Guide to Squirt - Regular Up 09-26

10/16/2017 03:27 AMPosted by Ashief
10/16/2017 02:38 AMPosted by Soulprison
Is it a requirement to have a level 3 pet menagerie? Mine is only level 2.

I don't think it's a necessity but I've got a l3 if you need one.

I think this is right. I believe you won't get the quest for it unless it's level 3 but you can still use the post. Verification would be awesome :D
I'm in my garrison right now, lvl 3 menagerie, and its not up. Do we need to wait for dailies to reset or are the dates off?
10/16/2017 04:32 AMPosted by Igyfarmyou
I'm in my garrison right now, lvl 3 menagerie, and its not up. Do we need to wait for dailies to reset or are the dates off?

Pretty certain we have to wait for dailies to reset.
Yes, it works just like other dailies. It wont show up til reset. Adjusted the top post to add that in as it seems to be a point of confusion as well as dropping the lvl 3 pet building to be quest specific rather than Squirt. I'd love confirmation a lvl 1 pet building works fine though.
Def. on reset, but oh man is this great!!
thank you for the reminder, vhale! these days i'm so lazy and level everything up with tokens, but i might do some old fashioned grinding today.
I love the boneshard/broom strap I highly recommend it. So easy and also hilarious spamming bonestorm LOL
Can I add one suggestion to the bonshard/broom strat?

On the turn your boneshard dies instead of passing you can switch back into your broom instead of waiting for it to die, saves you a few seconds :)
10/16/2017 09:22 AMPosted by Igyfarmyou
I love the boneshard/broom strap I highly recommend it. So easy and also hilarious spamming bonestorm LOL

This is what I'm running.. it's fantastic.
80 pets to 25!!
Check LFG if you don't have a garrison high enough leveled for it.

I had a group open for 2.5 hours while I leveled my 7.3 pets.
I didn't get anywhere near what I wanted to get done thanks to work and computer issues. I also need to farm up more pet charms for the food.

Thankfully next time Squirt shows up I'm done at 3pm and we don't do Halloween so I can level up a bunch then.

(We still put a bowl out of candy and just leave it since there are like no kids around anymore and we don't want to keep opening and closing the door with a very adventurous kitten. And no he doesn't like being contained in room. He goes into hurricane mode)
Dedicated most of my available game time yesterday to whittling down the number of my non-maxed pets; went from around 185 to 65. Finally had to stop around 1 AM.

I'll get the rest done up next time Squirt's up, as they're close enough that I don't need the Sign of the Critter to be active.

I just hope they don't decide to implement a new pet level cap. XD
922 pets to 25. (I have 120 duplicates; 815 unique)
/happy dance

Ran out of time on:
1 level 1
2 level 24

10 are non level pets (Argent Squire, Nethaera's Light, etc). get those rare stones to finish making them all blue.......
and to get the last 145 pets.... (which is impossible, because some you just can't get anymore)
Between the Beasts of Burden fight earlier this week, and Squirt yesterday, I finally got all of my remaining pets to 25. 960 pets total, 905 unique.

At this point, I'm back to collecting those last few in drips and drabs, and it'll be simple to level them with stones one at a time. :)

Until the next mass batch come into game of course.
Question of those of you for normal Squirt day.

When is the next one?

How many fights does it take to level a pet to 25??
10/19/2017 12:20 PMPosted by Ashief
Question of those of you for normal Squirt day.

When is the next one?

How many fights does it take to level a pet to 25??

Dates are the first thing in the top post :)

October 31 is the next Regular. I'm not sure how many fights it will take after the pet treat nerf. I did all mine with stacking treats last time. I think it will be somewhere around 6-8 fights.
/kabump for SUPPPEERRRR Squirt!
Did they fix the treats? I know it's tomorrow, just wanted to be prepared.
treats stack again