Guild Banks - A Fair Compromise


Or really eggy tortillas.


Crepes are better than pancakes only because they are equipped with epic gear toppings

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even just with sugar they’re better than pancakes

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Caffeine detox is wonderfully painful.


Never tried just sugar. I will admit I went on a cruise with my girlfriend and when I discovered the crepes station that was my nirvana every morning. Haven’t had crepes since. Lol

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Funnel cakes > Pan cakes.

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The mention of funnel cakes reminded me of the carnival that comes around every summer and getting fried dough. I could spend a day having that for every meal. Followed by a week of recovering from the sugar high.

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my mother used to make em by the stacks, (actually still does sometimes when i go back)

and i have some with powdered sugar, some brown sugar or plain sugar.
i’ve done ice cream, chocolate, preserves, pineapples,…

here in the US, the pancakes are really dry, you need to drown them in syrup to eat them…

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I am going to be very unpopular here soon…the only real breakfast is bacon and eggs.

All this stuff about pancakes and other syrup covered crap is just people arguing that have bad taste :smiley:


We don’t hate people that have different tastes in breakfast. In fact, we look upon them with a mixture of curiosity and pity.


who says it’s breakfast we’re talking about…

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Oh no you’re one of those people who go to waffle house at night and orders something sweet aren’t you.

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Damn, now I’m hungry :slight_smile:

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Sausage>bacon but itsclose can’t go wrong

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not at all,

you got to broaden your horizon, see

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Beyond the obvious no, this thinking that Stormwind was important in Vanilla is amusing. Everyone who ever played Vanilla knows that Ironforge was the main Alliance city because it was the most centralized. Regardless of where you were going, the average travel time from IF was faster than SW or Darn, barring mage portals or summoning of course.

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The only bacon that is < sausage is canadian bacon.
(which is not even bacon, just discs of ham)

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Dude the amish market by me has these apple smoked sausage links they might change your mind lol
Also Canadian bacon shouldn’t be able to put itself in the same category as real bacon.

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Padrepwn where you at?!?!

Fesz where you at?!?!