Guild Bank Missing Items Bug -- Aug/Sept 2024

Anyone see the post in the forums that got merged into this one or maybe the one in bug report forums? It’s locked, but at the bottom of the page it says it’s going to be deleted in 5 days. It mentions guild banks not being restored as the topic. None of us are happy about it.

I haven’t seen them do that with other topics before, like the ones about tanks or delve/m+ gear/tuning?

Are they trying to make it not look like :frowning: something

edit: Actually it says 150 topics were moved, so I guess they really don’t want people to see others upset. :frowning:

That’s what the perception is.


At SWTOR it took them a year from the statement “we can not recover your character that was lost during server merge” to “we have restored your char and here is an entire year of SWTOR Premium for free”.

I do not know if the bleeding subs at SWTOR were responsible for their change in attitude or if new staff members were hired, but I learned back then, that companies can make things possible if they want to.

Who knows what will happen in a year from now, maybe they come up with something, but like in my case at SWTOR, i was long gone and never returned, which may happen at WOW too if they act too late.

I tried to play a bit, but I miss everything to progress, it´s so demotivating and I am scared to put anything in the Gbank again.


Demotivating is the word, for sure. It’s like I hit a brick wall. Never had that happen before, in game. Not like this.


I made an account and added my comment as well. Don’t let people think that Blizzard actually did right and that a lot of people had a positive reaction. (Mixed would imply that many were positive, when you actually read through this, it’s overwhelmingly negative, and rightly so).


I doubt it. Don’t see why it would. Many guilds that were affected were one-person guilds. While it may have been caused by cross-realm ACCESS issues, it hit many guilds that did NOT have cross-server (or any kind of mix of) characters.


Many of us saved stuff on “bank toons” before we had guild banks. So the ITEMS could very well have been saved from waay before even the Burning Crusade came out, and once we got guild banks available, people often made one-person guilds (usually by either buying a guild that people wanted to get rid of, or by asking people to sign charters, usually for gold, or by asking many friends).

I know I made my very first “bank toon” because my main was running out of space for all the stupid pages of “The Green Hills of Stranglethorn” and it was easier to make bags (my main is a tailor) for my bank toon, and keep them there. From then, I started sending extra cloth and enchant mats, kept them in my bags in my personal bank until I was able to acquire a guild, and buy the tabs to keep everything (up until NOW) safe and organized. So yes, it is very possible that some of the stuff that were in the guild banks were ACTUALLY FROM VANILLA.


Seven guild tabs went from 100% full to completely empty. Nothing returned. Submitted a ticket in-game and was told to go to the forums and submit a bug report.

This thread isn’t doing much for my hopes of getting anything back.

And how is this not a bigger news story? Twenty year anniversary and poof! Twenty years worth of stuff gone and zero knowledge of if any of it will come back. That seems like it should be creating more of a PR headache than a few forum posts they can sweep under the rug.


I find it extraordinarily difficult to accept that guild bank data has just been ‘lost’. The change to warbands and guild banks was very different and complex, and no one thought to back up the data before changes were implemented? I’m no tech expert but isn’t that ‘backup before upgrade 101’??

Like so many others, I had seven tabs full and I have a total of five items remaining. A grand total of 681 slots of stuff just ‘gone’. Some of it irreplaceable, historical no longer available stuff ‘gone’. Quite a bit of value overall in gold ‘gone’. And all we get is “Oh, whoops sorry”.

Not good enough…


This article addresses this issue, though I did add a comment to express just how BAD it all was. May want to let your voice be heard but be prepared for the Blizzard-super-fans to come and contradict, troll and bully us there. But FINALLY it gets some notice, along with the gamerant article linked in one of the comments above.


It looks like media sites are starting to pick this up. The mega threads here, the posts on reddit, wowhead, and mmo-champion are all painting exactly the same picture across the board. The “resolution” posted here does not accurately reflect what is actually occurring in game. The entire 5 week process was a disaster in communication, and the actual final resolution was insulting. You could literally make a graph of the bug forum post showing the loyalty of decades-long customers go from confident to hopeful to uncertain to furious to quitting. It is my belief that the majority of us that are still here have that last shred of hope that you will turn this around.

Was this against the law, absolutely not. But crap service and data loss by a Microsoft company has consequences.


I wonder if Blizzard gave the “go ahead” to start reporting it after telling them that they have “resolved” it. I really want our voices heard out there as some of those sites are really underplaying the impact, as are the dumb bullies who always come out to minimize the issues.

So many of the players affected are long-time players, which makes sense, since over time, people tend to accumulate more stuff, and that STUFF becomes more meaningful. And the thing with long-time players is, we tend to not be as fickle - not as likely to drop WoW for the latest " most popular" game, tend to be loyal, often have ties to the community (guilds, friends, family), often have sunk-cost, have years of memories here. If they are leaving due to this, then it’s a good bet they are not coming back.

I’m sure they’ll throw in some “marketing money” in a few years to ATTEMPT to get those very people back when all they had to do was spend it NOW to keep them, keep their good-will, and positive word-of-mouth (which . . .forget that now).


Don’t wanna go all tin-foil hat, but it really seems there was behind the scenes communication with big creators to not say anything about it.

They way they all pushed aside the issue (“well, it didn’t happen to me”), until the blue post dropped. The only, and only thing that makes me doubt an official cover-up is the original thread was not locked/deleted.

(edited: I thought this was the OG “what happened?” thread)


It needs to be spun as “Blizzard cannot be trusted with your character data”.


Already got both those mounts.

I’d pick the ringing the gong AQ mount. For a long time it was the rarest mount in the game.

Also I think I lost about 1mil. If I lost 100mil in stuff, I’d probably be making waves on social media with WoW and blizzard’s data corruption affecting so many customers and really, how can we trust them with anything moving forward?


Why not keep all the rare/valuable things in the normal bank ? In WOTLK my Guild’s bank got hacked and robbed. (and blizzard ‘accidentally’ sent us back double of everything lol). Back then I learnt that they weren’t actually safe or reliable

What were you even hoarding in there ? Some netherweave cloth ? Potions that no one will ever actually use ?

I just posted an (intentionally) alarmist reply. It’s about gathering builds. So I just said why bother gathering anything when you can log in any time and find all your stuff deleted due to Blizzard’s incompetence. You used to only have to worry about that sort of thing if your account was compromised.


It’s really not your business what someone else had in their guild bank, and it’s not your place to judge how valuable it is. Also, if guild banks aren’t safe, NO banks are safe. No storage is safe. Anything can get corrupted at any time and they will not restore it. I hope you realize how dumb it sounds to say “oh just don’t use this storage that the game has”.


Imagine thinking the normal bank is any safer than a guild bank at this point.


Still nothing in my guildbank… :frowning: