Group of 4 looking for a raid team!


A couple of friends, my wife and I are looking for a raid team to join! We have a varying range of experiences with WoW but are all 4 veteran raiders who are looking to join a relaxed team who focuses on having fun and realizes life still exists outside of the interwebs.

We offer a Protection Paladin, an Elemental Shaman who is willing to heal occasionally if needed, a Balance Druid and a wild card. By wild card I mean someone willing to play whatever else is needed so long as time is allowed to level and gear if the class/spec needed isn’t already available.

We’re a friendly group looking for a friendly group. We want to down stuff and know when to take things seriously when the boots of progression hit the floor, but we aren’t interested in WoW becoming work. Don’t worry - we aren’t under any impression that there isn’t some manner of commitment and time involved in raiding.

Our ideal days are Sunday and Monday during the 7-10pm EST time slot. The days are pretty much all we can offer at the moment, but the times may be negotiated slightly for the right group.

If you have questions or interest, please feel free to reply here or message me at Xezzu#11959 or Elaeana#1554 if you see us online. If we don’t immediately reply to you when you message us, we will as soon as we can or notice your message!

Thanks for your interest!

Bump bump bump.

Hi Xezzu! I think you’d enjoy the Drifters atmosphere. We need DPS and a tank slot will open soon, at the latest after this raid tier. Not sure if raiding Tue/Thu 8-11 EST will work though.

Check us out and contact me if you want to chat or have more questions.
Alleykatabra – MoBacon#11957 / Discord - AlleyKat#0036