Guardians of the Nim Loki - Mankrik Server
Guild is live, send pst for invite to Zistar, Rhok, Odysseous
We are a mature, PVE casual guild (though many of us love PVP as well). The core group is age 40-50, but all ages 18+ are welcome. We have players in all time zones. We are very laid back and friendly. No applications needed, this isn’t a job:) Looking for people that want to have a strong social community with no drama.
We will be raiding when we are ready and will likely be looking for partnerships with other guilds to fill larger raids like MC. This has been a key strategy in our current guild of over 1,000 players because most of us have jobs/lives/kids/cute dogs.
So, if you are looking for a group to kick back with, crack a beer and have fun, look no further!
Feel free to respond to this post, message me in game or on discord.
Zistar / Moonzephyr
Real ID: Zistar#1262
Discord: Moonzephyr#0532
I will be on at 8 PM PDT Monday and Tuesday but will be on all day Wednesday.
Count me in. Old time hunter
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Im in. All my toons are there
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Tyk7#1390. I’m sure i meet the age requirements
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Hello Tykis! I accepted your friend request and look forward to meeting you in game:)
Count me in as well plus my hubby. We are in our forties with children, jobs, etc
I sent a friend request on Discord Alergia#6036
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I got the friend request:)
Just an FYI - I will be on at 8 PM PDT Monday and Tuesday but will be on all day Wednesday.
I am interested in joining the guild as well. I will be playing a Dwarf Paladin named Vitals. I am 40 years old as well, married with 3 kids. The guild sounds like it will be a fun place to play with people around my age. I am about to shoot you a real ID request and will see you in game.
I am a returning old school player that played vanilla through to Cataclysm. I then dabbled in Legion for a few months.
I’m a 40s casual/social player and would like to join Guardians of the Nim Loki if you guys are still an ongoing entity.
I’ve created a NE Druid lvl 1 right now named Raiien. I wouldn’t mind a little help with a bag or two if possible.
I’ll try to search for you guys in game and send a msg.