Guardian Mage Tower.. Need advice!

Good stuff, I just want to clarify for others. When they start to “Channel” is when you want to interrupt them. If you interrupt when they are first casting, they will just cast again. Mage Tower makes use of this again with Resto mage tower where you need to interrupt the knife guys on their Channel not on their cast.

Turns out I may not have what it takes. I did about 10 pulls and phase one seems pretty easy but phase two seems pretty rough. We’ll see, but I don’t really feel like stressing out or “earning” anything in my relaxing past time.

Focus on damage. Galactic Guardian is huge
Also try to make sure you kill off the infernals before you phase over.
Try not to use any orbs in phase 1

Make sure you get the nether adds rounded up and incap roar them, and from that point on its just DPS boss Kruul down and using orbs to interrupt/heal yourself :slight_smile:

Can the orbs interrupt Kruul’s annihilate ability?


Well that’s a game changer. I have hope again.

Yeah, between the orbs, roar, and skull bash, its pretty easy to keep it locked down.

Its just that and rotating defensives in phase 2.

I used convoke for MT since it was a short CD and could usually gave me enough IF stacks and ursoc absorb to take the first hit from the boss.

guardian mage tower is so free now. galactic guardian means your moonfires 1 shot the eyes in phase 1. incap roar is up for every 4 add spawn and moonfiring them as they spawn means they die super quick. you have so many defensives for kruul’s ability in phase 2 plus you can full heal from orbs which you shouldnt need in p1 at all. i 3 shot it

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Cool. I haven’t 3 shot it. Thus my posts.

Did it in Legion, not sure if it’s harder these xpacs, but I can tell you it’s all about observing mechanics and performing your DPS rotation efficiently at the same time. You really can’t brute force it. Most importantly, save your wild charge to make sure you don’t get punted off the platform.

Using those golden orbs Velen puts down efficiently is huge, and the last phase is about you not panicking and making a mistake.

By the way, fishing nets from tailors absolutely work and are a godsend for add control. I remember I didn’t have the sacrolash ring on my warlock for the slow, which made kiting the mage tower immensely harder without a snare, but thanks to that fishing net from the tailoring profession you can hold key adds in place to give you a breather.

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do you have the mage tower WA? gives countdowns for when the scary p2 abilities are going to occur

I think so. If not, I’ll get it and use the tips you guys have shared. We’ll see what happens. My main issue is that I don’t find really challenging content fun. I play Warcraft to unwind. If I wanted to be challenged I’d play dark souls or an FPS.

It might be I’ll just have to pass on this form. Not because I couldn’t eventually get it, but because I won’t find the process fun.

Grats to those who got it though.

I’m with you. I’d try it some nights and be like “nope, not tonight”. Both times took less than 40 overall tries. Once I got to Phase 2, it was like 10 times before I got it. I’m not an amazing player. If I didn’t make progress (ie, felt like I was getting it smoother) after 5 attempts, I stopped and did something else. Not worth getting frustrated.

Its mostly rhythm and being calm on your part. There is a bit of luck on spawn locations and stuff that can help.

This is a pretty good way to handle it. Thanks. It resonated with me.

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Just came back to say that after getting some better gear and changing my build a bit, I got the felbear after 5 pulls…it was a nail-biter though.



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Thanks. A took a long break, got a couple of embellishments, and all of a sudden phase one was a cake walk. Took less than 5 pulls to get it, although having

helped a ton.

I got my bear 3 days after hitting 70. Best advice I can give is: It’s not a dps race. It’s about managing mechanics.

I recommend saving CDs for last phase as well as golden orbs if you can. Don’t be afraid to use the orbs in last phase as a free dps window. Although I would save 1 just in case you miss a mechanic. Burn the boss as fast as possible, make sure to kick his cast, and kite to avoid infernals. That’s pretty much it.

The mechanics have a rhythm and once you get into that rhythm it’s not too difficult