Guess the next expansion TITLE!

You have a mobile phone lmao

World of WarCraft Classic: The Burning Crusade

Legion 3: We’re out of ideas.

World of Warcraft: Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy


I would ask whoever is pushing it through then, which is going to cost more money then? The release of Age of Darkness and the final dissolution of the playerbase across FFXIV and Classic, or immediately changing the story before Blizzcon?

Because I guarantee if Sylvanas has a thing to do with the next expansion besides us hunting her down, or hear her ramble on about her great plan and how we’re all involved in it; it will make WoD and BFA’s exodus look tame.

But hey, I don’t much mind either way. I found secondary things to do so I’m cool with whichever way Blizzard goes with. It’s their ship and if they want to pilot it into another iceberg for the lols, far be it for me to stand in their way.

But Age of Darkness… If it forcefeeds Sylvanas once again down our throats. It is not going to be well received. I’m calling it now. While it has some promise, I am 99.9% certain that if it goes live in the way that leak said… it’ll be the deathknell.

I mean I really hope not, but I was right about the reception CRZ, WoD and BFA got. So if I trust to my own counsel and gut instincts on this for the time being, I reckon it’ll be another case of Blizzard playing with a grenade that they don’t realize they pulled the pin out of.

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World of Warcraft: Darkness of the Void’s Shadows

I’ll accept my paycheck in Battlenet balance or WoW Tokens, Blizzard.

Bankrupt: Battle for subs.