Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Thank you for providing an update :pray:

I have 2 small enquiries to assist in clarifying the messaging of this news.
Will provide optional context in case that helps too!

  1. Can you please provide a timeline for the mail restoration approach?

For context: ā€œsoonā€ is a very ambiguous, a time frame would help us understand at what point it means our data may be impacted by the ā€˜incomplete restorationā€™ side of things.

On the topic of understanding if our data is recoverable or not:

  1. Can you please advise how Blizzard plan to support the situation where there are incredibly sentimental items lost as a result of this data loss / ad-hoc data deletion?

For context: Iā€™ve had gifts/notes/etc from someone very close who is no longer with us :broken_heart:
These are items I couldnt carry around 24x7, but every time I opened my gbank it made me smile from our memories (when they were alive)
While Iā€™ve also lost a lot of other things, what matters is the sentimental things, stuff you canā€™t just go and farm, thats been impacted by unexpected data deletion - and I would like to understand what is happening with this type of incredibly meaningful data.
(as previously reported: Guild bank missing items - what happened? - #1485 by Healsdirect-frostmourne)