Guardian is just... a boring spec

Do you understand how Psychophages work?

(Not a barb, just a question. I’m guessing no, from how you phrased the question.)



Mine was just a question as well. I haven’t spent any time in that section at present, and I haven’t done any research in to it, either. Part of it was due to avoiding class burn out, partly how long it takes to queue LFR, and partly because of how bad LFR can be with some precise mechanics like I’ve heard the last fight has.

That’s part of asking the question, to learn from experience.

Psychophages are Mythic-only, not in LFR.

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Psychophages are adds that cast (interruptible) AoE damage and sanity damage, and if they die near anyone they do more sanity damage. You have to not be hit by them


I’m just trying to Imagine how i would do Mage Tower without a snare or Rage of the sleeper if it was current content :frowning:


And remember you get to chose 1, ONE, single legendary. And not one single legendary has helpful tools for tanking, just a little more survivability/dps.


/bearhug :frowning:

I doubt I’ll get beta access because I was away for half of the expansion (left at start of BoD, then came back at start of EP, left until 8.3) but keep slamming facts in the feedback section.


I think that’s a terrible way to look at things. That’s like being satisfied with a D. We should be expecting an A grade. And if we get a B, we’re ok with it, but continue to push harder to get to an A. Having a D grade class is not ok.

I look at the legendary list and I’m not terribly impressed. First, it’s rehashes of old stuff. That smacks of a complete lack of inspiration. Second, it doesn’t really address many of the issues people have presented. Ranged inerrupt? Nope. Snare? Nope. AoE stun? Nope. Casting in Bear form? Nope. Maul? Still sucks. Crit? Still useless. People have described this as a Band-Aid fix. But what’s been bandaged? Thrash is stronger. Ok. Yay for the moar damages I guess. And a reboot of RotS, which does address the DPS CD issue. But note that it’s pretty much equal to the power of Paladin’s Avenging Wrath, a core Paladin ability, but on a longer cooldown. So they basically just made Berserk good.

This isn’t “fixing” Bears. This is giving Bears a couple of cool things. Things that all the classes and specs are getting. This has not inspired me to stick with my Bear (over 10 years as my main) for the next expansion.

I am disappoint.


I don’t know what else there is to tell them, at this point. These legendaries remove the possibility of many of the easy fixes they could do, and it’s clear they have no interest in fixing the spec.

But I’m sure that a bunch of people posting here on their non-Guardians and their non-Druids will continue to tell us that bears are ‘viable’ for doing Normal dungeons and are therefore just fine, so carry on.


As someone that recently deleted his bear pushing 18-20 keys did blizz explain why they made FR even a bigger joke in shadowlands ? Does a nerf count as a change ?

As for those celebrating the return of berserk its essentially a return of a gimped version of losing VOP major.


In my M20+ gear set, I run just slightly over 65% baseline versatility. In combat, I can easily sit between 85%-100% vers, so yes Frenzied Regeneration can do some pretty significant healing.

But there are lots of times where Impassive Visage heals for as much as FR over an entire dungeon because its healing is amplified by vers rating. I stack 3 of these and the amount of healing is typically by #1 or #2 heal.

It isn’t that its ineffective now, it’s more a product that it was ineffective in the past at higher content levels and a vast majority of tanks who did play Bears decided to re-roll and didn’t look back.

It’s not just the Guardian player IHMO, its also the group as a whole.

A bear tank requires support from his group, especially on trash control and that is truly what makes what Tomo does possible. His group synergizes well b/c they all work together to support each others weaknesses.


It’s important to put things into context as to what truly has given Guardian a fighting chance and most of that piggy backs off these systems that offer Essences, Azerite, and Corruption. If you remove these systems you simply then end up with Guardian in 8.0.1.

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To build on that, if things in Shadowlands were status quo, I would be seriously debating whether to stay on the bear or not, simply because I’ve been playing this character for 15 years and switching would mean losing a lot of stuff that isn’t account-wide.

It’s Shadowlands that finally drove me to switch, though, because Druid is getting nerfed in Shadowlands and Brewmaster is (incredible, yet true) getting hugely buffed.


The last thing I personally want is a button-heavy tank spec that needs 20 different keybinds for one boss encounter.
Is there room for more complexity? Sure, but I hope we don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.

I took a look at MoP talent calculator for guardian druids. It’s so sad to see that the only thing that they have to do is to revert us to this state (in terms of talents) + add slow from attacks. Bears already had everything that we needed that was taken without any reason.


After having rolled a warrior, I’m actually of the opinion that much of what used to define bear was just repackaged and given to warrior. So that would explain why bear just stays in this weird state of limbo, they took away their class fantasy, and gave it to warriors instead. What do you even do at that point?

I come back here every couple of days, hoping I’ll see some miracle announcement that Guardian got a giant rework, and they’d just been keeping it under wraps until they finalized it, but it’s pretty clear at this point that at best, we’re going to get a post launch “There were some classes we plan to revisit, but we ran out of time, sorry.”, just like BFA.


Well they actually managed to screw guardian druids over even more with Night Fae covenant ability in latest update.

When using the Night Fae covenant ability it takes druid out of the form they are in and puts them into a night fae form…wich is same as caster form in stats and hotbar. Instant self implode ability for guardian druids.


For soul shape. Yeah, it’s not the best

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But it also puts the Blink up front now. It’s basically going to be Displacer Beast by another name. I think this’ll be a big improvement for Bears.

Some of it will depend on how the charge component works with the soul bind.

It’ll be a okish change if taking soulbinds turns the soulshape into an charge, but if that charge triggers a SS as an unshifted bear, then that’s less good

Selfdestruct option is good for a tank?

It is only 15 yards, i doubt it will get you out of trouble, but yuo will no longer have bear defences up.

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