, though, is ā€œdid this exist in vanillaā€? If it did exist in vanilla, letā€™s discuss it. If it did not exist in vanilla, then it should be part of Classic, IMO. That is one of the reasons I oppose loot trading and sharding.

To answer your hypothetical, if guild banks HAD been added during vanilla, then they would be in keeping with vanilla.

I have already stated numerous times that I recognize the convenience that guild banks provide and many of my bank alts are guild masters of one man guilds specifically for the almost 600 extra storage slots.

Before you start jumping up and down to call me a hypocrite, I am not. I am simply someone that recognizes that a convenience that is perfectly acceptable in one situation may not be acceptable in another.

For example, power tools are very convenient and I use them almost everyday. I would never take one to a woodworking booth at a rennaisance faire.

Which isnā€™t nearly as scary a thing as people try to fear monger it into. Oh no someone might crash the value of an easily farmable consumable.

I may be wrong, but I believe that Blizzard stated even mail between alts would havevthst one hour delay. I also believe that mail was not always instant between characters on an account.

A Google search and patch notes seem to indicate that it may have actually been patch 2.1.3 that made mail instant between alts. I have not yet found anything to confirm or deny that prior to patch 2.1.3 mail that did not contain gold was instant between alts and mail that contained gold had a one hour delay even between alts.

And we should make a list of all the people that want the non vanilla QOL convenience of guild bsnks.

Then when the threads about guild leaders kicking everyone and absconding with all those resources in the guild bank, we can all be like " remember when we told you those precious logs would not prevent theft?"

In your desire to further your goal of seeing classic made as far from vanilla as possible, you conveniently forget to mention that stack sizes in vanilla meant that every storage space was valuable.

An extra 600 storage spaces per alt is HUGE.

Only if you somehow have 600 things that are actually relevant to store. Like someone else said I donā€™t care and neither should anyone else if someone wants to horde all their bop quest items.

Yet you still want a ā€œmodern LFG systemā€ added to classic, do you not?

Can you tell us that you do not advocatr items obtained in one game carrying over to the other?

And what other non vanilla QOL convenience or changes do you want to see added to classic.

As previously noted, the much smaller stack sizes in vanilla make having those extra 600 storage spaces very useful.

Of course youā€™ll refuse to admit that because doing so does not support your goal of seeing classic made as far from vanilla as possible.

Well you at least seem to be using a different catch phrase nowā€¦

As for the 600 slots.

You would be hard pressed to fill up 2 bank alts unless you were trying to horde things, let alone 3, 4 exc bank alts.

You like to act like inventory management was a thing in town.

Unless you were intentionally filling up your bank alts with junk you would be hard pressed to fill them. The only thing that made bank alts fill fast is if they were used for the guild. But then you have access to a lot more bank alts as itā€™s no longer just tour account in the storage use as any number of your guildies could make an alt for the guilds use. And this also opened up issues like account sharing to make those resources more available to the guild.

No one needs a guild bank to store their personal collection. Itā€™s when itā€™s an entire guild that it makes it hard to fit it all onto one accounts bank alts and resulted in account sharing, accounts made just to be a guild bank account (which was usually shared in both the use and the cost) and it caused issues for the guild of the guild bank alt holder had RL issues that made them stop playing.

Oh your flask guild bank alt owner stopped playing or worse sold the inventory and ran with the gold? Well that could make or break progression for a guild and ruin a lot of peopleā€™s enjoyment of the game.


This is clear trolling. That would mean the person would essentially want BfA, which he clearly does not.

Nope. VQueue exists

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Only for stock piling consumables which isnā€™t a huge deal.

Did you ever do any crafting? Did you ever try to store the mats that crafting required?

I did and even a meager supply of mats could easily easily fill a single bank alts storage. In fact, I had more than one bank alt that were almost full with nothing but mats.

But go ahead and keep telling us how storage space means nothing. Maybe there is a fool out there somewhere that is naive enough to believe that.