Gte rid of IO score

Its bad enough i have to pve to get gear. But since my IO score is like 200 because i dont want to pve I cant get into a group because the epeen people want 1k for 8s. This is a joke, sitting around for an hour trying to get a stupid kr 8+ for a chance at a weapon.

Basically cant pve because i dont pve enough.


No body checks IO for a +2 – +4 range.

The range you should be doing as you tell your self : You have 0 experience and knowledge off PVE runs.

I wouldn’t bring you into a 10.


except i have a 400 ilvl on my alt, and 900 io score on my main. I dont want to run worthless 4s to get a score.


Their group, Their rules.

Your group, Your rules.

You start doing your own groups you will quickly learn that you want people with experience.


I got popcorn! :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:

3s a bag!


^This is the best advice, op.

Start your own groups with your key.


Its just dumb, you cant pve because you dont pve enough. It makes no sense no matter how you look at it.

Theb do your own group. Take only 415ilvl 1600+ io score

You’ll go : 2==>5==>8==>11. 4 donjons to run. You’ll do it in 2H max

Oh wait, no one will join your groups


blizzard isnt going to do it after all this time.i say dont worry about m+.

Just push your own key and make your own groups. You only need to 3 star 3 dungeons to get a 10 key. I can almost 100% guarantee after a few bad groups from giving people with low io’s chances you’ll start being more picky yourself.

This is coming from someone who has a 500io who can’t get invited to +10s either, so I just run my own groups. Even with my low io, I’ll still get dozens of applicants within 5 min, do you think I’m going to be taking the least experienced people when I can get 1500io guys who know every pull, affix, route, skip, strategy, etc like the back of their hand?


“Hey, can you invite my 0 ranking dk to your 2600 group?”
“What do you mean my rating is too low?”

Its the same thing dude. Work to improve your score, or stop complaining and spam world quests/lfr to get lucky titanforges for gear.


I want to do Arenas at 2k rating. I have 0 experiance. I’ll come into your 5v5, should be ok, I have 413 ilvl


Raider IO isn’t anything Blizzard has control over. It’s a third party website that uses the armory for data. Pretty sure the only way to get rid of it is to get rid of the armory, which would be a bad move.


Maybe look for a guild and do dungeons and raiding with them. That way your IO score is irrelevant.

I only have a 395 IO score this tier and am ilevel 419.





Woo, got a Raider IO score of 199!

This is why I have a guild, to run raids and dungeons with them so I don’t have to feel bad when I suck because they still love me.


Its like this IO score does anything good… All it tells you is i pve alot blah blah blah… Or i have more spare time than you.

I know this is probably a troll post but w/e, I’ll bite. Wow has always been like this. Before raider io there was gearscore and if you find some way to take away raider io, someone will just make something else.

Do what the rest of us have been doing for years and years. Join a guild that aligns with your interests in the game. Make friends. Profit. There’s absolutely no reason you need to PUG to do pve content.

Don’t take it away! How else would I know who is trash or who is competent enough? Tell me!


PvP rating works the exact same way as raider io. You want blizzard to take that away too?