Willing to go horde?
< Solidarity > Is a newly formed guild with members that have been playing together for over a year with 6/9 M BoD and 2/2 H CoS experience looking for active members who want to raid. Founders are a group of adult gamer’s who are looking for like minded players that want to be in a longer term home.
Raid Times:
Tues & Thur 9:45pm-12:45am EST
Current Needs:
Be on time to raid
Have food/pre-pots
Learn fights if needed
Realm: Spirestone
Faction: Alliance
Raid Times: Monday 9-12 EST and Tuesday 9-12 EST (currently looking at changing to Mon and Wed)
Progression: Heroic 9/9
Mythic 5/9
Currently we are a raid group with around 15/16 who struggle to get enough people to raid our two night a week schedule. That being said roughly 5-6 raiders don’t really want to raid and are willing to stop. That leaves us with around 10-11 people who want to raid. We currently have 1-2 tanks 2-3 healers and rest dps who would want to merge. We are a super relaxed, fun, casual guild made up friends who have played together for a long time. We like to joke and laugh and have a good time while progressing through content. If this feels like a potential merge that you would like to talk about please feel free to add me on Battlenet if you would like to chat.
ID: LittleBunny#1730
Discord: Little Bunny Foo#3028
Hey there,< Perfect > [Stormrage] 3/9M 2/2H is currently recruiting. We sport 3 Mythic raid teams during the week.
Team Rush raids Fri/Sat 10pm-1am EST, we’re 3/9M and are in need of heals and dps.
TSC (2/9M) raids Wed/Thurs 2-5pm EST. They are in need of all 3 roles.
Team Zero Hour(1/9M) raids Tues/Wed 7-11pm EST and are looking for healers and DPS .
Feel free to add me on bnet for more info Nephilimx#11726
Hey if you would be interested on something horde side I would love to talk add me at Cran#1145
If you and your guildmates are still looking for a home and are open to transfer, I would be interested in speaking with you. We raid Tues/Wed from 8:30-11:30 PM EST and are currently 7/9M. If these days and times work for all of you, please reach out to me on Bnet: Omniscient#1961
Thank you and best of luck with your search.