Guardian is just... a boring spec

To be honest, I don’t mind that it stayed the same. It’s fine, but I feel that their Mastery got gutted for some dumb reason. Like, Guardian mastery was the best mastery one could see/have, and for some dumb reason it takes so much more rating to get each percentage. They did this in BFA, too, and it makes like no sense. Bears are supposed to be the sponge tank, yet they cannot be because DHs have more HP than bears do seeing as how meta form is up so often.

Sadly, blizzard has no idea what they’re really doing with a few of the specs. They can’t decide on what it is they want from certain specs to keep to the fantasy. Like, a bear should actually enrage if it gets hit. Make it so when you take damage you’re not only getting more rage but also you should be doing more damage. A bear gets ultra aggressive if you hit it, and when it’s enraged, you’re not stopping it if it’s not killed.

I think the Den Mother thing should honestly just be baseline for the spec. Bear utility should just be a perma Rallying Cry for the entire raid, but then again I don’t want more buffs because that just makes things feel mandatory. I want all of these buffs to go away so nothing is absolutely mandatory to bring in.

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bro plz no i just got into this game and the only reason i picked a tank was because i heard guardian was new player friendly. people shouldnt complain about not being able to find tanks in game if you are asking blizzard to make every one of them as complicated as prot warrior. if blizz does this i promise tanks will be instantly harder to find then what they already are.

if you want really fun game designed tanks with lots of options go play prot warrior. not every tank needs to be a copy and paste. Its fine that some classes are easier and more bland, just be prot warrior if you hate guardian design.

you are only making newer players stay away from tank. This is from the perspective of a new player to the game.

And for those saying tough luck just get good, lets see if that gets more tanks into this game, it wont.

Also sorry for grammar issues and miss spellings. I am young and still trying to learn english language as it is not my native tounge.


For whatever it’s worth, I really really enjoy playing a Guardian Druid. Yes, the rotation is simpler than a Prot Warrior but simpler doesn’t have to mean boring.

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Eh, like, it’s mad boring but that’s fine. I don’t need it to be fun and interesting, it’s a tank spec. I need it to be really good at tanking, nothing else.

I just wish they would lower the rating for mastery so we can fully and actually stack mastery to mega high levels and it can be the best stat again instead of versatility.

i would also like to not have dodge tied in to crit, but oh well i dont think they can actually do that.

i do believe bears need something though, something different and unique amongst tanks. it used to be stampeding roar but they put that on all specs now so ehh.

i would say bears uniqueness can be either the pvp talent den mother (+15% max hp to all people within 15 yards), though they can tailor that to be within 40 or 60 yards instead but make it baseline or they can do roar of the protector from the same pvp talents setup.

i also think bears should literally have THE most health in the whole game considering theyre nothing but sponges. like not even DHs in meta form or blood dks with vampiric blood should be even close to it.

Yeah, I also just started learning and getting into tanking, starting with a Guardian Drood. I’m expanding into Veng DH now, and it’s great fun, but I still love my bear boi. I do a little owl-weaving, but I think the next step in learning is to get cat-weaving down. I haven’t tried it yet, but it sounds like a scary way to make guardian a little more thrilling. It probably sees more play in raid, but there are certain M+ dungeon encounters that have non-tankable burn phases, and a good guardian druid would probably want to maximize on those moments and add a chunk of dps to their meter.

Guardian is pretty fun and intense :clown_face:

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