Guild Bank Missing Items Bug -- Aug/Sept 2024

Im trying to craft glyphs. TSM says i have 22k roseate pigments in the warband… Checked. Nothing in the warband. That issue is now mucking with my ability to make stuff

Edit: i Went to another toon in the warband and checked and it was there. So there is still bugs with this system


How about guild banks? Got any of those that got cleaned out?

Warband banks are a whole other dumpster fire of their own lol.


I haven’t been able to upgrade my Garrison in maybe a year or maybe since DF. It’s been a really long time now and I’ve kinda lost track. The Garrison building table says I need a Level 2 blueprint to upgrade a building. The vendor says I already know it. I buy it anyway and try to learn it - but it gives me an error saying I already know it. But I can’t upgrade my Garrison building because it says I need to learn the blueprint. Really? I know I’ve put in a few bug reports about it. Still not working. Doesn’t say it’s quest locked.

Yah this has got be very concerned. I’m worried about losing the stuff that I truly love in the game. My favorite little spots that I worked on and developed because it was fun. One is very sentimental! I can’t bear to think what would happen if the other stuff got deleted, too. Especially if they don’t care about these kinds of things, anymore. – Housing sounds cool, but if they’re able to just lose it and not care - I don’t want to put money into it. Other game companies would be happy to have a good customer and dedicated player, I’m sure. I hope.

I can’t understand why in the heck Bliz would help folks in Cata Classic and Rumble - but not us. This makes no sense. They just don’t care about retail? Maybe wow really is dying out and they’re just rolling with it?? I have no idea what is going on in their minds on this. Neglecting retail. S’weird.


I had no idea that ‘the war within’ was going to be a literal, real-life experience from Bliz.

I wish I had waited and not bought the expansion. Truly do.


Yeh ive been on here early on saying i had my gbank cleared. Full bank tab of sallow pigment which is worth a F load now, full tab of roseate pigments and another tab of mixed inks


I waited to buy DF after everything that happened with Shadowlands, but it seemed promising. They seemed to realise listening to the people who play the game might be a good idea sometimes. So I bought DF, it was an improvement (admittedly the bar was very low) and I trusted that TWW would at least be the same, if not better. Felt like things were getting better.

If I was debating whether or not to buy TWW, and I saw the guild bank deletion, there’s no way in hell I would’ve bought it. Ignoring such a serious issue to focus on the launch, and then not even resolving it months later? Wish I could’ve spent that $120aud on something else. So many discounted games on steam, so little time.


I just discovered another guild bank of mine is wiped. It was one where items were present when this all started. Watch out still broken.


I wonder how prevalent this is. I think I read a little while ago (here) about this happening. If that’s the case, not only are they NOT doing anything about our lost items but they haven’t actually fixed it?


This happened to me also, but about a month ago. Logged onto one of my stash banks that had been hit previously, but still had some items left on each tab. Logged into again and there was a whole page of stuff gone with more items on other pages gone too. I thought maybe it was just me not remembering correctly the first time around. But now I think this is still an ongoing issue.

I have items in my personal bank that are going poof too. It is full, full, full, so when there is an empty slot, I know something is up, and Blizz, for whatever reason, deleted that item.

Give us our stuff back Bliz!

I don’t have time, with the holidays, to come comment every day. However, rest assured this has NOT been forgotten or forgiven!


I did see some scattered reports about this, enough to double-check my two other guild banks that had not been affected. (Or, at least, not affected to my knowledge.)

Since they did say they fixed it, then (if we trust them :joy: ) this may be an edge-case scenario. The original question remains – what is the issue? What is causing items in our banks to disappear?

I would check my banks again, but there’s that pesky little subscription thing that’s required. :joy:

If my Beastmaster outfit and my Rhok’delar are gone from my personal bank, so be it. If loads of transmog stuff from another guild bank is gone, so be it. I do not intend to log back in anytime in the near future and perhaps never again. It hurts slightly less to know that if I’m not going to see X item or B transmog, etc, again, it’s my choice.


Look at the slew of bugs in this xpac – some have been going on for months (or more if you count DF). I don’t believe for one minute they fixed anything in two weeks after it was reported while they can’t seem to fix other bugs/issues?

What are the chances they were able to pinpoint this GB issue with such precision and swiftness while tons of other bugs linger on? I’d guess less than 1% chance or really 0% chance.

Smoke and Mirrors.


Unfortunately, that’s not typically how things get worked on in most companies.

In general, you have a product manager who makes decisions about the specific portion of the product. Since WoW is such a big game, it’s possible you have someone who is in charge of guilds – including guild banks. It’s also possible you have someone else in charge of weekly quests. Then it’s also possible you have someone in charge of warlocks.

Then, you typically have a work “sprint”, which usually lasts anywhere between 1-4 weeks (though 1-2 is more standard from what I’ve seen). The product manager determines what work needs to be done within that sprint.

Of course, the product manager can be overridden by their boss if need be.

Let’s look at weekly quests not resetting.

  • Product manager adds this to the list, but since it only affects X percent of people (and it’s a small number), this gets the lowest priority.
  • This gets bumped, over and over again, because more “important” (in the eyes of the product manager) things need to be done and perhaps because the devs need time to dig into it. In short, it’s a lot of time and effort for a small result.

Let’s look at how warlock healthstones were busted in the pre-patch: they didn’t come off cooldown when you exited combat.

  • Product manager looks at the situation and sees there’s a workaround – relog.
  • This doesn’t prevent you from using a healthstone in combat (once). You just need to relog before attempting another use.
  • This also gets added to the bottom of the list of things to fix because a) you can still use a healthstone and b) there’s a simple workaround that everyone can do.
  • This is also likely a simple fix where they just need to restore a flag that says means something like “healthstone off cooldown”.
  • As such, this can be done at any time and there’s no urgency to it.

So, let’s look at the guild bank thing. My guess as to the likely course of events is as follows:

  • Patch is patched.
  • Reports start coming in over the next few days.
  • Product manager gets alerted. Possibly also their manager.
  • Potentially, their manager starts to lean on the product manager to figure it out.
  • Product manager starts to sweat and reviews the code that was pushed that has to do with guild banks and cross-realm stuff, possibly with the team/person who wrote the code.
  • Product manager/dev(s) find the issue and fix it.
  • Product manager informs their manager that they fixed this bug and what should they do about the missing items?
  • This goes up the chain to a decision-maker who does a cost/benefit analysis and decides that since only X number of guilds were affected, they’re fine with things getting eaten by the nether.

The product my company produces has had some massive bugs open for years, but because they’re edge-cases and only affect a very few number of customers, they are on the bottom of the priority list. There are always about 100 things ahead of those, at the very least. I can’t imagine Blizz is all that different when it comes to identifying bugs and repairing them.


This sounds all nice but serveal things to keep in mind:

  1. They really didn’t give an apology for this.
  2. They’ve buried this in the forums and the wild (including deletion of posts).
  3. It appears to still be continuing
  4. Other issues of the same type of “disappearing act” are still going on
  5. They were vague in what happened and when/if restores are done

All and all - yea I tend to believe this is still smoke and mirrors. This is what happens when you lose trust between a company and its customers.


I suspect they have created a bug that still exists, they have slowed it down but it keeps reappearing, it will eventually destroy WoW, they want it quite so they can rake in as much as possible before shutdown and all players go back to classic which they seem to be putting a lot of effort into.


Oh, I am absolutely not forgetting how they’ve treated us! :joy: I just think that the communication is separate from the development, and development is separate from the people who do the cost/benefit analyses to determine whether or not something should have time spent on it to be fixed. So points 1, 2 and 5 are communication (corporate comms), while 3 is probably an edge case that, if confirmed, is going to be a pain to replicate to address (meaning $$$) and 4 is probably someone else’s job in an another department.

I am absolutely not defending Blizzard/Microsoft. :slight_smile: I’m just saying that no matter how urgent a bug seems to a customer, someone at the company is making those decisions to either bump up or bump down the priority based on the company’s best interests.

It’s absolutely clear that happy customers are not in Blizzard’s best interests.

I think they think they fixed it and now it’s reliant on the product manager in charge to assign people to work on it. However, since the original bug was limited (in their view) and since its reappearance seems similarly limited, I don’t think they’re going to fix it anytime soon.

Having said that, I also don’t think it’s a game-breaking, WoW-destroying bug. They have grand plans for the next 2 expansions, if not 3-4-5 expansions, so it’s at least another 4ish years if not 7-8 more years. Read Play Nice by Jason Schrier and you’ll see why Classic isn’t (and will never be) their priority. Classic is just an attempt by them to not leave money on the table with people who enjoyed the game as it used to be. Just another bunch of subscription money.

My two cents! :slight_smile:


Triage is a necessity, and it’s why I really wish Blizzard would “slow down” (to borrow from a pandaren click-reaction) so that non-game-breaking bugs could receive more attention.  I’m so tired of auto-looting only working half the time, items that have had broken use effects for multiple expansions, things supposed to be added to one’s collections but aren’t… on and on it goes, and only Microsoft will know where the train stops since they bought the conductor’s position for almost $70 billion USD (and that’s not counting the cost of regulatory hurdles).

As the old saying goes: Penny-wise, pound foolish.


I’m not going to bother submitting a bug report. What’s the point??!? Wow, Blizzard, you’ve reached a new low. I never thought I would see this day. I don’t have anything new to add. I am lost for words. Just stay away from guild banks because they are still bugged out.


I am sorry to all the Blizzard players whose Guild Banks were wiped out.

We don’t know how many players, or how many guild banks. Blizzard can’t reveal this data because it would damage their reputation and cause mass cancellations.

Yes there is no point posting here; they will never restore our millions of wiped out items. But I understand the pain and frustration, that’s why I still post here.

I’m sorry a company you loved and supported betrayed you, and worse, doesn’t even care about you or that betrayal.

Most of us don’t believe they can’t restore our items, we believe they don’t care to pay a dev to restore the items.


From the amount of attention and bug fixes dealt with in respect of guilds over the last few years, I highly doubt they have anyone responsible for guilds. Either that or they’ve been on very long-term sick.

Judging by the quality of any changes to how guilds work (like cross realm/cross faction), they have some who can tinker a bit with them, but really don’t know what they’re doing and just do a botch job and hope it holds. Every aspect of guilds “kinda works” but isn’t fully functional.

They’re just relying on the fact that there is only a small proportion of the playerbase who run/own guilds, and an even smaller proportion who run larger guilds (where problems are more obvious), and an even smaller proportion of those who don’t just run them minimally (by which I mean there are larger guilds out there where no-one really uses the guild vault, they don’t have a promotion procedure in place, they don’t use the in-game calendar, etc).

Blizzard don’t seem to take into account that a lot of guilds are the ONLY reason some players are still playing, so as far as they’re concerned, the very small proportion of those of us affected by any guild issues aren’t worth considering.


My two cents – though I know you what you are saying, this is no normal company as they’ve shown us they don’t care nor are they capable of putting out a quality product… so smoke and mirrors on the part of MicroBlizz.

Don’t break the trust of your customers and things will go better.