Guardian is just... a boring spec

Someone posted a discussion video of a dude that plays just tanks, and he couldnt hold aggro on his bear, and was falling over dead. The dude isnt new to bear tanking by any means.

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In the start people in the thread are comming with concerns and suggestions and ideas, than along come the trolls spewing out their trolling and doing all they can to fire up people. Whatever constructive processes might have been are drowned in trolls wall of texts and the fired up replies.

CE players are problematic. They generally know the game better than anyone and are generally more likely to discover “problems” when testing.

But they also will class swap at a whim and have no loyalty to anything or anyone other than performance. IF they have a favorite class they aren’t happy unless that class is #1. Anything less than #1 is garbage to them.

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Because performance of a class outweighs the feeling they have for that class. If another tank performs better in every degree better than one or two particular tanks; why wouldn’t you optimize to play the best?

They are playing in a competitive environment, so naturally if Nike has better shoes for Basketball you want to wear them over Converse.

Much better if clueless people tell devs what is good about the specs…

No one said that. I specifically said problematic. You have to weigh their input like everyone else. Try and determine whether their gripes are legitimate or exaggerated for their own benefit.

You are spouting off about trolls and not even reading. Please take a moment and read.

Really? i’ve had 0 issues with threat on the beta as a bear. Generally averaging ~2k dps in testing. (Since the patch).

Yeah I understand that, everyone has opinion. If the majority likes a simple, training wheels tank such as Guardian then that’s what we’re going to be stuck with.

But you have to realize that not much really got changed from Legion into BFA, and throughout BFA with the exception of frequent numbers tuning in 9.2. Despite that, we were still near the bottom of the barrel UNTIL 9.3’s corruption system.

I doubt we’ll see a big leap (no pun) of change like Warrior got with their mass-population spike.

This was last week, so maybe the patch corrected some stuff if it was more recent.

This is depressing, if that is their design philosophy. It could be designed such that the skill floor is higher than other tanks, but PLEASE, add something that raises the skill ceiling.

I just think they need to look at Guardian druid and say " Does this feel like playing a Druidic Bear"


Well it does seem like they trolls are winnin currently. No positive changes to bear in any way. And also our conduits are compost ^^

I mean, they could essentially remove rage as a resource at this point, and just put ironfur on a charge system, and nothing would change. The spec barely interacts with its own resource system.

Something interesting might be to add a rage dump, a la ignore pain, where it pumps your mastery. It would be a pseudo magic mitigation, and give us something else to do. IDK

You’re mistaking trolls for people who might not play at a high enough level where concerns are warranted.

I haven’t talked to any of the M+ guardian druids, but when a #15 ranked tank says that Druids need some rework, not just tuning; it should be taken into consideration. Especially when he dropped his Guardian druid since Legion to play Brewmaster.

However, the lack of feedback on the Beta forums is concerning to me. Especially considering this late into Beta.


ehh, that’s fair. I haven’t played my bear at a very high level since the first tier of BFA.

Would it be alright if I asked, why not?

I also had not played at a high level as Guardian since Uldir.

Sure. My guild (plummit. which was a US 50-80 guild on a 9 hr schedule) fell apart. Most likely because raid leader got married.
I then joined a friends much more casual guild that wanted me on a ranged dps, but I played guardian druid to push for world first M+15 and world first Glory of the BFA dungeon hero.
(I missed world first M+15 by a couple hours because my group was trying a 5 stealth through FH strategy and using the mobs that killed everything around them to get %)
(I missed BFA dungeon hero world first because alliance unlocked KR because of human racial for reputation first before horde got siege and there was an alliance group pushing for it, so I got it the day after? I think)

And then I pretty much stopped playing guardian except sometimes casually for keys to help friends.

oh for context, the group that did get world first M+15 in BFA (if i remember correctly) Also used a guardian druid. They just did KR +15 with 2 DK’s MCing the mobs that drop a bleed to be able to kill 3rd and 4th boss on tyrannical 15.

You stopped playing guardian because of your guild?