This is the entire issue with our internet society.
So much is stored online, I was watching a tv show some time ago and all of sudden it was removed, but my monthly payment was still taken…
While I know that there are contracts and stuff, as a viewer you are often left in the dark if that happens.
A WOW related example, I was storing currency for DF, to upgrade the gear of my chars, so that in theory, If I move to TWW, they are not undergeared.
A few weeks ago, all my currency was just deleted and the upgrade system disabled. All the collecting, all the participation in the pre event, was for nothing.
Ya, I know I should have upgraded all gear right when I received it, but I had no idea they would remove the upgrade system. It just doesn´t make any sense and they never did that before TWW.
Buying level 70 gear at the AH doesn´t work either, as all I receive is level 80 gear, despite it beeing 70 at the AH. This is just so dumb and another reason for me to not get TWW, as I don´t want to suffer but enjoy the game.
Some other example, before D4 hit, there were a couple of promo events. I did them all and when I bought D4 a few months after release, when Blizz discounted it to 20$, I logged on expecting all my stuff to be there, but nope.
As I was informed I had to log on at release to claim my stuff…
It is so sad, that in theory the internet is so accessible and a GM, Dev or so could just jump into a forum while chilling in the evening watching Netflix and say “hi guys, this and that is the current situation” but nope, they refuse.
When I was working and knew people did rely on me, I always gave them a heads up so they knew where they are standing and I did not have an easy to access social media forum, but email contacts.
Is it just lazyness, no care attitude or has Blizzard ordered a communication stop, I don´t know, but it´s grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.