Group of dps LF raiding guild

If you are still looking we have room for all of you guys,

Tawny Wind Rider Gang (5/12H) is recruiting raiders for heroic and mythic progression. We are focused on AOTC each tier and then pushing Mythic. Raids are Tues 8-11/Thurs 8-10p server.

We run Mythic+ regularly and group for casual PvP. Non-raiders and those leveling are also Welcome.


Red Velvet , is a newly formed guild on US-Illidan recruiting players for Nya’lotha and Shadowlands. Our goal is to have fun while killing mythic bosses. Officer core is comprised of mythic raiders that have splintering off of other guilds due to slowing and non optimal progression. We are looking for similar minded players that want to have fun but also not waste each other’s time.
We are 12/12N 12/12H and are openly recruting for spots on our core mythic progression team.In our down time we enjoy running arenas and pushing mid-high level keys.

Tuesday/Wednesday 8PM-11PM CST

9/9H 5/9M(BoD)
8/8H 4/8M(E.P)
12/12N 12/12H(Nya’lotha)


High Parsing Frost DK
Ranged Dps Of All Specs


** To apply contact an officer below in game **

** Or Discord Preferably**

Red Velvet , is a newly formed guild on US-Illidan recruiting players for Nya’lotha and Shadowlands. Our goal is to have fun while killing mythic bosses. Officer core is comprised of mythic raiders that have splintering off of other guilds due to slowing and non optimal progression. We are looking for similar minded players that want to have fun but also not waste each other’s time.
We are 12/12N 12/12H and are openly recruting for spots on our core mythic progression team.In our down time we enjoy running arenas and pushing mid-high level keys.Your 5 if strong will round out the few we need for progression!

Tuesday/Wednesday 8PM-11PM CST

9/9H 5/9M(BoD)
8/8H 4/8M(E.P)
12/12N 12/12H(Nya’lotha)


High Parsing Frost DK
Ranged Dps Of All Specs


** To apply contact an officer below in game **

** Or Discord Preferably**

Hey there, we are looking for a few more dps to finalize our mythic roster

{Reprieve} 12/12H AOTC on the Thrall server is looking for more for 8.3. Most of us have ether CE experience in the past and/or present. Looking to finish our Mythic raid team with semi-hardcore progression 2-3 nights a week. Our goal is aotc and to push hard into mythic when it drops. Current schedule is Tues/Weds/Thurs (Until on farm) Midnight (12am) to 3am EST. In our off times we run plenty of high keys and alt raid run. We are a mature, zero tolerance drama guild . Most of us are in our 30’s with normal lives outside of Azeroth but we do not tolerate any drama.

Mythic Raid Team Recruitment:
High: Warlock (Immediate starting position)
Medium: Death knight, WW Monk, Boomie
(But applicants may be considered based on skill/exp)

Healers - Disc Priest (But applicants may be considered based on skill/exp
Tank - Closed

Mythic raid team members are held to a high standard of performance. You must be capable of surviving encounters with minimal failure damage and maintain proper DPS/HPS for your class. At this point raid spots are earned not given with the amount of raiders we currently have. As we recruit we do look at logs to see how you perform so please have some ready to view when applying. Anyone falling below tolerated levels (based on logs) or causing wipes may be replaced or removed from the raid team roster. Also having a strong OS or having an equal alt is highly recommended for raid comp. We HATE to have people sit because of inability to adapt (I.e. Both of our raid tanks have multiple mythic ready tanks toons.)

Add on’s:
DBM or Bigwigs
ERT (exorsus raid tools)
Angry Assignments (Mostly for healers)

Recruitment is open to all for social and mythic+ runs.

To discuss more with me please add:
Discord: Nephlim#6908

Or chat with one of my officers,

Healing specific people who are interested please add:

Hey! Oblivion-Hyjal would love to chat w/ you sometime. We are currently 3/12M Ny’alotha. We raid Tuesday/Thursday 6:30-9:30 PST (9:30-12:30 est). We also have a pretty active mythic+ group. If you’re interested feel free to reach out to me whenever I’m generally pretty available :stuck_out_tongue: .

Pheddi#1889 (bnet)
Çlarus#0001 (discord)

Hey, I’ve got a possible spot for y’all. Hit me up at Brashara#1324. Thanks!

Hey there lets chat more to see if you are a good fit :smiley:

3/12M TUE & WED 915-1215 Eastern
THUR alt/heroic


{Reprieve} 12/12H AOTC on the Thrall server is looking for more for 8.3. Most of us have ether CE experience in the past and/or present. Looking to finish our Mythic raid team with semi-hardcore progression 2-3 nights a week. Our goal is aotc and to push hard into mythic when it drops. Current schedule is Tues/Weds/Thurs (Until on farm) Midnight (12am) to 3am EST. In our off times we run plenty of high keys and alt raid run. We are a mature, zero tolerance drama guild . Most of us are in our 30’s with normal lives outside of Azeroth but we do not tolerate any drama.

Mythic Raid Team Recruitment:
High: Warlock (Immediate starting position)
Medium: Death knight, WW Monk, Boomie, Hunter, Mage, Dps Shaman
(But applicants may be considered based on skill/exp)

Healers - Disc Priest (But applicants may be considered based on skill/exp
Tank - Closed

Mythic raid team members are held to a high standard of performance. You must be capable of surviving encounters with minimal failure damage and maintain proper DPS/HPS for your class. At this point raid spots are earned not given with the amount of raiders we currently have. As we recruit we do look at logs to see how you perform so please have some ready to view when applying. Anyone falling below tolerated levels (based on logs) or causing wipes may be replaced or removed from the raid team roster. Also having a strong OS or having an equal alt is highly recommended for raid comp. We HATE to have people sit because of inability to adapt (I.e. Both of our raid tanks have multiple mythic ready tanks toons.)

Add on’s:
DBM or Bigwigs
ERT (exorsus raid tools)
Angry Assignments (Mostly for healers)

Recruitment is open to all for social and mythic+ runs.

To discuss more with me please add:

Healing specific people who are interested please add:

[H] Autonomy - Spinebreaker
Raid times - (Main Raid)Tues/Wed 730pm pst - 930pm pst
Friday RBG 730pm pst
Saturday Alt/Trial/social Large Raid 25+ 730pm pst - 1030pm pst
Sunday Transmog RUNs

Progression -
Nyloth 12/12H
EP 4/8M 8/8H 8/8N

Looking for quality raiders! We have an updated roster on discord.
All of our raiders have the same vision in progression we get work done within our 2 hour raid window.

We are a friendly casual guild. Stress/drama free environment. No loot qqers/big egos or favoritism here.

We run keys/alt runs through out the week!

We have an off-realm community of over 100 players.

We have a 25+man Saturday (Optional) which consist of Veteran/Newer raiders. 730pm pst -1030pm. That is 8/8N 8/8H which is considered our alt/casual raider run/trial run!

Please be able to make Tues/Wed raid times if you plan on raiding with us.

Recruiting for Tues/Wed 730pm pst - 930pm pst. H Nyloth

Bnet thiz#11864

Not sure if you are still looking, but if you are. We just moved over to Area 52 and building from the bottom up. We have room for all of you and because we are still building, you can play what ever you want. Our first run (normal last night) went outstanding. We go into heroic tonight! If you want to talk don’t hesitate to reach out. Our spam attached.

Three returning top 500 US raiders just moved to Area-52 and have started recruiting. I was a GM for nearly 10 years and tanked for top 500 US guilds. Our RL is 5/12M exp. We will be AOTC and CE every tier. Get in on the ground level information below.
Raid days:
Tues / Wed 8-11 pm server (est)
Progression: (2/25/2020 First raid)

Current Build:
Tanks: 2/2
Healers: 2/4
Melee: 3/5
Ranged: 3/9

Needs: (As of 2/25/2020)
Healers: 2
Melee: 2
Ranged: 6

GM: Painreaper#1101

Hello, I am the GM of on Area 52, We are looking for a few DPS to help fill our raid group. We raid Tues/Thur 8-11 PM est. If this seems like a good fit hit me up on Btag.


Hello. My name is Ráyná i am on zul’jin and is interested in talking with you my BT is sweetsofie#1865

The “Nutty Squirrel Gang” is recruiting all players. Looking to get a full guild raid group. We are doing Normal Ny’alotha for now. We raid Thur/Sun 8pm to 10pm server time. 7pm to 9pm CST. Horde. Kargath/Norgannon We do mythics regularly. And we hang out on discord.

Kritickill#1511 is my battletag.

Sent you a friend request, I’m on area 52. Would like a chance to chat. Shonuff#1165

If you have not found a guild yet is recruiting! Here is our recruitment post.

Wazzzzzzzzzzzup Gangsters! [H] < HordeCore > Tichondrius is a Semi-Hardcore Heroic raiding guild. Once we clear Heroic, we will be moving onto Mythic Ny’alotha. We raid 3 days per week. In Ny’alotha, we’re 8/12H, 11/12N.

We Raid:
Friday - Normal Ny’alotha Alt Run or Heroic/Mythic EP
Saturday & Sunday - Heroic Ny’alotha
8:00-11:00 PST/Server
Invites go out 30 minutes prior to the start.
We have 1 break for 5 minutes at 9:30 Server, halfway through the raid time.

Our team is relaxed, we have fun, joking and laughing while we progress through the raid. Our goal is to get into Mythic this raid tier, (We will start after we clear heroic).

Our demographic is the early 20s to 30s.
Note, we are an 18+ guild.

What we’re looking for:
Tank: None
Healers: Resto Shaman
MELE DPS: Havoc DH (Pref with Tank off-spec) and Unholy DK (Pref with Tank off-spec)
RANGED DPS: Fire Mage, Shadow Priest (Pref with Heal off-spec), Elemental Shaman.

Heroic Minimum Raid Requirements:
Cloak Level - 10
Heart Level - 75
Item Level - 445
At least 40k DPS sustained.

Other than Raiding, we push M+ weekly and PVP.

If you are interested in joining, have any questions, or want to chat, here are the best ways to contact us.

If you want to join our discord channel, the code is below.


Recruitment and Discord Officer
Bnet - Maplemurlock#1956
Discord - Dawnslaÿer/Mùnk#0257

Guild Master
Bnet - Meatshield#11770
Discord - Beefy#2889

Raid Lead / Raid Officer
Bnet - Pfftweown#1238
Discord - pfftweown#7841

Greetings Team of 5,(love to see a group of friends stick together)

Steel Dragon: 3/12M 12/12H - Area52

Recruitment Needs:

  • Ranged DPS
  • Holy Pally
  • 1-2 Melee DPS for bench/backup

Raid Schedule

  • Tuesday ( 7-10PM EST )
  • Thursday ( 7-10PM EST )

Optional: Normal and alt runs sometimes on Friday/Saturday night.

Our team is currently recruiting for a strong core for Shadowlands. We are a semi-hardcore guild on a casual 2 night per week schedule, motivated to achieve AOTC in a timely manner and push as far as possible into mythic in the time provided. Some of our core group has been together since Wrath and as we just moved to Horde for Shadowlands we have spots to fill. We strive to make sure all of our members are up to par on fights and their classes so no issues occur and hold back progression. Currently looking to expand our roster to 25-30 for heroic to insure a solid competitive roster for mythic progression.

Our Expectations:

  • High attendance (90%+)
  • Knowledge of your class, spec, and role
  • Prepared for raid every night Flask/Pots/Food/ Vantus Ruins( If Needed)
  • 460 ilvl / 75 minimum neck with rank 3 essences

Feast/Cauldron will be provided as we further progress. All are expected to come prepared.

10 minute break will happen halfway through raid at a good stopping point.

  • Be prepared to continuously keep pulling throughout the night (No AFK except during break or officer log checks will be tolerated as our time per week is limited).


  • Recruitment: Jay - Gaffke9238#1684
  • RL: Alarus - Alarus#1329 , Discord - Alarus#1818

You seriously necroed this post from 2 months back. pay attention you dum dum. If you just mass spam posts you seriously don’t read them or care who you take into your guild.