you must be some kinda of “special” to think this come close to reroll into a meme faction
It is because you are trying to force someone into playing in a way they may not want to.
Sound familiar? Like other people telling you to play Alliance when you did not want to.
You are some kind of special to not see the hypocrisy in this.
again “make friends with a tank” “abandon everything you have gold, Guild, Friends and reroll to another faction to be the grand savior of the faction balance”
Why do people almost always think that rerolling ally means abandoning your horde and leaving your guild/friends? I could see that for faction transfers but not a reroll.
It can be pretty similar to rolling an alt of another class with just a little more work if you don’t know anyone on that side. You can still keep playing the horde as well and still have all your horde friends.
That’s not to say that people ever had to reroll and most certainly won’t now but it’s never meant abandoning anything.
Blizzard has basically shown that “QoL improvements” come over everything else so yes people can request whatever now. You can argue against it but if you were a strong supporter of HvH you can’t say anything like “Well that wasn’t in the game before so it shouldn’t be added” (which you haven’t been saying but other people have).
100% chance OP is one of those morons that sits in lfg mindlessly spamming “LFG X DUNGEON” hoping someone reads his stupid ad and invites him.
100% chance OP has never actually tried forming his own group and looking for more people to join his group.
100% chance OP has never actually read lfg and whispered people LFM for the dungeon he needs.
These “I can’t find a group” posts are always made by lazy idiots don’t realise the reason they can’t find a group is because they are using LFG in the worst way possible.
20-30 minutes? You’re being generous.
It can be easily exceed the hour mark or longer.
And yeah, you’re right. TBC is bleeding subs because of how they handled the pvp ques, and not addressing the dungeon tank shortage. At least they wised up and went with permanent HvH. Sadly, the same isn’t true for the dungeon problem. Which needs dual spec, cross realm groups, and a real group finder, not the TBC version.
Hush, martyrdom is what they are all about. Let them enjoy it.
Stop cherry picking. You could make this argument with seal of blood on ally side.
With 58 boosts, etc. …
All new features/changes to tbc.
And your point? They were indeed changes and they added to some players’ overall experience.
What? Because the issue of having to wait hours for a group does not affect you, it does not matter?
It’s not cherry-picking. It is using the HvH BGs as proof that waiting more that 10-15 minutes to do content in the game is unacceptable and if Blizzard can change the game to correct that problem, then the same should be done for any case where players have to wait to do content.
It’s just that simple.
dont waste your time with this one
Oh yeah, go right ahead. Try to blow the issue to the side. Nice to know, when other players have the exact same problem you complained about for months, they do not matter.
Bunch of hypocrites.
Everyone needs to come out and just say they are butthurt about same faction bg’s instead of failing at being clever.
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