Guild Banks - A Fair Compromise

No guild banks. My alt needs to become rich and powerful and hold the guild to ransom every time they want an Arcanite Crystal… again.

Also, its an unneeded change to a system that wasn’t broken. Bank alts worked fine, especially when you had a tool to export their inventory and post it on the guild website.

This is an attempt at a QoL change. Its not for stability, long term viability, or launch capacity. It doesn’t protect from hackers or botters, and it doesn’t make AQ a stable event.

Therefore it doesn’t pass the smell test for “changes we can’t avoid.”


Fixed that for you, you’re welcome.


Still don’t want to have guild banks.

They’re already in retail.

Just go play retail. Why do people want to play Classic but have non-Classic features? The compromise with in-raid loot trading Blizz is doing is fine enough I guess. But why guild banks? No sense.

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Much love for the 3 Ed’s


Security > authenticity

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Threads like this make me feel all the more that Classic isn’t going to work out. The #nochanges crowd are so stubborn that they would cut off their nose to spite their face. There are going to be changes and updates, the game wont survive otherwise.

And whenever I say that, someone always brings up Old School Runescape being more popular than RS3. While this is true, OSRS is not actually 2007scape. Because it received new stuff, qol changes, and most of the popular features RS3 has implemented.

“But the vanilla private server was one of the most popular ones”

Private servers are different. Every server is not the same, exact experience. Many have faster exp gains, many start you at max level, many are more based around pvp, many have broken features, bugs, and quests, many have made QOL changes and added new features.

Wow’s peak wasn’t even Vanilla, it was Wrath.

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Watch out! We got a prognosticator over here.


Crêpes are Pancakes, btw.

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Right. Like tortillas are pizza crusts…


Translate Pancake into French or Pancake into Spanish.

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I thought we were talking about pizza.


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Name me one MMO-like, official, game that is several years old, played in the millions, and never received a single update/new feature it its entire lifespan. Go ahead. I’ll wait.

Tell me how this is relevant when the Classic™ subscription is tied to retail, which has all the changes/updates one could ever want.

Also, what’s your definition of survive? Because Blizz has already made their stance known.


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J. Allan Brack is on record saying they don’t care if only 10s of people play Classic, they’re not shutting it down. They want it to be a museum piece.

This means as authentic as possible, without all the QoL stuff added after Vanilla.

“BUT THEY ALREADY SAID THEY MADE CHANGES!” You scream into the void.

Yes go look at the changes they’ve made. The majority of them have basically nothing to do with gameplay or the feel of classic. UI improvements that could be done with an addon anyway… whooo that change is just massive. They kind of have a point of looking at some things and going… “This is a UI improvement that doesn’t affect gameplay and someone can just make an addon to do this if we take it out.”

Ever here of an addon called Druidstats? No? Well it’s been dead for a long, long time. Basically it does what the WoW UI does already. It let you press shift while hovering over an item in your inventory and give a little tooltip window with stat comparisons. Do we really need to remove that feature?

LOOT TRADING! eyeroll Yeah, so you can trade BoP gear in raids for a couple hours. shrug Better then what they were going to do initially.

Non-gameplay UI features are not a guild bank level of change. Guild banks have a pretty significant effect on how guilds work. With a guild bank, you no longer have to just trust people. You know what happens when you just don’t trust people and have no reason to anymore? Your community breaks down.

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A good reason to be against guild banks, in my opinion, is that it incentivizes blizzard to add that thing from retail that lets people declare a new guild leader if the GM has been offline for X months.

Perhaps you meant Orgrimmar and Ironforge?

Stormwind in Classic is like if a bunch of flaming dumpsters formed Voltron.


Stormwind. But only if we can still kite kazzak there.

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I would subscribe just to see that.

I mean, we will get to see the best part of Stormwind again. The Park. Deathwing destroyed it because it was too awesome.

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Guild banks are for everyone, why put something in the bank you want to keep yourself?
“It was for a specific person” mail it to them.
“It was for newbies” mail it to them.

If you drop a book in a book donation drop off, don’t act surprised when someone you don’t know/someone not low income took it.

It has nothing to do with “trust”.

Edit: I also said nothing negative about making changes, I embrace changes and updates. Its the people that are steadfast on no changes that worry me about the project.