Guild Banks in TBC Day 1?

Can we get a confirmation on whether or not we will have guild banks on Day 1 of TBC?


I’d assume that they’d add it on launch since it’s on the 2.4.3 patch.

2.4.3 Itemization but phased releases so it might be like Classic Wow where even though we had the itemization of the later phase, stuff wasn’t released until later. So I would just like to get some confirmation on this bank feature is all. Knowing Blizzard, I don’t want to presume anything.

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Guild Banks were added to reduce the amount of account sharing going on between guild officers. This seems like something they would want to bring into the game as soon as possible. But the short answer is…no one knows yet

Some type of announcement would be appreciated, we already have issues in classic where a group of people all have to share someone’s account with all their alts as ‘bank toons’, and we need to mail and request items from that one player. It works, but it also raises security issues as we cant use the extra security of the app.

A blue post confirmation would be nice

It would be but I doubt we get one. We’ll find out in less than a month.

Would be really nice to know to plan how we will run guild donations?

Why? Every guild I’ve been in the gm has the bank and has to log over if you need something.

Yeah but the purpose of Gbanks was Donations and Withdrawals can be setup with some degree of automation.

that’s the whole reason I want it in asap.

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They are not planned for launch. Disappointing.

Sadly, won’t be in for a while.

Unlucky. We had it for a brief moment in the Beta, but I guess bugs ensued. Hopefully they are release way before the Zul’Aman patch.

As mentioned above, they are coming earlier than the original, but they will not be in at launch.

What addon is used for guild banks currently? I’d love a way to streamline that for TBC.,

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