On every single character? That’s unreasonable.
Not disagreeing with you, but offering a temporary solution.
I would totally show pictures LMAO!! the only one im having no issues is my banker toon which i can see guild details and etc… as a GM over here at elite assassin family i can’t see guild chat, nor can i see the guild/communities interface… it all blank like it all got disappeared… but below my name it shows i am in a guild which im gm too and i can get into the vault but cant deal with the guild interface.
I had same issue here, no guild chat, MOTD, ‘J’ tab not showing guild, etc. Affected every character I had in the guild (10+), and quitting/re-inviting them all wasn’t really an option.
But, after raid tonight I had an officer invite another character on my account that wasn’t in a guild, then logged off and back onto my affected main and it was all working again, all my other characters are working again too.
I can’t say for sure the inviting of the character fixed it, could just have been fixed while in raid and needed a re-log to go through, but worth a try for anyone affected who can get another character invited.
Obviously this won’t help anyone in a dead-guild, bank-alt guild, solo guild, etc.
Thanks for adding this suggestion, I hope it works for other players.
This all happened right after they posted a “hotfix” for the dungeons. Theres been no information from Blizzard. I reported via bug reports. Over 9 hours so far
This started for me yesterday and no change. As this is my own guild and my main is the GM I can’t access the guild manager settings to try inviting a new character. I’ve tried resetting my interface which produces no change.
same issues here and same troubleshooting completed with no success. i have 7 guilds and all are missing from the panel interface
I’d be happy to try that, but I can’t leave the community because I don’t have the interface to leave it. (unless there is a command like /community leave). I’m the community leader, so I can’t kick a toon to test
Guild pane is there, but community is missing.
I tried the usual disabling all add-ons. Deleted WTF folder. Same system doesn’t have the issue when the wife logs in, so seems to be tied to the account and not the install.
** Update ** I had a new toon that I had recently created, but not added to the community. I sent an invite from the wife’s account that worked and was able to join and see the community. But the other characters are still unable to see the community tab.
Still not working wanted to bump
Community is still missing for me.
Did you try the solutions offered? Make a new char and get invited? It fixed it for everyone who reported trying it so far.
I just noticed my private community containing all my characters seems to be gone and came here to find if anyone else was having the same issue. So far I haven’t found any of my characters that still appear to be a part of the community to invite someone else to it.
I had tried that 2 days ago when mentioned and had no change. Last night when I logged off around 10:30 ET, still broke. But when I logged in this morning I see my community panel is back(guild panel was always there). So either delayed or not really the solution
I can see communities but the guild tab doesn’t show at all.
I made no changes and this resolved on its own for me. Clearly Blizzard is screwing something up on the backend. I couldn’t find a straightforward path to ticket submission, so good luck all.
Same probs. I have at least 4 toons that are GMs in guilds. I can access the bank, withdrawl and deposit, yet when I open the actual guild screen it shows that im not in a guild. Does not show the guild name on the left side and I can even search for a new guild. My other toons that arent gm’s are just fine, its only the GM toons. Wish we could get a blue post…
However many days later, this is still a problem for me. I can see my private community but the guild tab does not exist. I’ve tried resetting my interface; no change. I can’t invite a new member because the GM can’t see applications to approve them.
I didn’t think it would help based off the info i have gathered but i did a fresh install on another pc same thing.
My guild interface is working again finally. Hopefully it lasts, lol