Group of friends looking for [H] Barthilas raiding guild!

Hi all!

We are a small group of friends looking for a raiding guild after relocating to Barthilas from Frostmourne.

We’re looking for a guild that raids weeknights from 8-11pm (AEST) (flexible on nights) and is at the tail end or has completed BOD Heroic and is pushing into Mythic BOD.

We’re pretty chilled group but take raiding seriously and want to get the most out of the times we do get to raid. Our goal is to experience mythic BOD which is why we’ve switched to a higher populated server.

We enjoy running mythic + and PVP on non-raid night’s and willing to help others gear up or contribute to the guild with farming for consumables etc for raids.

We’ve come from leading one of the oldest guilds on Frostmourne and we’d love to find a like minded community to be a part of and experience all levels of content.

2 out of 4 of us have rerolled, but it doesn’t take long to level and gear up in this game.

Current players:
Resto Druid (ilvl 387) (rerolled)
Elemental Shammy (ilvl 371) (rerolled)
Mistweaver Monk (ilvl 409) (xfer)
Unholy DK (ilvl 406) (xfer)

If you feel we might be the right fit for your guild, I’d be more than happy to have a chat.

My Battlenet tag is: Panthr#1907

Hi There Panthar!

Welcome to Barthilas!
I have a few queries, as you are re-rolling, are you guys locked into those specs?
As we would be looking for those classes, however offspecs and flexibility is always good especially as all 4 of you are hybrids.

Keen to talk more if you are.

Hey mate,
We’re old-school Blackrock > Frostmourne Horde (Audacity). We have a rock solid roster of around 18 and looking for the remaining few to push into Mythic (we’re about to drop second boss).

More detail here: [H] Barthilas <Audacity> 2/9M 9/9H | 2 night semi-hardcore - #5

Hit us up if you’re interested. I added you on Bnet (Skill Up) but also reach out to Naylol or Spawneh any time.

Best of luck

Hey Vesp,

I hadn’t received a bnet request, can you send it again?

I know you have just transfered but would like to have a chat to you about joining us in ClanDropBears - Horde - Khaz’goroth/Dath’Remar. Here is a link to our spiel [H] <ClanDropBears> LF more

We are currently looking for a few more to round out our mythic team.

Thanks for reaching out Talullah.

You guys sound like a great fit, but as we have just transferred we have invested the time on a new server and wont be looking at switching anytime soon.

Thanks again and good luck!

Thanks for the reply! And good luck with your search! If anything changes please let us know

Dropbears need ranged and always looking for good players.

Checkout the link. Deatheatta is your best contact. 1/9m 8/9h should be 9/9 tonight

Thanks Caligula,

I’ll check with the rest if they are ok with starting raids at 7:30pm and get back to you.

No worries mate. We are a casual bunch. Who like to progress.

Talk to me in game or reach out to Deatheatta (details in the add) on discord. Deatheatta is the raid leader

Just updated the original message with the latest on our ilvls/xfer. Looking to make a decision fairly soon with the group. There will probably be some extra friends coming over too in the next few days. I’m unsure on their interest in raiding etc but they are definitely into the social and M+ aspects of the game.

Hi Panthar,

I’ve added you to battlenet, my tag is Krimsonmyst#1273. On Discord my tag is Krimsonmyst#0807.

Goomz on Barth has just gotten AotC and your crew would be perfect to round out our Mythic prog team.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

panthar just checking to see how your going let me know if your still keen to have a chat/still looking to raid.

We could use all those classes


Nvm bro one of the officers just recruited a resto druid

Hey- sorry. The request is on pending from from SkillUp#11380.

I only got this message today. If you guys are still looking, so are we. Cheers.

Hey there!

My guild Tenacious (Horde side on Barthilas) is looking for active people to join us in pushing forward into mythic content. We currently have a healer and dps positions available, can potentially accommodate a backup tank position as well.

Our current prog is 1/9M, 9/9H. We raid core team sun/mon 8-11pm ST (EST) and we also run alt/newbie/casual runs on Friday nights to help people get gear and experience before they jump into heroics if that’s what they want to do.

Our guild is smallish but active, we have people that push keys or just help each other get keys for the weekly chest.We also do achieves and sometimes pvp.

If you are still looking for a place to call home please feel free to add my bnet and I can swing you an invite/answer any questions you have ( KittyKat#1855)

Have yourself a great weekend!