Guardian is just... a boring spec

Because I changed guild when my guild died to a friends guild that already had two tanks…

That was much easier to say than a short story :slight_smile:

Can’t practically do this in high mythic keystones.

Ummm ok? I mean I do that not because it’s fun but just because (If I’m resto affinity) I can. Doesn’t make it fun per-say. I mean it’s part of the reason I was so f’ing annoyed we lost tools like Hibernate and Ursol’s Vortex. I want to feel useful but that doesn’t automatically make it fun.

See above

HAHAHAHAHA Are you serious? “Hey guys, our tanking isn’t boring if you just press the buttons you’re supposed to do do your jobs and mitigate damage!”

Oh neat we get to use two GCD’s for a worse version of what DK’s can do on a single GCD. Oh and we’re going to lose that in the coming expansion anyway so even though it IS somewhat fun if ineffecient we don’t get to keep it.

GG isn’t fun to me. Else i’d be down at the arcade playing the more exciting version of it called Whack-a-mole. And even if it was, we already have that baseline. It’s called Gore.

You’re just posting what we can currently do with what we have atm again. These things aren’t that entertaining. Also you can’t travel form in like 75% or so of the content atm anyway since it’s usually indoors.

Again, just saying “you guys have X spell” Yeah cool I do feel useful for being able to do this but it doesn’t make it fun by default.

The only thing you mentioned that’s fun was the first one, and I, as a bear raiding tank, pretty much always take Resto affinity anyway. What’s fun? Berserk was fun (and it seems we’re getting a decent version of it again at least) Something like Feral’s King of the Jungle is fun, or tranquility especially in an off-tank role getting to save the raid through a big emergency button. THAT’S fun. That kind of made heart of the wild fun to an extent too.

1 Like
  1. can heal even if not resto affinity, regrowths are crazy strong. (Also see TOS)
  2. We didnt lose hibernate? although its kind of annoying that ursol’s and typhoon are now talents that share a row
  3. tanking high enough content was about people saying it was a boring 3 button rotation while not even using their basic active mitigations. But I have seen only a few people that bother to ironfur .5 seconds or less before the next melee swing (Which increases the up-time of ironfurs on melee swings because of the swing timer).
  4. But DK doesn’t get much of the utility bears get.
  5. GG isnt fun for you, fair. this was mostly about you should have more then 3 buttons in your rotation
  6. you can cat form sprint almost all the time, travel form in 7/11 dungeons
  7. again, commenting that people say bear is boring but don’t use stamp roar.
  8. I guess I find being useful and having a large variety of ways to help the group if I play better fun.

But TLDR: Your points are valid. If you don’t find any of that fun then the spec is meh. What do you find fun on the other tanks? I find DH mobility pretty fun, as well as prot pally throwing frisbees.

We did lose Hibernate(From WoD to BFA) so probably referring to that. We also got Soothe at the same time.

Fun I looked up features added in BFA, and this was the main feature for Guardian:

While in Bear form, Druids now generate Rage in the same way as Warriors, with Rage generated from both melee attacks dealt and melee attacks taken.

As I said above in an earlier post, without being able to equip stats that aren’t locked you can’t really heal. Ok, so you get 6 regrowths off, then you’re OOM. At least Resto Aff. gives an aoe heal that is far more mana efficient. And that’s all provided we can even get out of Bear form to use all those spells.

I meant back in Legion. 1 expansion later we get it back. Why the hell did we lose it in the first place then?

No they don’t??? What are you even talking about?? Neither in BFA nor in SL will they ever be sharing the same row.

People being bad doesn’t provide any proof that bears aren’t boring. What kind of apples to oranges nonsense is this?

Are you insane??? They match our b-rez. They get gorefiend’s grip and death grasp. They have far FAR better magic damage mitigation in AMS. Ranged AoE in D&D that can be talented into a HUGE slow. And if they don’t, they still get Heart Strike slow on 5 targets.

No you can’t cause if you’re not tanking you’re wasting time. And even if we were to concede that you can indeed Dash a lot of the time, DK’s get Death’s Advance and can talent for Wraith Walk, DH’s get their leap, Paly’s their horsie, etc. It’s not something other tanks can’t do anyway.

Again, you mentioning “hey we can push X button and I see people that don’t” doesn’t mean that we’re suddenly fun if that button wasn’t all that interesting to begin with. It’s handy and can save your party, sure but it’s not inherently all that fun anymore. Maybe back in BC when we first got it.

That was what I said in an earlier post above.

So yeah I may agree with 8. but we were WAY more interesting before. Now we’re almost a 1 trick pony and Blizzard doesn’t give us anything to either stand out or be entertaining anymore. Save for a FEW things here and there like keeping our Pulverize uptime high (which is sorta not even that fun to me either better than GG at least), or us getting Berserk and HotW back. But those are small compared to Warriors and DH’s bouncing around with their leaps, or DK’s and all the CC they get. I’ve never even played a BM monk but they probably have more fun tools too.

Yes they will be; Balance Affinity in SL will give you Typhoon. Resto Affinity will give you Ursol’s Vortex. You can’t have both options again.

Oh, I thought we were just losing Typhoon altogether and it was going to be baseline for Balance.

One thing I was thinking of, is why Ursol (one of the Guardian totems) provided a Vortex to the healing spec?

Moving on from that, wouldn’t it be more helpful and interesting if the Vortex stayed centered on the bear instead of being a location-only concept? It would definitely help in dragging those mob packs around, I would think.

But one reason I would like to see Affinities provide access to the abilities mentioned while in the Specialization’s form. Dashing while in Cat form is okay, but Dashing while in Bear form so you don’t lose Rage while going from one stack of NPCs to another is a huge advantage. Being able to cast Starfall for a huge area Taunting affect would be very impressive as well. Being able to do Wild Growth while waiting to do another Thrash or Mangle instead of a Swipe could also provide for more interesting interactions.

But that’s just me.

I would love to see this as well but there’s 2 downsides. (Well one but with two parts to it.)

The first would be gameplay balance. If we can be both casters AND bears at the exact same time, that would be a bit overpowered. All that HP while simultaneously being able to cast a lot of our spells would make it a nightmare in pvp. Honestly, Druids are almost always bottom of the barrel in pve content with some decent PVP expansions so I’d love for us to be good again but we all know Blizzard hates druids and rarely allows us to be good for too long.

The second reason is where does the line get drawn for the fantasty/lore. When vanilla dropped druids weren’t really supposed to be magical super bears and cats, they’re spell casters who can use all the benefits of certain animals. It’s the reason we have roars, different clawing attacks (shred, maul, mangle) and biting. Infected wounds fits PERFECTLY with us being animals but not making us overly fantastic. We had lacerate/thrash for bears as our DOTs. Ironfur makes sense, it’s still keeping with an animalistic theme. I find it kind of idiotic for us to be able to cast moonfire in bear form.

Then again, it can’t be overly adherent to RL either. Casting spells in a form began straddling the line with Faerie Fire (Feral), then later Predatory Swiftness and I can concede to casting moonfire in cat and bear form ONLY as a talent (which we have two of that let us do that very thing: Lunar Ins. and GG) but I would still prefer to have things themed to our animal form. Like how we have Berserk. One ability I always thought that would be cool for Bears to have is some kind of “Clamp” ability where you bite and stun the target, apply a bleed, and you can force the target to move wherever you move to for a few seconds but you can’t attack or use any spell while the Clamp is in effect since you’re ragdolling them around.

But being able to cast EVERYTHING in an animal form? Why would a druid ever chose to shapeshift out of being an animal if he can heal himself while also reaping the benefits of the shapeshift form? Remember that the lore says that druids can lose themselves to animal instincts if they stay like that for too long as well.

How? Our castable spells barely do anything.

We can only fire off 6ish Regrowths before going OOM, and those Regrowths barely heal for anything. Even with the 30% boost from Heart of the Wild in Shadowlands, 30% more of almost nothing is still pretty much nothing. (And it’s on a 5 minute cooldown…) You really think people are going to pop a 5 minute cooldown and stop using bear abilities in order to sit there and spam ineffective Regrowths?

Even Wild Growth doesn’t do much. Swiftmend is the only really effective spell we have, but it requires pre-hotting in Shadowlands so it has something to consume.

The big prize of having spells castable in forms is the use of utility spells, things like Cyclone. Which SHOULD be castable in forms since it’s being advertised as a “Druid buff” even though Feral & Guardian can’t make effective use of it.

Moonfire in Guardian form is basic now and has been for a while now.

I wouldn’t be against looking at reducing the number of abilities the Affinity provides (in exchange of the rest being always baseline). One or two would be castable in form. Though, I would change that they are influenced by the Specialization’s power stat as Intellect isn’t currently a strength of Guardian Specialization.

Summary of druid changes i’ve seen that would be fantastic.

-Conduit that increases thrash damage by X and makes it slow by 30% or 50%

  • Change conduit that affects berserk to something more engaging

  • Change conduit that gives ironfur a chance for an extra stack to something that increases a second ironfur’s armor gain by 50%

  • Alternatively add a conduit that make’s ironfur reduce magic damage taken by 10% per stack.

  • Rework Lunar beam

  • Add mangle hitting a second target or rework the mangle talent

  • Allow bear’s to retain armor and health for 10 seconds after swapping form so we can properly utilize affinities while tanking.

I think this covers, having slows, magic damage in-take, and to a small extent being boring with minimal changes.

No, it should be baseline.

Requiring any spec to use up their conduit choices to make the spec functional is not acceptable.


I’m a little nervous about making Thrash automatically Slow. There are times I WANT the mobs moving as quickly as they can, but I still want them to be ticking on Thrash.

People said the same thing pre-Legion.


I said a BIT overpowered. Obviously numbers matter. If our heals are that pathetic they’re not worth casting then they need to be buffed. If they do get buffed (ROFL, I know) and we can cast them in bear form, then yeah in that case it would be. It’s not the current reality, I’m aware of that but you’d have people screaming about how unfair it would be.

No it hasn’t. We got that in legion. There’s been how many expansions? 7? And of those how many did we not have Lacerate in? Just 2 and that includes the one we’re in. So not even 2 full expansions yet.

Moonfire in forms was just a replacement for Faerie Fire. Ability pruning.


We need Faerie Fire back, make it a “puts you at the top of threat level” spell that also silences (or at least interrupts) on a 30 second cooldown. Remove moonfire as a bear form ability UNLESS you take Galactic Guardian to have another procced spell if that’s what you want. Lacerate I do agree is unnecessary now due to Thrash.