GTA 6 trailer got leaked so Rockstar released it earlier

the pay per hr is not going to stick there might be a law suite involved

It’s pretty impressive.

They didn’t actually say pay per hour as in pay for each hour that you are ingame. They said pay per hour as in a games cost should be relative to its length, so a ten hour game should be less than a 50 hour game but the internet being the internet makes its own stories and interpretations.

we are talking about rockstar here they would do something like this

Wait, What? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Is GTA V’s online progression going to transfer to VI?

Oh. I thought you’re talking about the Single-player GTA 5.

Idk, i’m not an Online player.

That’s way too early to tell. I highly doubt it. Either it will start everyone over or gta 5 online will just keep evolving.

Where’s the multiplayer or PC announcement for it?

GTA 5 didn’t come out on PC at the same time as console. Its gonna happen that way with GTA 6 too.

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