Virtual worlds exist within consensus reality, so the evils of RL have no difficulty following them.
The virtual world’s execution is subject to the greed and apathy of the ones running it, especially if the love of money crushes the love of creating good virtual worlds.
For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.
I find it totally ironic that Blizzard has logs on people who “intentionally leave” M+ but none on our GB items? Pla-leeze – not sure anyone w/common sense would buy that nonsense.
Just gonna say it (again), of course they logs on our GB items, but they are intentionally refusing to restore our GB items.
I could even see a clear (hypothetical) technical reason.
Warbands changed a lot of stuff. I wouldn’t be surprised if something changed the underlying storage schema of banks (including GBs) so that the old backups (which could hypothetically exist) can’t be restored without rolling back all the warband changes, which they absolutely never will do, or some non-trivial amount of development effort to translate backed up data records to the new post-warband structure. And that won’t happen either, because it’s an unanticipated cost on top of everything they spent to bring 11.0.5 online, and no one is going to spend money if not obligated by contract.
That means they would have to load up a backup on a private dragonflight PTR server to verify data and restore guilds manually. Which would be alot to do but honestly if they dedicated just a minor team to it we would have all been mostly restored by now. Unless there’s also a problem in detection of who had items wiped since they were corrupted. At which point it would also require guild masters making a direct request to GMs to rollback their guild bank.
The whole thing would be messy, imperfect, cost time/resources, and require a pipeline of communication that doesn’t seem to exist anymore. On the other hand giving up and ignoring the issue takes no effort and costs nothing.
Can’t say I disagree most of this – which means they are intentionally refusing to restore our GB items and they don’t have to roll back current xpac to do it. I won’t get into the technical steps but it can be done. Just takes time, resources and skills.
Totally agreed, Azulescarcha. As I write this, I’m spinning up a test environment of the software platform the company I work at produces. Any dev should be able to do that easily with just about any version of their software. They should be able to then export the database to take a look at how it’s changed in terms of schema (layout) and then write scripts to “massage” the export into the new format if needed.
Using pseudocode here, of course, but say a table changed names from guild-bank-tab-1 to guild-bank-tab-1-(realm-name), you could write a script to do:
if table_name = 'guild-bank-tab-1' {
RENAME TABLE 'guild-bank-tab-1' TO 'guild-bank-tab-1-(realm-name)';
Or what-have you. Once you have the script to massage the data, it’s a matter of looking at what currently exists in the guild bank tabs. Then you basically match Old Data to New Data and merge them, bearing in mind quantities (and qualities) of items.
Is that a pain in the ? Absolutely. Should they be doing it? Absolutely. And it should be more of an outcry that they aren’t. We’re not worth writing a few scripts and running a few tests for.
Yeah. One of the things I used to love about WoW was that while real money DID have some impact on how people played (for example, the kind of hardware they could afford, if they could afford subs at all, the amount of time they had to play, etc.) within the game, how much you had outside didn’t really matter. Sure, you could have ALWAYS paid people to play for you, but that wasn’t sanctioned by Blizzard.
Now, the amount of money you can (and are willing to) spend on the game makes a big difference. Want to get your professions skilled/knowledged/equipped at a high level early? Spend money to buy gold to buy recipes, mats, etc. Want to not spend time to gear up? Spend money to buy gold to use one of those “services” to get high M+ keys or raids. And now, very expensive, useful mount - those that, in the past, may have taken some long achievement to get.
And that’s just one factor.
The company’s goal I guess, is to make a good enough game to garner decent good word-of-mouth and LOOK impressive. But it’s broken in so many little ways. OUR issue isn’t little - in fact, the implications of it is huge and discouraging (they will allow data loss to happen with no repercussions to themselves) but affects a small enough group that it won’t affect them, and they are trying hard to keep the message contained. But SO MUCH of the game is just . . . broken.
(I actually had to download an ADDON to be able to LINK MY MOUNTS to people. Guildie was asking about a particular mount and when I went to link it, it gave me a long line of gibberish. Someone actually wrote an addon to FIX the mess that Blizzard made).
It’s a strange choice for companies to settle for making a barely-functional game that just exists to make money, and not encouraging passionate staff to create something better. People are more likely to remember the negative than the positive, and if you say to someone “wow is really fun but also sometimes your entire guild bank can just get deleted, or your mounts disappear, or content doesn’t work, or this is broken” it’s not gonna make them want to play. But if you say “this game had issues and the CS were super helpful and went above and beyond to make things work” that’s gonna win them a ton of brownie points.
Look at BG3, Helldivers 2, the new God of War games, or even on a smaller scale, indie games like Stardew Valley. They’re not bug-free, but they’re made by people who clearly like making games, who want to create something good. And they make money doing so! People are STILL raving about BG3. No Man’s Sky and Cyberpunk 2077 had a garbage launch but they worked to fix their games and provide a really solid, fun experience. Good games make money, we’ve seen it work. I had a bug with CP2077 and I submitted a bug report, and they actually contacted me to help figure out what was causing it.
It’s like every big company these days is ignoring that bad games suck and poor CS sucks, and going “it hasn’t worked before, but we’ll be the ones to succeed this time!!!” and then they’re all shocked when player numbers start dropping. I’ll play a buggy game if I know the devs will fix it. Why would I play wow — AND PAY FOR IT — when I could lose years of progress with nothing but a corpo-speak “whoopsie sorry lol” in return? If it was a simple bug, like a visual issue or something, that wouldn’t be a problem, but losing years of progress and being exiled to the forums to yell into the void about how unfair it is??? hello???
I’m doing the same. Also, as and when I can, converting the gold into Blizzard Balance (on the grounds that there are, at least, laws about RL money going missing).
I agree that the shine has gone too. I find myself increasingly doing other things (even if logged in).
Remove all gold from my GB and keeping it directly on the character.
Removed everything from the GB and keeping it on the character(s).
Creating multiple GB characters with personal bags so I can keep things I want.
Using WB only very very sparingly for very quick transfers otherwise email is used.
All mats are AH’d asap.
I never will trust my GB, bank, warbank or anything else in WoW again. I will always consider it up for disappearing so don’t put too much time or money into anything.
Everything is at the whim of Microblizz and they won’t have the skills or the inclination to fix the issue.
I am basically the only member of my guild, I’ve let in a few friends I trust. I lost over 18 years of mats (thousands) and hundreds original gear that is no longer in the game, including impossible to find weapons, purple gear and complete sets of cloth, leather, mail and plate armor from before Burning Crusade. Total price if I had ever sold it would be hundreds of thousands of gold if not into the millions if sold to the right buyers. And now its all lost.
Fiz todos os procedimentos acima e não resolveu.
A falta de nossos ítens, são duas contas que estão a jogar, cria problemas pois sumiram ítens dos bancos das 3 Guildas que eu e meu filho utilizamos. Cada conta eu pago em separado, em e-mails / USERS diversos.
Já tinha aberto um ticket anterior:
Edumar Antonio
3 semanas atrás
Desde o início da nova expansão sumiram todos os itens dos bancos das guildas do Reino Galliwyz:
Skull and Bones - Líder Zumbóliver
The Big Bang Theory - Líder Barmerindus
Dark Lords of the Sith - Líder Charutinho (atualmente, antes era a Antonina, char da conta 2, decidi mudar o líder pra resolver mais fácil tudo)
Estou precisando de todos os ítens que estavam nesses três bancos de guilda. Nesse evento de 20 anos eu tinha tudo lá guardado, como por exemplo: Bolsa de Chamas, peixes, uva de bruxa, plantas, etc.
Avalio que em itens/materiais/etc, eu tinha nesses três bancos da guilda mais de 5 milhões de gold. Todos os espaços estavam cheios, inclusive com ítens de muito valor agregado, pois necessários pra quests, etc.
Eu quero restauração de todos os itens ou uma compensação digna pela falha de vocês.
Como isso pode ocorrer? Não acho justo eu agora ter que farmar muita coisa que eu já tinha disponível.
Obrigado e aguardo resolução.
Edumar Antonio
3 semanas atrás
O valor de 5 milhões de gold diz respeito aos valores estimados dos ítens. O gold que efetivamente estava depositado não sumiu creio eu. Me referi exclusivamente ao valor do prejuízo de 5M pelos ítens sumidos.
They could have made even more money. I was going to get the mount until this happened to my Gbank. Now I’m not getting the mount and I canceled my sub permanently. They can slowly drain whatever gold I have left to buy tokens if they want, but once that’s gone, I’m out and I’m never buying a Blizzard game again. Just like Bungie.
Copy/pasting rough translation of the above, just using Google Translate, so its accuracy is somewhat questionable, but I thought they should be heard as much as the rest of us. Well, from the other residents of The Maw. Let’s not kid ourselves. No one else is reading this except maybe out of morbid curiosity.
"I did all the procedures above and it didn’t work.
The lack of our items, there are two accounts that are playing, creates problems because items disappeared from the banks of the 3 Guilds that my son and I use. I pay for each account separately, in different emails / USERS.
I had already opened a previous ticket:
Edumar Antonio
3 weeks ago
Since the beginning of the new expansion, all the items have disappeared from the banks of the guilds of the Galliwyz Kingdom:
Skull and Bones - Leader Zumbóliver
The Big Bang Theory - Leader Barmerindus
Dark Lords of the Sith - Leader Charutinho (currently, before it was Antonina, character of account 2, I decided to change the leader to make everything easier)
I need all the items that were in these three banks guild. In this 20th anniversary event I had everything stored there, such as: Flame Bag, fish, witch grape, plants, etc.
I estimate that in items/materials/etc., I had more than 5 million gold in these three guild banks. All the spaces were full, including with items of great added value, as they are necessary for quests, etc.
I want all the items restored or a fair compensation for your failure.
How can this happen? I don’t think it’s fair that I now have to farm a lot of things that I already had available.
Thank you and I await a resolution.
Edumar Antonio
3 weeks ago
The value of 5 million gold refers to the estimated value of the items. I believe the gold that was actually deposited did not disappear. I was referring exclusively to the value of the loss of 5M due to the missing items."
Olá e bem-vindos ao “The Maw”. Lamento muito saber que vocês perderam tanto com seus bancos. É difícil acreditar que tanto pode ser perdido e que a Blizzard fez muito pouco ou nada para remediar isso. Todos nós perdemos muito aqui.
Lamento se esta tradução for terrível, mas estou usando o Google Tranaslate.
Hi and welcome to “The Maw.” I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve lost so much from your banks. It’s hard to believe that so much could be lost and that Blizzard has done very little or nothing to remedy this. We all have lost so much here.