Guild Bank Missing Items Bug -- Aug/Sept 2024

Nod, the change they made in Season 4 of Dragon Flight I think was more harmful then helpful. I came back a month before the launch of Shadowlands after a 9-year hiatus and I use to love doing dungeon content even with random people, but a few toxic groups caused me to not want to do that kind of content.

It wasn’t until S3 of DF that I even thought to give Looking for Raid and Mythic 0 a shot and I limited myself to only when the weekly asked me to complete 5 dungeons. I always searched for groups that made notes that said learn group etc. When S4 came and they pushed M0-9 to Heroic and made the new M0 equivalent of an old M10 I was having a really hard time.

It’s been a year since I had two fingers amputated on my dominate hand which is my mouse hand. Couple with those changes I am reluctant to do content that requires more accuracy and precision skill, so to not ruin other people’s fun I have once again stopped doing that content.

I mostly focus on Delves (bountiful tier 8; never beat Zekvir ?) and have never grouped for them. I run 7 characters a week to open up 1 Great Vault of Hero quality gear and they are between 612-619 in item levels. I’m currently working on my 38th level 80 (at 76), after which I will start working on upgrading some of their gear closer to item level 600. Normally it would be end of S3 start of S4 I would have a lot of maxed level characters or worry about gear for the next expansion, so something is definitely wrong with the content for me this expansion.


I’m sure the impact is not significant enough for them to care. Between people being upset, but still paying, and sales of tokens/mounts/annual subs, the bottom line is probably barely affected. At least I know I’m not supporting these heinous business practices with my money. I even refuse to buy tokens with gold, because they end up making MORE of a sub fee from that.

M+ issues/sub losses aren’t really relevant to this issue, I don’t think people leaving from that would count in regards to the guild banks being wiped out.


My personal guild is old, spanning way back to vanilla, though I honestly don’t remember how long the guild has been around.

My guild bank had every tab and each tab was nearly (most were completely) full of tradeskill mats, some BoE equipment, TONS of recipes, and the odd potion here and there.

Following the plundering of the guild banks, I had 3 fairly common recipes, a couple stacks of vanilla cloth, metal and alchemy mats. I think 3 or 4 potions of healing (various types) and here we are months later, I’ve not received as much as a sympathy card let alone any refund of items.

It’s very frustrating, I love the game I just hate the utter lack of communication and disregard of the player base.


same here, my gbank it’s just empty and I’m not even using it anymore scared of losing stuff


You should be able to find out by typing /ginfo when on a toon in your guild. :slight_smile:


The old adage applies here.

If a game-breaking bug occurs in favor of the player, they will shut things down until they fix it. Example: WSG at Cataclysm classic launch was bugged and level 10 toons were going from 10 to max level within a single battleground. Result: The entire battleground was disabled until it was fixed.

If a game-breaking bug screws over the player, during an especially financially crucial period such as an approaching end-of-quarter launch, they allow live servers to keep on trucking come hell or high water. Example: This very bug. You lost 90% of your rare valuables that took you ages to collect while the devs were tracking down a flaw in live testing and then compounded by being indecisive about taking action? That’s tough… for you.

Back in August I noted how eerily similar Activision’s response was to the crisis management tactics employed by tech giant Intel after the news of their major costly f’up became widespread. My suspicions about how bad this situation really was–based entirely on Activision’s observed behavior–were sadly confirmed.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I wouldn’t believe you typed that out with a straight face.

The uncertainty stemming from mixed messaging presented by GM’s, the ambiguous and open-to-interpretation PR sticky note which attempts to downplay and obfuscate matters, the obvious next questions which weren’t answered.

There is nothing here that suggested anybody in Irvine knows how to do anything other than run and hide.

Intel’s scandal didn’t get much attention and action until they started getting dragged in public by the bigger independent outlets.

Unfortunately for everyone here, the biggest public WoW web sites and streamers are sycophants because they rely on insider access and lots of people playing the game to make their money. They won’t bite the feeding hand.

That’s because these people are weasels and snakes. They craft their words carefully to make it sound like one thing when they actually mean something else entirely. Take a dump on a Friday, oversell the restoration, lock all threads and move on. :snake: :snake: :snake:

Phil’s a gamer, he’d never let us down! Why he said so himself!


So, from what I’m assuming, if a guild hasn’t received any in game mails containing items recovered at this stage, its highly unlikely they will receive a single thing lost from the guild bank. My guild lost all but about 12 stacks in 7 full tabs, and as guild master I’ve received nothing in game as yet…


I thought I’d come and check in on the ol’ thread. Looks like nothing has happened (as in, more return mails) since I was last here a couple months ago?

C’mon Blizzard, do better.


Know your enemy (and if you do) then you know they can’t.

I only now noticed this feigned mea culpa post has been moved from the general discussion forum to the bug report forum when it’s clearly not a bug in need of being reported.

How dirty of them to subscription-gate it in the general discussion forum when it was the only hot topic while at the same time removing the bug report forum threads only to move it there after they were done laying low. Based on observed behavior this is likely 100% done with ill intentions.

On one hand this means an active subscription isn’t required to post in the thread which means I needlessly wasted a token for this. On the other hand it means the thread is essentially buried because the bug report forum is low traffic as most know very well through experience that the bug report forum is a useless waste of time.

I’m only kidding. I didn’t use a token to let these people know they are knobs. They know that already.

About a week before Christmas I used a token I’ve had wasting away for years to check my mail. This was done based on player reports of having 90 days to retrieve any of these famed restoration mails. I checked my guilds and checked the mailboxes of my guild leaders. Absolute zilch.

The key point is I acted based on information from randos in this thread. This information did not come from any official sources because the people working for the company thought this were an appropriate time to shut their mouths instead of all the other more appropriate times like when they made promises of listening to feedback or when they were hyping up the awesome stories and lore they have lined up.

Note my guilds affected were the two active ones. My inactive ones not touched in months or years appeared to be unaffected. A third guild (a real guild) was also affected. Perhaps that information would be useful to narrow down how their noob database gurus screwed up their only job.


Indeed, my guild had no active members (with game time) for at least a month ahead of the glitch, and no one had game time until I did the MtnDew promotion to get a month. It was with great relief that I found a full bank (though the pets blinked into Pet Cages after a second).


Took 5 weeks for us to get the first and ONLY response.

Does Blizzard test updates? Do they write code and implement it straight to live servers?

Can we please get more detailed information other than “make some items disappear” ?

Surely this wasn’t a manual identification process. Computers, databases, servers, ect, use logs and tables and have backups. What kind of catastrophic event occurred that prevented a script from parsing through logs or backups to identify these items?

“each affected guild” well, on this forum hundreds of guilds reported getting nothing back at all.

Was data lost in multiple different ways? Need more information.

Did any guilds get a complete restoration? This forum is packed with guilds who got nothing or almost nothing restored.

This is a terrible admission for an MMORPG. If you can’t protect player data, then you don’t have trust, and soon don’t have a game.

I can believe that Blizzard employees are sorry. But the leadership is NOT or they would have approved resources (money and time) for a complete restoration.

We weren’t patient. The ticket system was flooded with tickets about this globally. We submitted multiple tickets and got no information until 5 weeks later. Many forum posts were created and later deleted, locked, or merged.


I’ve been making tickets and logging bugs for 4 months and this is the first time I’ve been given a link to this post with their “resolution”.

Received nothing from 6 full bank tabs.

I think I’m done.


I’m sure they know how they screwed up. They “fixed” it, and it’s difficult to fix the issue if you don’t know what it is. Although having said that, judging by the several NEW guild vault bugs that have happened since then, they’ve either broken something else whilst fixing it, or something else was broken at the same time and they’ve overlooked it.

Relating to when guilds were accessed last - I have a couple of banker alts with guilds who hardly ever touch their bank vaults and, as far as I can tell, nothing was missing from them. The active guild I run, however, did lose items and the majority of those items disappeared from the two tabs I’d been working on just prior to everything disappearing. I remember because initially I was reorganising our battle pet tab and something “glitched” and a battle pet just got stuck and refused to move, which I thought was weird so, after a bit of fiddling, I left it and moved on to rearranging our transmogs tab … which then also had issues. At which point I left everything alone.

Then I saw the report of missing items - went to check mine and was relieved to see everything was still there. The next day I checked again, and virtually everything from the two tabs I’d had issues with had disappeared.

Now … as we were slowly adding stuff to those tabs since the apparent “fix” - both those tabs are once again pretty much useless, as the battle pets nearly all just show as “caged” with no indication as to what is inside, and armour/transmogs are showing incorrect in that tab. So we gave up.

Blizzard lied (or spoke out the side of their mouth) and then lied again.


Of course they know what went wrong. They claim to have figured out within days and kept that secret and acknowledged it only after 5 weeks of silence. My comment was directed at outsiders who might attempt to figure out the particulars of exactly what they are lying about.

It does make me wonder though if they have a faster “hot” database for “active” data and something separate for inactive data or data not accessed recently.

Posting my updated losses for the morbidly curious. The 7th tab in the second bank I’m ignoring in my calculations as I know I shuffled things around and disenchanted a lot of the items for material. These were the two banks I was actively depositing items into.

I’m in a third (real) guild and that bank had a ton of items go missing as well but sadly I don’t have an older Altoholic snapshot to determine what was deleted from that bank.

(URL’s mangled with an extra space due to forum restrictions)

https ://

https ://


Still here, still missing everything. Be back again later to report the same.


Before I go I feel like this pathetic blue spin doctoring deserves some dragging.

But first, could you imagine being one of the morons waving the pom-poms for corporate consolidation when Microsoft took over Activision? How did they conclude rich daddy Nadella taking over would cure the sickness permeating the studio? Look at what has happened and how they have failed to address it.

All bugs are unexpected. Saying a “technical update” made “some items disappear” sure makes it sound benign. I call it spontaenous wholesale deletion of customer data due to having bad processes in place, poor and inadequate testing, and the consequence of rushing a release to juice up Q3 earnings. All happening less than a month after CrowdStrike’s disaster.

For the layman it is important to know that in software development, bugs which can cause data loss are typically considered the highest severity. I leave it as an exercise for the reader to decide if your people have given it the appropriate weight.

There are so many basic and obvious follow up questions which were not addressed. “Many… were related to professions…”? “Some?” What the hell kind of prevarication is this? Such flagrant use of deceptive, imprecise, and unclear language. You and your bosses are weasels for trying to downplay and minimize the severity of your F-up.

It’s become clear what the extent of the “restoration” actually is versus the slime you were spit feeding us. I have no sympathy for your people clutching their pearls on social media about trolls being mean to them when this BS is proof that nobody on your team can muster even a modicum of respect for their actual paying customers.

The lie about old mats. Based on a comparison against an Altoholic bank snapshot, I’ve determined that in one fully stocked vault I personally lost almost 200 BOE pieces of gear, patterns, and toys, including items which are no longer obtainable. I was robbed of 58% of the contents in a 7 tab bank. Value likely between 1.5-2 million gold. In my other affected guild bank, I’m conservatively estimating a theft of 44% of 6 bank tabs which included a ton of pets.

I cashed a token so I could check my mail and confirmed I have received nothing. I am reading about many others who received nothing and the few who received crumbs of bricked trash (soulbound BOEs, items with 0 charges) and with player name tags on them to boot. I too noticed some Molten Core BOE epics were soulbound when I logged in a month ago, e.g. soulbound warlock belt on a warrior.

Was I too late in cashing my token? Did the mails get deleted? Did I miss some nebulous unspecified deadline? How the hell would I know? You :clown_face: haven’t said :poop: and your GM’s were given marching orders to turn a blind eye! Are you going to mail out expired $10 UberEats gift cards to affected customers next?

That’s your very experienced in-house PR crisis team giving your “people” grade A advice.

Where’s the apology though? All I see is an attempt to wash your hands clean before the 20th anniversary event’s arrival. Your management got to talk about the (then) new PTR without this overshadowing it after they “resolved” the issue and had you underlings lock up all the loose threads on the public forums.

To recap: A major data loss event occurred. Possibly the worst in 20 years. You allege the bug was detected and halted within days. Customers however were left to twist in the wind for over 5 weeks while your bosses went into hiding to decide how they could spin this. They dispatched you—a low-ranking underling—with the bad news on a Friday afternoon. Crisis management 101 when you want to bury something. Over 5 months have now elapsed and nobody above your pay grade has said a peep about this in public.

The lack of forthrightness leads me to believe much pertinent information is still being withheld. My assumption is embarassing incompetence behind the scenes.

We know you are lying. We’re just not exactly sure what those lies are yet.

A statement concerning a screwup of this magnitude shouldn’t be unattributed let alone be coming from a $10/hour employee. It should be coming from someone salaried and higher up in the food chain like a director, VP, or some of the others who have no trouble opening their yaps on the media circuit when they want to do their promos.

It’s amazing what happened when some people said Dragonflight was “decent” and you regained access to the Chinese market. You quickly regained old form and decided you don’t need to listen or be responsive anymore. The good old hubris that got all those people fired never left eh?

SoD P4 and Cataclysm Classic launch were half-baked bug-ridden car wrecks. Some very delusional people downplayed the sad state of those launches because those games are being maintained by a part-time skeletal developer crew of milkmen and plumbers.

Retail was the crown jewel they said. It would be backed by the full might of Activision, Microsoft, and all of their development resources they said. Some how TWW ended up topping both of them.

Lest anyone foolishly think the guild bank data loss is an isolated issue. The following problems were present in the August 2024 update and some of these bugs are still here 5 months later.

  • Guild banks got wiped

  • Warband banks got wiped

  • Gold disappeared from banks

  • Currencies disappeared during transfers

  • Items disappeared from the AH

  • Mail disappeared

  • Character faction reputations reset

  • Character guild reputations reset

  • Achievements reset

  • Honor levels reset

  • Action bars, keybinds, macros not saving or getting reset (Just had this happen about 3 days ago!)

  • Character undelete feature stopped working

At a fundamental level the game is nothing but reading and writing a database.

Looking at that long list of problems however makes it look like the team is made up of hacks hired from Fiverr or fresh out of the University of Phoenix. The database team’s only job is to keep the data safe and it’s the one thing they can’t seem to do. At any reputable software house this wouldn’t even be alpha quality but at Irvine they call it production.

Will you cowards actually take some damned ownership over your screwups instead of hiding under a rock? In an honest operation, taking ownership and fixing your self-crapped bed is just the cost of doing business. How you get there is not the customer’s problem nor should you try to make it theirs.

Last year when Google Cloud wiped out a customer’s $130 billion database, the CEO brought his yacht back to land to issue a statement. He admitted to the failure, apologized for the downtime, explained the issue, what was being done in the recovery effort, and assured people it wouldn’t happen again.

It was followed up with an internal review and a public explanation of what processes triggered the problem, what was done to remedy it, and how they would prevent it in the future. They did everything in their power to give customers confidence and ensure they could still trust the platform.

That’s what competent and trustworthy operations do. They don’t keep people in the dark and then shuffle on like nothing happened.

I’m just glad the Magic Rooster Egg I had was actually stored in the personal bank of one of my toons unlike other folks who had theirs sent to the Shadow Realm but I know that isn’t safe and foolproof now that your Einstein programming Dream Team has turned their eye towards tinkering with character banks. How can we trust they won’t make the same mistake twice, or in this case, make the same mistake a 13th time?

Good luck with Nadella’s stretch goal of 100 million Game Pass subs. I won’t shed any tears as Microsoft and Xbox continue to slide backwards into gaming irrelevance and they have to pick the next of their pandemic-fueled acquisitions to lean up and sell off. While hoping for the next Arkane or Tango is too wildly optimistic, there are a lot of deserving cuts around here.

(Why is the middle finger emoji selectable from the forum drop-down if it’s blocked for use?)


Give that a read “customer suppor”… your games falling apart


Genuinely insane that it’s several months later without so much as a peep from anyone. How hard is it to say “yes we’re done/no we’re still trying to fix it”? Admittedly at this point I don’t think they’ll do anything — not unless something drastic happens like subs tanking hard, then they’ll “miraculously” find all the “lost” items to lure people back, the way they did with wow classic after saying they were never gonna do it. Otherwise I think we’re all SOL.

If you can’t protect player data and progress in a PAID game, then you won’t have players.

Not to get all tin-foil hat, but oh no, all those rare items and crafting mats you were saving up? You pay for your game time with gold? Oh no, all those items are gone, now you have no gold, guess you gotta buy more tokens. How truly unfortunate. Let’s not forget tokens cost more than a sub.

Play something else.


I’m not getting the TW quest item on this character, it’s been like this since before BC Timewalking when they implemented the changes. So every week I post a thread, send a bug report, file a ticket. Every ticket, I mention the guild banks. Every week, they ignore it.

Don’t worry, I also do mention it in my bug reports and ticket surveys. Feels like it’s the only weapon I’ve got at this point, even if I’m only shooting peas.


As long as the shareholders are assured that it was only “some” and that “some” guilds would get “partial restoration,” plus, most of those shareholders know NOTHING about the game - they don’t care. The only thing that would make a large company act like they are sorry is really bad PR that gets out to the shareholders. It’s a sorry state of things. Customers and workers are the nuisance people that they will deal with only when they have to, in order to keep the shareholders happy (and in the dark).

I think several of us were asking for this - NOT leave this to one of the lower-rung (and to the company, highly-expendible) employees, but to someone in a much higher position, or several. Someone in charge of the database, and someone in charge of Blizzard. A real apology, a good explanation not only of HOW and WHY this happened but ASSURANCES (not just the "oh well, we’ll TRY not to let them happen again) that such data loss - whether in guild vault, personal bank, achievements, gear, mogs, mounts, rep., etc. will NEVER happen and how they intend to make this happen.

We are mourning the loss of our stuff- and the time it took to get them. for some, they are mourning the loss of special and irreplaceable items (letters, for example). But THAT, above, is what we are truly ANGRY about, and will continue to be, whether we have quit a few days after Linxy’s post went up or are still here. The disrespect and the lack of care for customers, hiding the truth behind implications that they were doing more (probably for the benefit for those who would report this issue on places like WoWHead and whatnot, not for the players who in total lost MILLIONS of items) while offering us extremely little to nothing.

EVERY BUG we face will now be noticed with this in our minds - the huge bug that may not have affected MANY, but those that were affected were devastated. Not big enough (so it wouldn’t get TOO raucous outside of these forums) and yet too big (if they had the data, which many of us suspect, there were too many for them to think it was worth their time and money to fix) for them to do anything about. But that shouldn’t matter. We are paying customers and a HUGE BUG that affected us in a major way LOST OUR STUFF. I don’t give a damn about their publicity or time or money. They SAVED a crap-ton by letting go of essential people, I gather - testers, customer care, etc. They can take that money and put it into RESOURCES to fix the issue MOST LIKELY CAUSED by cutting corners. Whatever the dumb execs who just want to make themselves more money and throw them at the ONLY GROUP OF PEOPLE THEY CARE ABOUT (shareholders) think - testers ARE essential. Customer service reps ARE essential in an ongoing game that people pay for.

As Blizzard gets eaten and merged with bigger companies, the worse it gets. And I imagine it’s similar (though the issues might be different) in many large-and-growing-larger companies out there. All the stuff they cared about is gone, replaced with metrics, graphs, schedules and whatever else looks good on the quarterly report.