Guild Bank Missing Items Bug -- Aug/Sept 2024

Winter Veil arrived and I went to look for my gifts to wrap… or no wait, the pillows are gone, the pets from previous years are gone, not even the fireworks, nothing, nothing, nothing was left and nothing was ever sent to me . Not even a glass of cold milk and a gingerbread cookie.

“Stolen present”.


As someone who’s lost 20 years of history, literally an entire 7/7 of FULL guild tabs that I had nuked that was actually full of priceless stuff (as in: letters from people no longer with us, items that doesn’t even exist in-game anymore, literally priceless stuff) I feel you sm…

It was heartbreaking, they even tried to sweep it under the rug
(see the other thread they chose NOT to pin for evidence of their deleted support pages on it & the fact this has been going on longer than OP admitted)

100% agree with others within this thread though - why bother investing time into a game when they delete 20 years of your stuff without warning, explanation, nor even attempting chances of recovery (the above was just PR spin, nothing has been resorted)

This was BAD - game breaking bad levels of bad :broken_heart:
And they just keep ignoring it & so many others are letting them, for like 6+ months.

I’m so glad I canceled my annual subscription over it, 20 years & literally countless thousands of dollars, and I’ve had to wave goodbye because of what they did

At this point, walking away is the only thing anyone can do (for others that do also: please make sure to site this incident as the reason for the cancellation, in an attempt to make them stop ignoring it)


How were you lied to? The post was pretty clear.

For me this was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Your situation sounds deeply worse than mine (I only lost a few guilds worth of crafting mats). Add on the fact that their GMs have been reduced to little better than AI support, they have annoying bugs that have remained in place for years now, keep making really stupid decisions about the gameplay… it all adds up. I keep checking back on this thread hoping that Blizzard would wise up and provide a proper resolution but sadly I suspect it’s just not in their financial interest. Those of us impacted are just a drop in the bucket.


Its a damn shame to see this happen to folks that played for over 20 yrs fatefully…to lose treasures in one swoop of Blizzard lack of QA in testing stuff before its launched is just bad bad bad…sorry to see those folks that said the heck with it and just leave is very sad…its a damn shame too…


It is sad, but what’s the point of playing (especially for a sub fee) when all your stuff/rep/achievements can just disappear (and browsing the bug report forums, this is happening ALL THE TIME).

Stealing time is stealing money, friends.


This sums it up for me. The lack of something as basic as data integrity means nothing will ever be safe. And the fact that they haven’t responded to us in three months means that they don’t care. 1 bad event + 1 bad response = countless players who will unsub or, at the very least, spend much less than they would have ordinarily.

1 bad event + a good response (that’s to say, responding to us here, providing restorations and/or compensation of a sort, whatever someone wanted within reason) would have kept a lot more people. Including me.


Everyone go to work on Monday and ask your co-worker/boss/board what would happen if your company lost customer data.

Compare their response to how Blizzard handled it.


Same here more or less. More upset at how we’ve been mistreated than I am the actual items being lost.

Anyone else wonder why this thread is even still here? I expected it to be locked weeks ago. No need for anyone just realizing they’ve been cleaned out to post, it won’t do them any good, and between that lackluster rhetoric Linxy was forced to post, and the various comments and anecdotes from the rest of us, pretty much paints a perfect picture of what went down. :dracthyr_shrug:


Blizzard Brand.

I LOVED the “Blizzard Brand” for decades and now, because of the way they treated us, it’s all evaporated and I really dislike them.

It might not matter to them, but they lost A LOT of reputation with me.

All they needed to do was get the database team to write some EASY cross references, and restore our items. Blizzard being the giant they are, should have competent database programmers.


Is Blizzard really going to keep quiet other than the September 20, 2024 blue post?

What a shame.


Linxy, is there any new information you can provide to the players, as a Community Manager?

A reminder:
A Blizzard community manager is an employee at Blizzard Entertainment who is responsible for maintaining communication and engagement with the player community surrounding their games, acting as a bridge between players and developers by monitoring forums, responding to feedback, and providing updates on game developments, often identified by the color blue in their forum posts.


Incomplete meaning nothing. Almost all the items in the 7 tabs I lost (Velcroe Alliance Saurfang) were still in game. Stuff like mats across expansions. Very rarely anything that was no longer in game. My GM (Velcroe) got ZERO items back. Not even the easy stuff like cooking, mining and gems. All still in game. Done with the incompetence and complete indifference to the player base that lost so much.


The ones who bought year subs and TRB more than offset the loss of subs from this event…


Adding to the Displesure…

I joined my Guild in 2007 around TBC launch and I am the last remining regular player. Literally there was 20 years of items in the GB. Crafting mats from every expansion, collectibles, caged pets and even a few pieces of rare gear. The results of 100s of hours of game time.

All gone,

However, my real complaint is in the responses of Blizzard support. I submitted a ticket when the items vanished. I got a reply to “be patient” and so I was.

After a month, another ticket and what seemed to be a cookie cutter “check the Forums” reply. I saw a post by Linxy that basically stated if your stuff has not been retstored you are out of luck. I re-opened my ticket the get conformation and it took me several reopenings to get that confirmation.

I feel that those of us who experienced this issue and Blizzard’s inability to correct the problem deserve compensation of some sort beyond the “sorry you are SOL”


I feel your pain. My guild, which is just myself and my daughter, lost absolutely EVERYTHING from all 7 tabs in our guild bank. All we have received is the message that it is an incomplete restoration and that anything that has not been returned will NOT be returned. Of course, we received NOTHING, so I guess that means my guild bank was a complete wipe. I find that to be completely unacceptable, but would at least feel that if they provided us each with all of the warband bank tabs, that would show some kind of compassion, and attempt to compensate for what they did. Instead, I have to pay millions of gold to buy tabs on each account, and without being able to use the items from our guild bank to help with the acquisition of this extremely large some of gold.


I checked my guild bank (the active guild) and NOT ONLY has the log issue NOT been fixed, but now people’s NAMES (probably mine) from 10 months ago are disappearing and is shown as “UNKNOWN.” The log issue (that items taken are not being logged or being logged but that log disappears within a day or so) is something we reported, yes, probably TEN MONTHS AGO or earlier and not only has it NOT been fixed but maybe because it’s been so long, the names are disappearing.

FFS, Blizzard, FIX THE DAMN PROBLEM. This might not be a big deal in personal gbanks (whereas the MISSING ITEMS is a HUGE DEAL in personal gbanks) but is really important information for active guilds.

Don’t believe all of the players saying “guilds are irrelevant.” Even if people CAN pug everything, doesn’t mean everyone LIKES to and some people simply LIKE being in a guild. But not since Cata has Blizzard really shown any concern for guilds (outside of allowing various people - faction, server - to join one). I feel like they’ve completely abandoned ANYTHING having to do with guilds, including some major bugs.


I think because there are still people only just logging in to WoW (I’ve seen a few recently who started playing WoW again after a break, for the Anniversary stuff) and discovering their guild vaults emptied. They’re then opening tickets and the tickets are getting a response that basically directs them to this thread.


I’m so glad this thread is still going strong. I think the missing items issue is not fixed. Yesterday, I logged on all my toons to refresh their active status and the one guild bank that got hit the hardest seemed to be missing more items. Going to try to get screen shots of it today. Wish I had taken screen shots of it months ago, but I only did my main guild bank.

Give us our stuff back Blizzard!!


Sadly I just discovered that one of my alts’ guild bank has suffered from this issue too. Of the five tabs that had tons of items from over the years, only two items (!) remain. Unbelievable.

I submitted a ticket and was directed to report the issue in this thread, so here I am.

What I’m baffled by is how Blizzard doesn’t have some database backup that they could restore to determine which items were in these banks before whatever patch broke this. Or perhaps they do, but it would take too much time/effort for them to justify the undertaking. Either way, extremely disappointing.