Group of 3 looking for guild!

<No Flame Please> US - Kil’Jaeden

​ 8/8 Heroic 3/8 Mythic Uldir

Raid nights: Tuesday Heroic (casual), Wed and Thurs Mythic -Progression 630-9PM ST (PDT)

Casual raiding guild but we are serious about Progression and killing bosses!

Looking for a few more to fill out our Mythic Roster

Currently 3/8M looking to get 4-5 bosses before 8.1. We want to make sure to have a solid 25 man mythic roster for 8.1 to hit the ground running and compete for top 20 guilds on the server. We have fun and keep each other entertained 3 nights a week in a laid back raiding atmosphere. We provide flasks and feasts for raiders. Active guild and discord at almost all times of the day and night! We like to help each other push the highest keys possible, get PVP rankings, and keep the group updated on the latest game changes. Raid days are Tuesday Heroic (casual, alt) Wednesday and Thursday PROGRESSION nights.

reply to this post or add my battle tag for more info :


Hey there Shún,

I’ll keep the guild spam short and brief.

We are Alliance on Lightbringer, guild has been around for over 10 years and we have a Mythic pushing mindset. We are currently 4/8M and we raid Tues/Wed from 8:30 PM - 11:30 PM EST.

Contact Info

BTag: Omniscient#1961
BTag: Emerald#1525

Thank you for reading.

Guild & Server: <Heroes and Legends> [A] Stormrage
Raid Times/Days: Sunday/Monday/Wednesday 9:00pm to 12:00 am EST
Current Progression: 8/8H, 2/8M
Recruitment Contacts: Bnet = TheBlob#1740, theBandit42o#1225

Our guild was formed launch week by a core of former hardcore raiders that have decided to once again smoke the crack that is Mythic Raiding. We started the tier quickly for a newly formed guild and had cleared Heroic by Oct 15th, and killed Mythic Mother by Oct 22nd. We have a solid core of about 15 players and are looking to get another small group into our roster to help us push Mythic content. Our goal this tier is 4/8M and then to push hard into next tier and get Cutting Edge. We’re currently close on Zek’Voz (3%) and are experienced at Mythic Vectis as well (over 40 attempts on both fights). Unfortunately due to a variety of random circumstances, our recent progress that has been stifled by attendance issues. Because of this we are looking to absorb or raid cross server with a small group of players (right now we need exceptional DPS and possibly a tank and healer).

Our guild has multiple mythic + teams that are working on getting our scores higher (bit of a late start on that one as well). We regularly run Mythic + on off nights. Most of our core players have numerous purple/orange parses and are continuously striving to improve our performance. Most consumables are supplied by the guild (all consumables will be supplied in 8.1 when alchemy mats requirements are lowered) and up to 1000 gold nightly is offered for repairs.

All raiders are expected to have researched Boss strategies prior to raid nights.

Addon requirements: Angry Assignments, Weak Auras, RCLootCouncil, DBM/Big Wigs.

80% attendance or better and notifying an officer if a raid will be missed

We run loot council on non needed loot (you keep your personal loot and decide if you want to put it up for the officers to give to someone else in the group) making RCLootCouncil as previously mentioned, a must have addon. Loot is distributed on a merit based system accounting for player performance, attendance, reliability etc. We often times will discuss awards with the guild during raid if there are differing opinions on the council.

Help with sales! We regularly run heroics/mythic 10+’s to make the guild and ourselves some coin.

Be social! Our guild loves to hang out in discord with each other beyond just playing WoW. A lot of us play other games together (League of Legends, Ring of Elysium, Battlefield etc). Most of our recruits that have done well put forth an effort to socialize with members. It’s always better to raid with friends than strangers :slight_smile:

Your group is exactly what we’re looking for! I added you on battletag, we should chat. We can also potentially help with xfer costs. Thanks for reading my book!

[A] SACRED of Baelgun-Doomhammer(US) Stable, Long Term Guild looking for dps who want to push mythic content. Currently 4/8M 8/8H.

*****We are always looking to recruit any exceptional dps *****

WW Monk

BM Hunter

About us: We are looking for players who want to push high end mythic content but don’t want to raid on a hardcore schedule. We subscribe to the philosophy that less time playing doesn’t mean less effort or success. We believe that the time we spend dedicated to raiding every week is something important to all our raiders, and we will put that time to good use progressing.

We expect all our raiders to be prepared for raid nights by doing adequate research on the fights we are attempting. Flask and feast are provided.

To us, the most important aspect in a raider is having strong raid awareness. We value raiders that want to execute the fights correctly while still being able to put out the damage and healing needed. We do not want raiders that are going to ignore mechanics.

What we can offer you is a guild full of good friends that will push into mythic content. We can offer you a guild that doesn’t raid on a Hardcore schedule but will be sure to use our time effectively to progress to the best of our abilities. We can also offer an active leadership who is open to suggestions and constructive feedback.

Raid Schedule: Tues/Thurs/Sun 6:30 to 9 PST/9:30 to 12:00 EST optional night Weds (Invites 15 minutes prior to pull time)

Applicant Requirements:
*A stable internet connection and a computer decent enough to not lock up or lag consistently.
*18+ years of age. We are a mature guild, no kids please!
*Logs that demonstrate raid awareness and knowledge of your class
*Discord with working mic
*Dedication and Reliability. Show up consistently on time. Minimum raid attendance is 90%.
*Open to constructive feedback on performance.

Think you would be a good fit for us?
Contact one of us in game via BattleTag:


Hey Shun,

Think of how refreshing a fresh start as Horde on Mal’Ganis would be! I would VERY happily take all three of you! I think you’ll be very happy in our group of many former alliance players.

Arcanum is 4/8M Uldir with Fetid Devourer to 9%

We’re a newly formed guild who raided together last expansion in another guild.

Last expansion our team earned:
7/7M Emerald Nightmare Cutting Edge
3/3M Trial of Valor Cutting Edge
10/10M Nighthold Cutting Edge
8/9M Tomb of Sargeras
11/11M Antorus Cutting Edge

Mythic Raid Schedule
Tuesday: 8:00PM PST - 11:00PM PST
Wednesday: 8:00PM PST - 11:00PM PST
Thursday: 8:00PM PST - 11:00PM PST

We have a super quick and easy application
www.arcanum-guild .com

We also do a ton outside of raid!

  • Alternating Sunday/Monday Guild RBGs @ 7:00pm PST
  • We work hard to ensure all 120s finish a +10 key for the week
  • Friday Heroic Uldir @ 6:00pm PST
  • Saturday All Monk Normal Uldir clear @ 3:00pm PST
  • Saturday Heroic Uldir at 6:00pm PST with a guild on The-Scryers
  • There are always people online willing to jump into a pug, run keys, do arenas, go on an achievement run, answer silly questions

Any questions? Need more info? Please message me on Discord at kat#3105

Want to apply? Go to arcanum-guild .com

Hi Shún,

[Daddy Issues] Area52 - is a recently reformed guild that is currently 2/8 M. We are looking to fill some raiding spots for Mythic again, but are going to be clearing heroics and M Taloc/MOTHER until we get the numbers to progress again. Our goal is CE for 8.1

Looking for like-minded players who are progression-focused but also know how to have fun and can adapt quickly. We are really looking for players that want to find a new home and be a part of an active and growing guild, not just ride the coattails or not engage with other members in activities outside of raiding.

If you are not looking to get into mythic we welcome all who are looking for heroic raids and run M+ as well as RBGs as we have an active player base outside of raids.

Apply here -

1. Raid Times:

Tue/Thurs 8-11 EST (Area-52 server time).

2. Looking For:


  • Holy Paladin


  • Warrior

  • Rogue


  • Mage

  • Warlock

We welcome all that would like to apply and trial with us as we are looking to fine tune our roster.

3. Hardcore/semi-hardcore/casual:

We are a semi-hardcore raiding guild with a serious mindset towards mythic progression, with the goal of CE. We expect raiders to respect the time of the other 20 or so people that dedicate the 6 hours per week to raiding progression. Outside of progression, we are more casual and like to have fun with mythic plus, alt runs, pvp, etc.

4. Current progression/experience:

2/8M and AOTC on this new guild, 3/8M with 10 raiders from previous guild.

5. Recent logs:



6. Contact info:

StormRage#1832 - GM

BevynM#1813 - Co-GM

Adeid#1534 - Raid Lead

Meclub#1175 - Healing Officer

<Alliance Lives Matter> Connected Realms- Scilla, Zuluhed, Andorhal and Ursin

Currently 7/8M, 8/8H Uldir, 8/8N Uldir, 11/11M Antorus [cutting edge guild]. We are #1 Alliance on our server group.


Recruitment Needs for Mythic: (Transfer Required) 1 holy paladin and 1 disc+holy priest healer , 1 ranged dps. Anyone talented regardless of class/spec will be considered. Do not be shy to apply even if you are not one of our high priority classes.

We also recruit normal and heroic only raiders for our normal and heroic raids. We have many awesome less hardcore players that join us for heroic and normal to learn from our mythic raiders. This is a very active and growing guild. Our raiders do not just log on to raid and than disappear.

Guild Goals: To full clear mythic uldir in a timely competitive fashion [in progress] and all future mythic raid tiers going forward in a quick and competitive manner. We set our goals and then we do what it takes to meet them. We do meet our goals. Period. We started antorus 6 months late and burned our way through cutting edge Antorus. This IS a cutting edge raiding guild with structure and organization.

Raid Schedule
[Mythic] Thursday 8:30pm-10:30pm cst for farm bosses.
[Mythic] Sat/Sun main mythic progression days 3:30-7:30 pm central.
[Heroic] Tuesday is our heroic uldir for our mythic raiders/sales run 8:30 central to 11:00pm. This run is optional but highly recommended for gear sharing.
[Heroic] Wednesday- Open to our heroic team raiders, mythic raiders, and mythic raider alts. run 8:30 central to 11:00. This team full clears heroic easily as well.
[Normal] Friday open to anyone 8:30 central to 10:00.

We push people to get 1 heroic clear and 1 mythic 10 plus a week done. This is * required for our mythic raiders. As long as there is forging in the game people should be fishing for titanforges.

More about the guild: We do it all, we aren’t just raiders. We are extremely active guild, the most active on the server, and more active than most servers/guilds. Our people do not just log on for raids once or twice a week. Our average age range is 28-35. We enjoy PvP- arenas, rbgs, bgs, wpvp, Mythic+, achievements. We have a very laid back but like to get stuff done kind of atmosphere when it is not raid time. When it is raid time, we get focused and serious and competitive in a non toxic results oriented manner. Very active and supportive guild filled with awesome human beings. Our raiders are competitive players always striving to better themselves. Flasks and feasts and vantus runes are provided for all progression raiding. We constantly analyze logs and push for improvement. We do not settle for mediocrity in any of our members so by being a part of this guild you will become a better player and person. This is just a small taste of our guild. Please contact an officer to have any questions or concerns addressed.

If you’re interested in raiding with us or would just like to join the guild feel free to contact Nebulaphobia, our recruitment officer.

BTag: Ashe#1789

Discord: Ashie#6243

In Game: Nebulaphobia-Scilla

Hello! We are an alliance guild on KT server that raids twice as week. We are currently 3/8M, working on Vectis. If interested in our group I can always be reached on discord!

<FinalForzaBros> is a reformed BFA alliance guild on Kel’thuzad consisting of members who have raided together from BC all the way through BFA, looking to make cutting edge on a two night schedule. FFB has members with past server first experience, looking to enjoy raiding on a lighter schedule, while still making strong progress through mythic content. In addition, FFB brings a number of strong mythic plus players, with Raider IO scores of 1000-1400+, encouraging members to complete their level ten key each week. We are a community with the desire to have fun, joke around, make a few memes and yet show up on-time, prepared and with mechanics known for raid.

FFB will look at any application, regardless of what is listed on our recruiting needs. The best will always be in for progression, regardless of status or rank with the guild, and farm boss line-ups are opened to those who need the gear.


Tuesday and Wednesday (6:30 – 9:30 Server Time, 8:30 – 11:30 EST)

Currently 3/8M

Guild Perks

  • Guild Repairs On

  • Feasts and Cauldrons at Raid

  • Gambling!

  • Mythic Plus Keys

  • Active discord! Voice Channels used every day, memes, bots for wowhead and raidbots, and more.

Immediate Needs

We need one healer (Shaman/Pally/Druid, any apply) and 2-3 dps (Any) for the progression


Ablarg ( Btag: pwnedyou#1183// Discord: pwnedyou0720#3450)

Ríoghnach (Btag: prizma#11192 // Discord: Mint#3740)

Bannedblarg (Btag: Fatman#1884 // Discord: Fatman#8817)

BlargSwag (Btag: Caswagna#1613 // Discord: Tr4nsc3nd3nc3#5280)

Our Guild

Hello! I would love to talk to you about joining our guild!

l’ll keep this short and sweet: Dawn of the Dead | Zul’Jin [H] has an openings for an immediate core spot on our progression raid team and after reading your post I think you would be a good fit for us!

We are a very friendly, experienced, active progression raiding guild. We are currently 6/8M in Uldir. Our environment is one that is focused on getting raid content down swiftly while still having fun. We’re not a bleeding edge progression guild, but we’re not super casual either.

We raid 3 days a week: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8 - 11 EST

We’ve been around since day-one and have been raiding for 14 years now, and are the only guild on Zul’Jin to have done so. Most of our members are out of school and have jobs, so we offer a more mature, stable, balanced environment. How many other raiders can say they’ve done everything from Ragnaros to Archimonde (twice) in the same guild?

I’d encourage you to learn a little more about us and let us know if you have any other questions. Feel free to contact an officer directly in-game, whisper Xanah (Xana#1662), Alloren (Alloren#1606) or Jeare (Jeare#1759).

We look forward to hearing from you (and hopefully raiding with you) soon!!

We would definitely be interested in talking to you all. Let me know if the below looks interesting and if the times fit:

The Crimson Cross of Lightbringer (Alliance) is looking for excellent players. We are specifically recruiting for our Mythic Raid Team, with a primary goal of Cutting Edge every tier.

Current Progression: 8/8H 3/8M

Raid Days/Times:

Tuesday/Thursday 6:45pm - 9:45pm PST

Sunday 6:45pm - 9:45pm PST is used for progression during the first month of a new tier, after that it becomes the optional Heroic raid clear.

We look for a 90% attendance commitment to be on our core raid team.

Currently Recruiting: All exceptional dps, with good attitudes and personality.

Tank and Heals: Closed, except for Monk healers.


  • Demon Hunter

  • Monk

  • Boomkin

  • Hunter

  • Mage

All exceptional ranged DPS are encouraged to apply.

About Us:

The Crimson Cross is a gaming community and currently holds the Guinness World Record for Longest Active Online Gaming Guild. We have been together through various games for many years, and we made our home here in WoW starting with Legion.

Our goals are simple: we want to push into mythic raiding as deep as we can each tier while raiding with people we like and trust. We are aiming for Cutting Edge every tier.

Outside of raids, we enjoy running M+ dungeons, hunting for achievements, pets and mounts. We also play other games together such as Heroes, Path of Exile, and the occasional DnD campaign. For the past several years, we have gathered in person at least once per year to hang out, drink and play board games. It&rsquo;s a good time, folks!

What we offer:

  • A community where you can grow as a player.

  • A raid team where spots are given based on merit, not favoritism.

  • A transparent leadership team that encourages members to be involved.

  • A guild where you will get back as much as you put into it.

  • A non-raiding member rank for friends and family (over the age of 18) of full guild members.

  • Two character raiding system for all Mythic raiders. Not Required This is considered a benefit to those who want to maintain a raiding alt

What we want:

  • Adults (18+) that can take being roasted if they make a mistake, or help dish it out when needed.

  • Players with a strong raiding background that are looking for a guild home - not just a place to play the latest raid tier.

  • Players that are social and enjoy interacting with others outside of raid times.

  • Players that want to continue to improve and push themselves to play content at the highest level even as their time to play is perhaps less than it once was due to family life, work, etc.

If you have any questions or are interested in more information, please contact us:

Guild Leader - Cercie#1790 (bnet) or Cercie#2380 (Discord)

Raid Leader - r3con#11395 (bnet) or r3con#4078 (Discord)

Community Lead - FleurDeMur#1446 (bnet) or FleurDeMur#1942 (Discord)

<Missunderstood> an Alliance guild on Kirin Tor server looking to recruit ranged DPS for our mythic group. Current progression is 2/8 Mythic, 8/8H Uldir. We value consistency and ability to come prepared over gear score and past experience. If you’re willing to put in the work, we’re willing to give you a chance.

Raid Group - Raid days are Sun 6-10pm, Mon 6:30-10:30 p.m… Must be able to make both days consistently without exception.

Current Needs:
Ranged: Boomkin, Lock, Mage
Melee: Rogue, Havoc DH
Tank: Brewmaster, DH

If you’d like a spot on a growing team, with proven success. Drop us an app.

Qualities we are seeking: Determination to learn and excel at class, ability to take constructive criticism, theorycrafters, min/maxers, committed to progression despite multiple wipes, level headed team-player, non-elitist, and personable with a little humor. No alts please, looking for main toons whose players will invest time into.

All walks of life are welcome, cool cats, new players and old, we are LGBT-friendly, and 18+ ( not budging on this). We are a guild that started from humble beginnings late in Mists of Pandaria and finished server first. Have a sense of humor, a knowledge of your class, and the desire to experience some organized raiding, or join us socially for an online place to call home. We run guild incentives to foster participation in everything from guild donations, Mythic + Dungeons, or Dungeon Achievements. We are also constantly running Mythic + for fun, gear, and challenges.

If this sounds like fun to you then please by all means contact myself or another officer in game or you can catch us on our website: missunderstood(dot)enjin(dot)com

We are willing to pay for faction changes and server transfers for the right fit–thank you for reading!

Guild Master of Missunderstood


Misshap - Guildmaster (Misshap#11205)
Mahler - Recruitment Officer (MahlersGhost#1837)

Hey there, I’d be interested in talking to you guys! Thot Process is 2/8M currently and looking to push CE next tier. We have a dedicated core and just need a few more spots filled to have a solid roster. Our times are mon, tues, and thurs 9PM - 12AM PST. My bnet is Soulsweeper#1739 if you’re interested!

Hey bud. If you can make our later night times, we would be the perfect place for you, especially since our goals align and are on the same server!

<Second Attempt> of Sargeras might be an option for you. We returned to the game not only as a guild, but as a gaming organization after attending BlizzCon 2017 during the holidays in prep for Battle for Azeroth. We are looking to add additional exceptional players to our roster for BFA and future content!

Our basic information:

  • Battle Tag: Indofear#1324, Broseidon#11698, and / or Rose#14195 (For any questions or to talk about the guild)
  • We raid Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 12:30PM - 2:30AM CST during progression.
  • As of April 2015 we transferred from our home server of 10+ years, Eonar to Sargeras for the sake of a better community, recruitment pool, etc.
  • More information can be gathered on our website:

  • Notable Progression Achievements are:
    Top world 70 guild for most of Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King
    Realm First! Illidan Stormrage
    Realm First! Kil’Jaeden
    Realm First! Obsidian Slayer
    Realm First! Conqueror of Naxxramas
    Realm First! Magic Seeker
    Realm First! Lei Shen
    Realm First! Ra-den

    Disclaimer: <Second Attempt> is currently transitioning beyond just a competitive World of Warcraft guild and into a gaming organization. We will be harboring a streaming team, competitive teams in Fortnite, PuBG, HoTS, Overwatch, World of Warcraft, and many other games. With that said, we are still looking to maintain our competitive presence, especially in the late night scene of World of Warcraft and will be attending BlizzCon as a guild and gaming organization presence!

    You can gather more information about us on our recruit post

    Add Indofear#1324, Broseidon#11698, or Rose#14195 to Battletag if you have any further questions. If you have no further questions, apply on our website

    I appreciate the offers from everyone, unfortunately I am stuck at work right now but once I get home I’ll contact the group’s we’re interested in. Thanks!

    We’ve got spots for all three of you and are very VERY interested, you three would be finishing up our roster! Check us out!

    Hey Shun -

    I have room for all three of you to have an immediate spot in our mythic roster. 2 nights 6 hours of progression on a high pop server.

    [H] US- Tichondrius

    Raid Times:

    • Tuesday 7:15 PM - 10:15 PM PST
    • Thursday 7:15-10:15 PM PST
    • Monday (Optional Alt/Heroic/Normal Nights) 7:15-10:15 PM PST

    3/8 Mytic Uldir

    Contact Info:
    GM: Bnet – Khambhat#1967 / Discord Tag – Rhaab#9614
    Recruitment Officer: Bnet – Dominiko#1777 / Discord Tag – Dominiko#5315
    DPS Officer: Bnet – Murgy#11437 / Discord Tag – Murgy#3168

    Full Blurb view-able here.

    Hi Shun,

    We have an opportunity to slot all three of you on our Mythic roster. We are a Guild that has been around for coming up on 10 years. Some great people, great times and of course great raiding await you. I sent you a B-Tag request and hopefully we can get a chance to talk relatively soon.

    Raid Times

    • Wednesday (8:00 - 11:00 PM EST)
    • Sunday (8:00 - 11:00 PM EST)
    • Monday (8:00 - 11:00 PM EST)

    We are currently 2/8M and working on Zek’voz. Our team has finished in the top of our server each time and we’d love to invite you to discuss more.

    I think we are a good fit and would like to chat. I requested you on bnet.

    Rally (Alliance)

    Rally After Dark (Horde)


    FMSA Raid Team: 6/8 Mythic Uldir (8/8 Heroic)
    Fuzzy Unicorns Raid Team: 2/8 M, 8/8 H Uldir
    Danger Zone Raid Team: 1/8M, 7/8 H Uldir
    HORDE-QQ Puffs: 8/8 Heroic Uldir, 1/8 Mythic (HIGH NEED)

    Raid Times:

    FMSA: Tuesday/Thursday 8pm - 11pm EST

    Fuzzy Unicorns: Tuesday/Thursday 8pm - 11pm EST

    Danger Zone: Thursday 8:30pm - 1130pm EST

    QQ Puffs: Tues/Thurs 8pm - 11pm EST

    Wednesday: Guild wide open raids 8pm - 10:30pm EST

    Fridays: Achievement runs, Jackbox Party Games, M+ races, discord event and contests

    Saturday: 8:30 - 11pm EST Horde Alt/casual open raids

    Sunday 8:30 - 10:30pm EST Casual/Alt Optional open raids

    Monday PvP (Rated BG’s 8:30 - 10:30 pm)


    Dalaran - PvE (US)

    About Us:

    <Rally> is a guild founded upon the principle that we want to enjoy the people we are playing with. Rather than being a raiding guild that is social, we are a social guild that raids. We use very exclusive recruitment methods to ensure compatibility among members to maintain a cohesive atmosphere at all times.

    Our guild is inclusive of all skill and experience levels as well as a variety of end game goals. From the new player who is still leveling to the retired hard core raider who is looking for a challenge on a more forgiving schedule. An experienced player with a buddy brand new to the game. We have an option for just about everyone. Most importantly, we are a community. We are a home. When you want a great group of people to hand with but don’t want to wear pants, RALLY is the answer!

    Guild Atmosphere

    We have mostly adults here, averaging about 30 in age. We’re still plenty immature at times and we have lots of fun. There’s some dry humor, a meme channel in Discord and hidden bot commands to troll each other. We’re a family here. We spend the day chatting in Discord chat from our phones or work until people start getting home and logging in. We have people with children and families and share complaints about cranky children and spouses. We are a highly active community of people. If you joined Rally, you could physically raid 5 nights a week and a lot of people do. We bring alts to other raids or even raid the same raids again despite loot lockouts because it’s just fun to hang with these people and smash !@#$ together.

    We are looking to recruit people who fit into our group well and get along. We are looking for people who care and want to learn and get better or are already skilled but lack the time to dedicate to hardcore raiding as well. Whether you still want to push progression or just want to raid once a week for fun and minimal pressure, please apply!

    We are a tight knit community of friends with a solid foundation of real life and long term friends having played WoW and other games together for 10+ years. We have a diverse membership with several couples, male and female, and new and experienced players. Our Discord is active during the day while people are at work and we are always spending time online running Mythic+, alt raids, popup raids, world quest groups, leveling alts, helping each other level and gear, etc.

    Currently Recruiting:

    Rally is always looking for personalities who fit into our team and are willing to wait for specific raid openings in the name of joining an amazing guild.

    However, our current raid openings are as follows:

    FMSA: Full

    Fuzzy Unicorns: DK, DH, exceptional ranged (mage, moonkin).

    Danger Zone: DPS: shadow/disc priest, DH

    QQ Puffs: DPS of all classes, 1 healer, tank

    How to Apply:

    Hello. <Drow> 8/8H 3/8M is an Alliance guild on the Doomhammer realm. We’re a long standing PVE raiding guild since vanilla WoW with numerous top 20 US kills under our belts. Our aim is to provide a good team environment and kill bosses while doing so.

    Our raid schedule is Tues.- Wed. 6:30 PM-9:30 PM PST

    We are currently recruiting DPS, Disc/Holy Priest and a Resto Shaman for immediate spots in BFA and beyond.

    You can also contact me via my battle tag: Anticlergy#1303. Or, you can apply at

    I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.