Guild Bank Missing Items Bug -- Aug/Sept 2024

And here you go again.

They might mean nothing to YOU.

Others obviously feel differently.

You have no clue.

Stop trying to tell others how to think or feel.

Speak for yourself only.


Yea the issue is finding a good median. People are going to complain its not enough regardless, but how do you compensate without over doing it?

That’s a good idea.

Idk about that. If anything, I think they could just be blowing smoke to bide time to automate it. They love their automated nonsense these days

Yea some of those things were priceless, removed from game items. But I did see quite a few posting about all their crafting mats from vanilla to now are gone lol.

Those old mats aren’t worth much these days, a lot aren’t even worth the slot they take up.

But like if my bank got cleared, Id lose my old tier sets with removed from game enchants and gems. My old legos. Items that were removed and marked as greys to vendor.

There is no real value other personal and the gold they are worth to vendor unfortunately.

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Just because they are not updating people every hour/day/week with progress does not mean they are not trying. They explained the glitch, what they could actually do about it, apologized, and are working on it. These people are calling for more than just their items. They want reparations, and they want someone to get fired for it. Not ALL of them, but these posts exist in here, and no I am not going to go back and copy and paste for convenience of others. You can all go read the same 1727 posts like I did. I get that stuff got lost. I lost stuff too. It sucks. But they are pixels in a game. Accidents happen. If what I had in my bank cost me the convenience of Warbands… then I gladly would have given more.

You have a video game mistaken for IHoP or Amazon.

Destructoid has picked this up now. (Someone with the ability to link, please post it if you can!)

Destructoid article titled: “WoW guilds in disarray as Blizzard unable to restore banks wiped due to bug.”


Well, I would say most of this thread is constructive. The rest is comprised of the people who essentially berated them til they closed the other thread. Can’t say I blame them.

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I happen to agree.

Nothing actually means anything in real life either, everything has only what meaning, what value, we to it attribute.


It’s a shame how much trust this incident has lost, I would have looked forward to a change like that before.

You can do this in the future if you don’t have link privileges

They get this right though, most people affected have come out of this with little to no restoration, and the best we can get at this point is some form of compensation.


That is unfair as they closed and combined 80 threads.
The one I came from was very civil. There were just too many topics.


people genuinely think GMs should be risking their jobs to put a stack of turtle eggs into their warbanks or something, smh

HOLY MOLY! Someone outside the forum caught wind of this??? Do you think they heard it from a Streamer or the OP? Asking cause curious :rofl:

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I think it’s just starting to sink in (to the people in charge, not the blue posters) just how monumentally they screwed up. Given my 18 year experience with WOW, I’m decently (like 70%) sure that there will be some form of compensation coming. What form it will take, I don’t know. But they are at the point where they are going to either have to do something, or the game dies from too many people leaving at once.


1 civil, out of 80. Statistics and mob mentality, along with the History of this forum, and its Patrons would suggest at least 50%, if not MORE, were beratement and shouting matches, hence the closure and the emphasis on “Civil and Constructive”. Words are everything, and unless a thread is an obvious troll or spost, They all remain open. So it is my assessment things go SO bad they had to do something. What is unfair is the fact they had to do it at all.

That and making legacy reputations account wide, should have people worried. They are having problems with new reps being reset, just wait til they start picking apart the old stuff. I remember CRZ. And the bugs found on PTRs and Betas that they ignored till they went live.


That’s another thing that both the warbank and the guild bank issues have now made extremely important. People need to be aware of this planned change to the personal bank, and to be aware that like the two before it, it may not go smoothly.


There is a difference between a screw up and a bug. If this were an actual screw up, there would be more chatter about it. This was an unintended bug with unintended effects that created unnecessary over reactions. As someone who has worked in software development and data centers for nearly 30 years, they did not set out to create this problem. Sometimes, crap just happens, and you recover as best you can.

I have supported Blizzard by buying the epic edition of every expansion. I also buy pets, mounts and mogs from the shop. I wanted to help support the game I love so much.

I will continue playing as I am the gm of my guild and have many friends I play with, but I will not buy anymore items from the shop. I will also only buy the base game in the future if I am still playing.

Items from the shop could one day disappear too.


Same. I bought the Epic Edition and then upgraded to the physical Collector’s Edition as soon as it was available. My guild bank was wiped clean - all tabs from full to nothing.


You can’t know that.
And statistically speaking that is impossible. 99% of posts are not toxic.

You have a handful of people out of the thousands that act like potatoes.
If you are getting mob, its usually a VERY bad take, lack of context, posting half truths, etc.

The majority just don’t attack you for no reason.

Well yea, but :poop: posters exist no matter what. Just don’t indulge them.