Guild Bank Missing Items Bug -- Aug/Sept 2024

I’ve checked…my personal banks, void storage, and warbank are all untouched. Everything is right where it should be. Hopefully that person is just mistaken, or their account got hacked or something.

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Still thousands of items missing, none returned.


Early Access and they boned me on two banks full of mats and a partial bank of random stuff, so no, we were neither exempt nor safe from this ‘error’.


Ok so I just talked to a friend who has been on a break until she gets the expansion…she checked her guild bank, and she only lost 5 items, and the 5 slots she lost were worthless stuff she doesn’t care about (she’s a packrat). I had to tell her she’s extremely lucky.


I’ve been checking the bug report forum thread daily for a month+ and I see that they’ve finally decided to close it. So I’m posting in this thread to say that after the initial items that were returned to me on Friday (Tuskarr Jerky x12, Progenitor Essentia x10 [3 stacks], and Recipe: Elixir of Frost Power) I have not received anymore item restorations for possibly hundreds of stacks of lost items.

I’m waiting for an update to this situation that details how they plan to compensate us before making a final judgment on a game I’ve played since its very first beta back in 2004. I have a year of game-time left on my account and that’s the only reason I won’t be counted as part of the group that has cancelled and left if things don’t get resolved in an acceptable manner.

Like many who have been harmed by this bug, I’m a collector and it’s what drives me to play. Please make things right so that I can continue to play this game without feeling dirty as hell from this mistreatment (deleted items, no communication for a month, less than 1% restoration and in some cases zero restoration, closing threads that are unresolved, etc.) and actually enjoy the new expansion without this black cloud hanging out overhead.


Fully unlocked guild bank, promoted my main to be the guild master as my bank alt isn’t as on as frequently.

Literally haven’t received a single piece of mail from my guild bank that got wiped.
Not 1 linen cloth, not 1 copper ore.

Let alone my super rare recipes, transmogs, and mounts.


no. Only mats or turn-in items from DF

I’m in the same boat. I have been having a great time in the new expansion aside from
this. Yes, it’s been a bit messy with the number of bugs, but once you get past that it’s pretty enjoyable. I love the Delves and feel that they are such an improvement to difficult solo play over Torghast. I was looking forward to the proposed release roadmap. I’m devastated. I cannot believe this is how it ends.


Sorry but blizz was just a side gig to Msoft. They wanted to buy King’s mobile gaming presence. It’s sink or swim time for blizz. Msoft will not bail them out.

This did in a fashion destroy wow. They do not want to cater to the needs of the very folks who gave them the money to squander. What a ripoff.

It was suspicious to me because what I lost was mats I bought ahead of time to use in engineering pilfering. I only got my severite back.


I saw your edit of the original post in the now locked original thread, where you asked if you should release the spreadsheet of affected guilds.

In the words of Shia Lebouf, “Do it.”

Email the link to Michael at Bellular. He loves details like that. Post it on the Tweety/BlueSky/Mastodon/Club Penguin forums.


Absolutely. That list needs to be as public as possible.


This has not affected me but is concerning that people are not being made whole. I would not want to play and spend money on WoW if I knew any of my progress, characters, items etc. could be gone and not restored.


If that is the case, then you should seriously consider cancelling your subscription now, as they have made it clear they are not taking care of this as they should. Nothing attached to your account is safe.

I’m considering FF14 myself, I know it’s said it’s not the same, but it might be fun, especially since I like questing and storylines.


Me to, but BC for me. Non stop subbed since BC. (Actually there might have been a month I couldn’t afford it somewhere in there, I don’t remember.)

I love this game. I work full time at a very stressful job, I have 4 kids (teenagers) and a hubby with a chronic illness. I need the release of a game I know like the back of my hand. Sometimes I just log in to run old dungeons or raids, sometimes I just want to play the AH, sometimes I’m hunting pets or mounts I don’t have. I love to level new characters. I own most of the store mounts and pets. It would break my heart to quit for good, not that Blizzard cares. I want them to do what’s right and either restore ALL of our stuff or give us fair compensation.

I really don’t need extra stress in my life, this game is supposed to relieve stress, not cause it.


Thing is, you might not have been affected this time, but what about the next time ? We don’t know if this is fixed forever, we don’t know if they can backup properly; we are all still kind of in limbo right now, as nothing said in their post convinced me that everything is fine. New patches will introduce new instabilities that can be unforeseen. People are talking about personal banks getting affected (mine are fine atm, but maybe I’m next), some talk about void storage (I know I have gaps but I do not remember if they were there initially or not), and everything that people have mentioned concerning achievements, reputations, etc.

People who read about this data problem (not you directly, but generally speaking) and are like “oh, I’m not affected, doesn’t concern me”; I think it’s almost safe to say that you are just not affected “yet”. It’s probably only a matter of time when the next instance pops up. Which I sincerely hope it wont repeat. But hey, I never thought this was going to happen either.


It needs to be spun as ‘‘Blizzard cannot be trusted with ANY of your data - including personal and financial data.’’


It’s strange that Microsoft seems to think we’re a bunch of poor peasants who they can just shoo off their estate. Many of us have great careers and love spending our hard-earned money on WoW stuff. This was my only gaming hobby and it got a lot of my money. That is over now. I am also going to cancel everything I use for Microsoft for business - my very successful money-making business. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I prefer OpenOffice anyway, and I don’t need their crappy cloud drive. There is no way I will ever trust Microsoft with ANY data after this. Nothing. I am genuinely sad to leave WoW. It’s been my home away from home for TWENTY years. I have actual memories of my time here. All they had to do was keep my stuff safe… Eff this. I’m out.


Naoki Yoshida would sleep deprive himself until he saw to it personally that this was resolved 110% for everyone if something like this happened in FF14. I have my criticisms about FF14…mostly in that levelling alts is NOT FUN, it’s grindy nonsense, because there’s no way to effectively do it but grind since you can’t quest again. But I do not have any criticisms about Yoshida or his passion for the game.

I do not enjoy “endgame” in FF14. I play it like a single player game, and take a break when I get to the end. WOW absolutely demolishes FF14 in endgame, especially raids. The gameplay is just better for the most part. But…FF14 keeps character data safe. So I don’t know. If I quit WOW (again), for this, I will not be back again, and I will probably not ever do another MMORPG again. I quit at the beginning of Shadowlands after coming back for it because it was just bad. It took a LOT to get me back again after that (Dragonflight really delivered). If I end up quitting over this there is nothing they could do to get me back again.

I really don’t want to leave, because I’m genuinely enjoying War Within and it’s a great expansion.


As someone who has also been here since 2004 beta, your post hit me extra hard. :frowning: I remember reading about the server shutdowns in China, with long-time players saying goodbye to their characters. It made me cry thinking about saying goodbye to mine and goodbye to Azeroth. Yet, here I am, saying goodbye to all of it. :sob:


Here is the list of people who posted in the main Bug Forum thread who had one or more guilds affected. They are in alphabetical order according to the poster’s name, and if they didn’t state a number of affected guilds, I simply put them down for one. This is all public information as it was posted on a public forum that is readable to anyone at any time regardless of subscription or account status (or lack thereof).

The main thread tallied to a total of 584 individuals posting in regards to 1078+ affected guilds:

Aaltanne, 1; Abigh, 1; Abomiination, 1; Absînthium, 1; Aceofspadës, 1; Adana, 1; Adirolf, 1; Adorasia, 1; Adrelliuss, 1; Aegisian, 1; Aelyn, 1; Aelynn, 1; Aeshmael, 1; Aethon, 1; Afsarg, 1; Agraeos, 1; Agravara, 1; Agrias, 1; Ahmahra, 1; Ahmelia, 1; Ahnur, 1; Airdec, 1; Airne, 1; Ajeks, 1; Akhamab, 1; Alabraxus, 1; Alarad, 1; Alayea, 9; Alenus, 1; Alesca, 1; Alii, 2; Aliidd, 1; Alisendra, 2; Allustria, 1; Alphanomega, 2; Alucia, 1; Aludriel, 1; Alujin, 1; Alusan, 1; Alvos, 1; Alybethia, 1; Amantius, 1; Amayagarrick, 1; Amazonkiller, 1; Amberose, 2; Amôra, 1; Amril, 1; Amynla, 1; Anabellee, 1; Anasia, 1; Andmoan, 1; Angel, 1; Angelex, 1; Anipoo, 1; Anisticia, 1; Annassa, 1; Antonio, 1; Anuerysm, 1; Aoifa, 1; Arandi, 1; Arawynna, 1; Arazenezarke, 1; Archstone, 19; Ariahealz, 1; Arithusa, 1; Armistice, 1; Armystrong, 1; Arroway, 1; Arrowmonger, 1; Artemus, 1; Ârthas, 3; Ärthëmïs, 1; Arthrich, 1; Ashakiran, 2; Aspca, 1; Asterion, 1; Atena, 2; Athyrra, 1; Atulka, 1; Auntsuze, 10; Auralea, 1; Avekeva, 5; Avengermage, 1; Avengersbug, 1; Avengershunt, 1; Avoidports, 1; Axis, 1; Azulescharcha, 3; Azulhi, 1

Babayagå, 1; Babydemon, 2; Badpandiee, 1; Badtothebôw, 1; Balrog, 1; Baneswolf, 1; Banksy, 3; Bankzz, 1; Barristen, 1; Bassol, 1; Batgril, 2; Bben, 3; Beaner, 1; Beastess, 1; Beeftips, 1; Bellátrix, 1; Belphus, 1; Benashen, 2; Bethwing, 1; Bettina, 1; Bigsur, 1; Binka, 1; Bitzei, 1; Bloodshadows, 2; Bloodynerf, 1; Bluerainfall, 1; Bobbyx, 1; Bobojojo, 1; Bolti, 1; Bonezs, 1; Bonifacedrow, 1; Bottle, 1; Botula, 1; Breezia, 1; Brewbaker, 1; BSE, 1; Bugsbooty, 1; Bulaso, 1; Bulliv, 1; Bunni, 1; Burningrage, 1; Butanu, 1

Cailah, 1; Calaies, 175; Calamityjana, 1; Camïla, 1; Camille, 1; Captkai, 1; Captnsindelo, 1; Cardiff, 1; Cárnelion, 1; Cataclysmic, 1; Catya, 1; Cazadori, 3; Cazwell, 1; Ceegore, 1; Chalyce, 1; Chance, 2; Chappell, 1; Chells, 1; Chevygirl, 1; Chiadeam, 1; Chogru, 1; Christoph, 1; Chriton, 1; Ckarah, 1; Claresman, 4; Conflictress, 1; Corentine, 2; Coryn, 1; Coy, 1; Crêpière, 1; Crixsus, 1; Cròwe, 1; Crustybits, 1
Daemonis, 1; Daergor, 1; Daevyan, 1; Dagris, 1; Daisykins, 1; Daketh, 1; Daliphar, 1; Dalthis, 1; Danen, 4; Dantalion, 5; Darkbourne, 1; Darkhazel, 1; Darkman, 1; Darkwolfess, 1; Darranna, 3; Dasserlond, 6; Dawnwind, 1; Deathkeeper, 1; Deathstryké, 1; Deathzone, 1; Deditka, 1; Defo, 1; Delaine, 1; Dendam, 1; Dependa, 1; Ðeß, 1; Deylithdorae, 1; Diablo, 1; Diamondjill, 3; Dragonscan, 1; Drákkthár, 1; Drakor, 1; Drazinus, 1; Dreadbull, 1; Drógon, 1; Duuvessa, 1; Dyana, 1; Dytheia, 1

Ealisaid, 1; Earthwrath, 1; Eiggas, 1; Elinii, 3; Elrarebriel, 1; Eludin, 1; Elujin, 1; Elyndra, 5; Emerno, 1; Emira, 4; Emmeliana, 1; Enatra, 1; Eod, 1; Erzá, 1; Estalayia, 1; Etamalgren, 1; Evafie, 1; Evierleen, 2

Faedrela, 1; Faeth, 1; Faithkills, 1; Falron, 1; Famule, 11; Fandeera, 1; Farale, 7; Faulk, 1; Feldrawn, 1; Fennrys, 6; Fervent, 1; Fireyphoenix, 1; Flapzz, 1; Forgelight, 2; Foxey, 1; Frostboltt, 1; Furtivexx, 1; Fuyiutu, 1; Fuzzybuddy, 1

Gabrielor, 1; Gaela, 1; Gallahad, 2; Gennaside, 1; Ghost, 1; giacobbe, 1; Gildina, 7; Gilmax, 1; Gixxus, 1; Glacialblue, 5; Gladstone, 1; Glaycia, 1; Glynisir, 1; Gorignack, 1; Gracelessqt, 1; Gracken, 1; Grandpré, 1; Greasy, 1; Greenstone, 1; Greenwarrior, 1; Guggug, 1; Gulltherizul, 1; Gummdropz, 1; Gustice, 9; Gyldencu, 2; Gylieth, 1

Haildivinity, 1; Hallie, 1; Halyna, 1; Hamilcãr, 1; Hanuman, 1; Hateall, 1; Heartcease, 1; Heidruin, 2; Highlander, 1; Howling, 1; Humungo, 1; Hycine, 1

Ikillualot, 2; Imagangsta, 1; Imatra, 4; Involio, 1; Ioin, 1; Irata, 1; Iscara, 1; Isellstuff, 1; Ivanapet, 1; Ivstitia, 1; Ix, 1; Izül, 1

Jaely, 5; Jagliana, 1; Jameson, 1; Jayr, 1; Jbob, 1; Jellyfinger, 1; Jemma, 1; Jenzervis, 9; Jhynx, 1; Jmich, 1; Jofbitanu, 1; Jollakeratu, 2; Jonhorde, 1; Jonjustice, 1

Kachasha, 1; Kalaask, 1; Kaleberry, 1; Kaledin, 1; Kalunom, 4; Kanexis, 1; Kargle, 1; Kathrynia, 1; Katt, 1; Kauket, 1; Keilani, 1; Keirya, 1; Keldarien, 1; Kelybarkskin, 1; Kentaurus, 1; Koda, 1; Kraztor, 1; Kroanen, 1; Krolochi, 1; Krysteline, 1; Kurnlar, 1; Kurselock, 3; Kyanoz, 1; Kyha, 3; Kyleata, 1; Kyrilee, 1

Lewy, 1; Liany, 1; Lihan, 1; Lildra, 1; LillyLilly, 1; Lindsey, 1; Lirenda, 1; Lirendra, 1; Littlebtwo, 1; Loaf, 1; Lobotomise, 1; Lokutus, 1; Loomster, 1; Lovecoil, 1; Lucillde, 2; Lunagoodlove, 1; Lycorisan, 2; Lystan, 1

Madpleasure, 3; Magicko, 3; Magiko, 3; Magnatude, 1; Makeela, 1; Maleketorios, 1; Mara, 1; Máre, 1; Marios, 1; Mauhrddin, 1; Mazzlu, 1; Melmoki, 1; Méòw, 1; Merula, 1; Meziskari, 1; Minidude, 1; Miordir, 1; Mirakit, 2; Misbloobooty, 1; Mistinyte, 1; Mistreszuul, 1; Mixler, 1; Mojojambo, 1; Moltentaye, 1; Monarch, 1; Monkndatrunk, 1; Moogiey, 1; Moonsi, 1; Mordane, 1; Morren, 1; Mortnoctis, 1; Motokó, 1; Muhtar, 1; Murkarrie, 1; Murkidan, 1; Mykll, 1; Mztique, 1

Naiades, 2; Nanite, 1; Nasha, 1; Natallio, 1; Natalyllia, 1; Naughtymoon, 1; Navorro, 1; Nereia, 1; Neskaya, 1; Nezitash, 1; Nightfal, 10; Nightvalle, 1; Nillyra, 1; Nod, 1; Nortoah, 2; Nuf, 3

Odd, 1; Odyssea, 1; Oldranger, 1; Ontuu, 1; Orianasydell, 1; Orland, 1; Otisdriftwud, 1; Outsider, 1; Ozu, 1

Pantomime, 7; Paolo, 1; Paronaxia, 1; Pathraider, 1; Persivle, 1; Personnelkid, 1; Petër, 1; Pheelyx, 1; Philakrehvis, 1; Phreska, 3; Picklewagon, 2; Pixyelsraek, 1; Pmdracer, 1; Pockitz, 3; Pridesp, 1; Primerate, 1; Prinadora, 1; Ptsdthegamer, 1; Pyromania, 1

Qiiana, 1; Quantumpwns, 1; Quietus, 2; Quinny, 1

Rabanker, 1; Rabititus, 1; Radalpho, 1; Raeletra, 1; Rafaelzindo, 35; Ragtopcruser, 1; Raistdegith, 1; Randeth, 1; Ratinacage, 1; Ravenbella, 1; Redstär, 1; Renynvarr, 1; Rêo, 1; Rhoma, 1; Rikathetamer, 1; Rimy, 1; Rippley, 1; Ripstalker, 1; Rnrenegade, 10; Rosencrantz, 1; Rostow, 21; Rovin, 2; Ryckard, 1

Sabralissia, 1; Sætori, 1; Saga, 1; Såge, 1; Salaah, 1; Saltarn, 1; Saltéa, 1; Sáltine, 1; Sanytum, 1; Sarabande, 8; Saturnine, 1; Scatheblade, 1; Schopenhaur, 1; Screwedover, 1; Sendryn, 1; Serenalynn, 1; Sezen, 1; Shadoria, 1; Shadowton, 2; Shallashaska, 1; Sharastone, 1; Shardria, 1; Shaze, 1; Shazrael, 1; Shtoned, 1; Sidiana, 1; Sinsuality, 1; Skid, 1; Skirtoo, 1; Slashdancer, 1; Snackies, 1; Soeroah, 1; Solaria, 1; Solitary, 1; Soulkrusher, 1; Spaira, 1; Spärks, 1; Spluncy, 1; Spookleberry, 2; Springbash, 2; Starcore, 1; Starfever, 1; Starken, 1; Starmane, 1; Starßuck, 4; Stockpyle, 1; Strappinlad, 1; Sundave, 1; Surveysez, 1; Sushie, 1; Sutherñ, 1; Sylenne, 2; Syvia, 14

Talasmar, 1; Tariandra, 2; Tazka, 1; Teddymouse, 1; Teis, 1; Testoraeu, 1; Thalanil, 1; Thelamari, 1; Tholin, 4; Tholine, 1; Thukew, 2; Thurik, 1; Tigra, 1; Tiira, 2; Tikimadman, 1; Tinora, 2; Tormey, 1; Toungy, 1; Trapspringer, 1; Treyaers, 1; Trissania, 1; Tristful, 1; Tritha, 1; Trusko, 1; Turhaan, 1; Typical, 1

Udiza, 1; Urvashi, 1; Ustvan, 1

Vadien, 1; Vaelhaeyn, 3; Valára, 4; Valkahnakai, 1; Vandiel, 1; Vardoxx, 1; Varjak, 1; Velisane, 2; Verelyse, 1; Veritable, 1; Veryprepared, 1; Veryuglydude, 1; Vexaliah, 1; Vintekilo, 1; Violetta, 1; Vipertrek, 5; Vlaad, 2; Vralok, 2; Vroz, 1; Vyxyn, 1

Walkerbohh, 1; Walls, 1; Warriorjynne, 1; Warzug, 1; Whiskie, 1; Wildkat, 1; Willeh, 1; Wishdotcom, 1; Wren, 1

Xendrakon, 1; Xenna, 1; Xethorsiph, 1; Xmogexchange, 1; Xtrah, 1; Xyllison, 1

Yeppers, 1; Ykanetz, 1; Ylaena, 1

Zaahreil, 1; Zeeraz, 1; Zephyrôs, 1; Zerachiel, 1; Zilch, 1; Zorix, 1; Zreicia, 20; Zulani, 1