Guardian Druids still are a problem

30 seconds of un-cc-able 7k dps from a tank with 140-230k hp is not okay. Remove Tanks from rated 2v2-3v3 arenas.


Have you tried lining the bolt?

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Just line the rabid vampire bear.


Just throw down a pic-a-nic basket


Git gud TM

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In all seriousness, all you need to do is run away. They only have moonfie as a ranged spell and they need to shift form to move faster and they cant do damage while shifted. Just keep running away as best you can and don’t stack. They will spam mangle which will slow you but just keep trying your best to kite away. Don’t bother CC’ing because you cant. honestly just run.

I can’t stand it when people kite me on my guardian druid. Literally halves my damage.

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Agreed, prune tanks from arenas.

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Yes they should nerf Rogues and Mage/Lock because they are Tanks


And actual tanks because they are more toxic than any spec could ever be in arenas. Thanks for agreeing Abum.

Brain damage


Tanks are the foundation of great PvP. There would be no WoW without Tanks or PvP. They are the glorious front line fighters fighting The Good Fight! We need more so PvP can flourish again :heart_eyes:

Wrath was the best PvP expansion because Tanks were so balanced in PvP.


You’re just a :clown_face: , Tanks need PRUNED from arenas and banned from playing the game if they want to be the toxic scum they are.


Yep. Run away from the druid that cant be slowed or CCed while also keeping you in combat.

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since tanks are not going to be removed from pvp anytime soon, it would be nice to have them have a support role like in ff14, for example, because in the current version, you end up with either nerfed versions of tanks who are useless, never die in pvp and or do a ton of dps while taking no damage

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Especially so at lvl 10-59 where tanks don’t have all their mitigation and yet for some nonsensical reason still take 50% more dmg in pvp.

You know what’s cool about tanks in arena? Nothing.


How are you getting kited with a 15s cd charge, stampeding roar, tireless pursuit if you need it, and complete immunity to all slows and cc?


Warlock portal, blink, night fae blink, monk roll, monk port, fel rush, heroic leap. I don’t need to list them all you get the idea.

You can’t 100% kite a guardian druid because as you said they do have lots of gap closers while been immune, but you can defiantly minimise the uptime with those abilities listed above.

Half of those abilities dont even get them out of wild charge range

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I have played against 2 or so Tank Druids in 3’s recently and ya they are annoying. Both games went deep into dampening.