Google what:
means. And try to imagine what a winky face might mean.
Google what:
means. And try to imagine what a winky face might mean.
It’s Bravado… I don’t think he’s always on here just to troll, but even the stuff that looks non-troll can be a tad sus.
The short answer is that with dps and a guardian of equal gear and skill - the guardian can hold threat.
Is it easy, when dps with big D’s burst in the first couple of seconds of the pull? No. But can you hold threat or prevent mobs killing the dps until you get threat back? Yes.
Guardian and blood still seem to have slightly undertuned threat. But it’s a few % off, it’s never as major as those cry about it make out.
Vortex, mass roots, bash, incap roar, etc.
The amount of times I see guardians have at least 5 seconds before the dps dies - but do none of those things - is staggering. Pretty much guaranteed when playing with non-KSM guardians.
The good ones can hold threat. Because they’re as good as the dps they’re playing with. Tanks have 2 core functions to perform. Hold threat and live. Neither of those should be easy.
The problem isn’t really our threat, bear damage in general is just really bad. We need another 10-15% dmg overall. Lowest DPS tank by a wise margin. I’ve had some really terrible overall dmg numbers in full M+ runs and some pretty decent ones. But usually they are closer to 2K than 3K. Every other tank does WAY more bursty AoE than druid’s spamming swipe cause thrash is down. It feels really bad losing agro in higher keys and it being no real fault of your own.
Would you sacrifice surviveability or self sustain for more damage though?
Because guardian is by far the tankiest in m+. They’d be way overpowered if their dps was anything like being competitive with the higher damage tanks.
When healing on my rsham I do very little for guardians except put earthshield and riptide on them. That is not the case for any other tank except DK. And that’s only because their health spikes around so wildly that there’s not much a healer can do but watch and hope. If particularly worried about a DK, the only other option is cancel casting a bunch of healing waves, and letting them go through when they get spiked with low runic power.
Yup, passive healing and then top him off before the next pull is the way to deal with DKs lol
A lot of classes burst requires a good chunk of uninterrupted time to get rolling and execute and you’re punished if you commit half way and don’t finish. So this puts A LOT of pressure to get your burst rolling right at the start which is usually the most reliable burst window.
We have mechanics like were in a two ability action RPG and DPS burst combo’s that take 10 seconds or more to execute and those two things don’t mix well.
And on top of that tanks don’t have good tools to deal with this. My convoke (cat) doesn’t really start rolling until 8 seconds in at the earliest and it can still pull aggro.
this is bad advice. Incarn is far superior to GG because it synergizes with UFR
Regular berserk provides the same benefit.
What Incarn actually gives you is cleave off Mangle, +30% HP, and double duration up from 15 seconds.
Whether or not that’s worth it over GG is up to you and what you’re doing; personally I’ve never been at a point where more HP matters so it’s the cleave off mangle/increased duration vs. having much more consistent benefit of rage and stronger snap threat with a proc up.
double duration is 1000% worth it.
For raiding, which is all I care about, it’s not. It’s also not at the 14/15 level which is the only keys I’ll ever do. Probably is if you’re pushing up to like 18+ keys but idk.
and you are replying in a thread about Guardian threat, which is obviously about Mythic+ because we don’t have a single target threat issue. We do on the other hand have an aoe threat issue on uncapped aoe.
Not at the +15 level
Specifically in the context of an extra 15 seconds of Berserk thrash vs. not having it. If you can’t hold threat after a full Berserk, you’re doing pulls incorrectly and/or are doing something wrong elsewhere.
There’s a snap reaction everywhere people discuss WoW to discount player skill and it’s kind of weird to see. You can, actually, just play better and solve the vast majority of complaints/problems up to the bleeding edge of content.
Berserk is a 3 minute cooldown. We don’t take Incarn for threat, we take incarn so we can do a massive pull with UFR, 30 seconds vs 15 is all the difference, because you can’t do the pull without it. Your highest m+ is like a 14, mine is a 19. I say threat is an issue. Meanwhile the number guardian 1 in the world also agrees that threat is an issue. I guess we should just trust joe blow who doesn’t even M+ on this.
Damn dude it’s like you didn’t even read that all of my advice matters at 14/15.
I even said it probably matters over the hump of reasonable keys (18ish), but have no experience there so I don’t know.
it doesn’t matter the key level, if your gear is equal to your dps’s, uncapped AOE dps will pull agro off you outside of incarn, and even in incarn if they don’t give you 2 seconds.
This isn’t really true because burst scales much higher than linear overall from ilvl upgrades, especially trinket/weapon (obviously).
The burst a 214 fire mage puts out is not going to be at the same scaling factor of their overall or sustained DPS vs. a 222 fire mage.
Did I just read not to take incarn for M+? Incarn is a must, the extra time it gives you for larger pulls out shines any pro you get with GG. Not to mention the extra health pool helps with magic based dmg. GG is for single target, I actually prefer soul of the forest over GG in any content since GG procs are so random.