Guild Bank Missing Items Bug -- Aug/Sept 2024

That issue likely had to do with unique items phasing out, if you already had one in your inventory. This is something I figured out with warbanks very early on, that if you have a unique item in your inventory, you will not see it in the warbank, until you remove it from your inventory. I doubt this has any relation to guild banks, as you can deposit multiple unique items into the same bank/tab.

If you came to the conclusion that some items were deleted in such a way they aren’t retrievable
 which items? do they have gold value? can you compensate said gold value? Vague responses of some stuff but not others because we don’t know

This whole merging stuff has been a crap show. Insane that you backed up NOTHING? before attempting this.

Weird how if I have an issue, you tell me to back up my WTF folder. Why did you not backup yours?


Don’t forget, they need to delete their cache folder and reset their UI too!


This pains me horribly, because I had been trying to get attention to THIS problem many years back, and people trashed me for it; they just kept pushing the “more is better” (quantity over quality) ideology. This expansion and launch has been a prime example of the rabbit hole that problem takes us down. I was hoping it NEVER got this bad, but evidently, it has 

Blizzard needs to slow down with pushing content out. I’m probably in a minority, but I’m of the mindset that, I am totally willing to wait an extra year, if that means the expansion will be better. This biannual expansion business is just a rhythmic sales generator, and not because they had genuinely invested (at least what I think should be) the necessary time to make another expansion to this game.


I’m with you there. It’s like they never heard any of their Pandaren NPC speech clips before in their lives. “Slow down

For me, it has nothing to do with ‘oh noes mah immersion’ - it has to do with being able to proceed smoothly through a questline or a zone or whatever without the problems of discovering an issue, stopping, re-checking to see if I’ve gone wrong, and then having go to any random number of the usual sites to see if it’s me or if it’s the game.

It’s just
 idk. It’s not good.


This. :point_up_2:t3:

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The release cadence is fine. Great in fact. The problem is they count on us testing it for free, instead of paying testers.

Paid testers test, and write detailed bug reports. (I was a software QATest Engineer for three different developers.)

Players rarely test properly. They mostly want a jump on the new content, and few understand how to write a clear, concise bug report. And why should they? They’re not getting paid, nor are they playing for free.


I know I can’t speak for everyone, but many of us who are busy adults (working or going to college) can’t even get everything done. Those who want to play alts no longer have the time to play all the ones they want (I mean, reasonably . . .). I may be one of the weirdos who LOVE a bit of lull between expansions and between tiers (er, “seasons” now). I LIKED being as powerful as I was going to be for awhile and just relaxing - mount and mog hunting in old content, exploring, trying some achievements, or just messing around with friends. Some of my BEST TIMES were during those “slow” times. During late MoP (probably during the long lull) was when friends/guildies and I did the 5 mage Temple of Jade Serpent run. Back in the day, we had enough time to do silly things like go to a cave in Eastern Plaguelands and two of us mages polymorphed every ugly critter in there into cute sheep, bunnies, turtles and pigs. It’s when we got guild achievements in old raids (when we actually had enough people on at the same time). Or I’d just fly around, take a TON of screenshots or do nothing - just hit target dummies while chatting on Ventrilo with guildies, all of us just doing our own thing, but still being a community.

I too, have been complaining about this pace for awhile. I didn’t think they could keep up the quality forever While TWW has some beautiful zones, some great characters, etc., it’s also been one of the BUGGIEST releases. I’ve had so many freezes, more DCs than we’ve had recently, so many times I couldn’t turn in quests, quest markers in really WRONG spots, etc. etc. With the GUILD BANK issue being the overshadowing one, which really put a damper on enjoying the new xpac. I would have happily waited many more months to get a much better tested product.


ummm, i don’t know what is the point of comparing wow to fallout4??? is fallout 4 an MMO, where people collect items for the last 20 years? Does fallout 4 have an economy where these lost items actually have a gold value, which can be used to buy a monthly sub?

try finding an equivalent game that has experienced the issue at the same scale!

Who cares about warbands. people are not stupid; they know the difference. just because a couple decided to post about their warbound issues, doesn’t take away from the focus of the guild bank issue in this thread.


Another Reddit post with thousands of upvotes.

My guild of 13 years lost every item and not even a single one was restored. Support said there is nothing they can do about it aside from making noise. Please don’t forget they wiped many guilds out.

Blizzard, this isn’t going away. You need to restore faith in your customers whose guild banks were wiped out.


This is good advice.

That being said, people pay a lot of money to participate in WoW. I understand why there’s an expectation of better service than some free-to-play mobile game. If people would vote with their wallets and walk away, then Blizzard would make more effort to address the issue.

My account only has a few hours left. Just wanted to say that primarily due to this bug, including the horrendous response from Blizzard, I will no longer be giving my money to this corporation. I no longer trust Blizz, they have strayed too far.


Just chiming in what was returned. I got back more than many, still not even close to half of what was missing. What remains missing also didn’t have a lot of value, but it was helpful stuff like potions and mats, and many pets.

  • 4 red helper box
  • 2 snowman kit
  • 3 spring rabbit’s foot
  • 3 pitted defias shortsword
  • 1 recipe: crocolisk steak
  • 1 tyrhold drape
  • 1 aegis of tyrhold
  • 583 rousing fire
  • 217 bite size morsel
  • 11 serevite
    Also, forgive me if this has been covered, I did try to read everything, but did anyone else have the issue where you were getting basically frozen trying to interact with your guild bank? Even logging out kept your character locked in for about 20 minutes? That was the only other weird issue I had with the banks before all this.

Yes, I agree. I could have worded my post better. I wasn’t putting blame on the individual GMs themselves, but the way they are being managed.


I applaud your conviction, it’s sad that we have to turn on backs on this game that we (at least I!) have loved so much these past ~20 years. We must keep telling ourselves that we are doing the right thing not letting ourselves be doormats that can be walked on, and still hand over our hard earned money.

The FF14 trial, although not the same game, looks like it might be worth a try from a story standpoint. And 1 character can learn all the jobs (classes) from what I understand, which looks kinda cool.


I’ve lost plenty of things in this game at the end of the day its just pixels on a screen if losing them bothers you that much the best you can do is vote with your wallet and simply stop playing.

Its encouraging to see at least one mature person on here. Some of these people are getting wayyy too upset over some insignificant pixels.

The fact that you think this is simply over some missing pixels shows you do not understand the issue at all lol.


Sure it is. Its really not a big deal though.

Your attempt at trolling is adorable