The past few raid finders I’ve done have all had major threat issues with guardian druid tanks specifically so maybe there is something going on. I get there is probably an ilvl difference, but I’m really not that well geared. Unfortunately for me, retribution is based around burst damage so I don’t have much choice but to throttle right back on burst damage which greatly reduces my overall effectiveness since most of it is dealt during cooldowns. In some boss fights I have ended up trying to tank the boss for over a minute until I ran out of cooldowns and the healers just couldn’t keep up, even while cutting my damage to self heal.
I’ve tried giving them 10 seconds to pick up threat, even 30 seconds. I still end up with 100% threat within a few seconds. Sometimes it will even be half-way through a boss fight. It’s getting ridiculous.
So either guardian druids are just really hard to play, or they have a major threat issue or it’s just a ret paladin thing.
All right.
Look at my RIO
There is only 1 person in WoW who can overaggro me on pull. It’s my guildmate who is 252 ret paladin like 13/14 slots BIS, 50th world ranked Ret paladin on wowlogs.
There aren’t really any massive threat issues. Definitely not single target.
I don’t want to call you a bad bear, but you clearly not doing something right?
Are you asking can a 212 bear hold aggro against 250ilvl dps? No. No tank can.
Can a 240 bear hold aggro against fire combust? Yes, every tank can.
The less agility you have, the less damage you deal, the less your threat is.
If you’re worried about losing threat now, don’t worry, it will go away.
And if my sub 2,400 bear is not enough, here is my main M+ healer. I’ve healed a lot of tanks.
Korayne soulbind with first strike is my solution to threat issues. Works great unless a huge melee dps is just being reckless on pull. Plenty of tools and damage to be functional, also you are an unkillable god every 3 minutes. Good luck.
Last time I had an issue with a druid tanks ( Other than popping off a convoke too early, which doesn’t seem to be a problem anymore ) it was a new tank and they had no swipe damage.
It’s not.
Every tank has pros & cons. Strengths & weaknesses.
I am going to have to disagree with you here. I Sit between 5-7k per run.
And no other tank can face tank a pack of 20 for 30 seconds straight.
But also, here.
That’s probably why you only do 3k overall. Moonfire & chicken affinity are your friends.
Indeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed! I like the way we are tbh.
It does not. It provides exactly half of the benefit. IF you’re not running Incarn, you might as well play chicken.