Group of 3 friends looking for guild (Zul'jin Horde)

We are 2 DPS (383 Balance Druid) (377 Havoc DH) and 1 healer (375 Disc Priest) looking for a guild to clear the next raid tier in normal, heroic and eventually jump into mythic we are all 8/8H and 3/8M Uldir.
We do not want to switch factions or servers however our raid times/days are pretty open just don’t want to be raiding past 12pm EST and would rather not raid on weekends however aren’t opposed to it.
leave your battletag and or guild info and I will contact you.

We have raid spots available for all three of you, and meet your time/day criteria. However, we’re on Area 52, not Zul’jin (but still high pop!). If you would consider swapping servers, we could be an excellent fit.

We are a previous CE guild that raids on a 2 night schedule. Our goal is to get CE in Dazar’alor, and we’re looking for a few more key dps and a healer.

still looking

Failed at Hogger is a 3/8M horde guild on Turalyon recruiting for our mythic roster! We raid Tues/Wed 8-11pm est

With Dazar’alor coming out we’re looking to expand our ranks! We’re not only looking for raiders but we’re also looking for m+ pushers (especially tanks)
Immediate openings for Havoc DH/ Disc priests that meet these requirements and are ready to raid all ranged dps will be considered for this open spot though!

Requirements to be considered for the mythic bench/mythic team include: Good attendance, 60%+ parse, at least a 33 minimum on your neck pre Dazar’alor, doing your m+ weekly (whether it be a 10 or 15) good attitude and good raid awareness
would be willing to talk about paying for transfer.
Recruitment contacts: Amirah#3277 discord || Hotsauce#1407

Hello…lets chat!
<Comfortably Rum> looking for a few more dedicated skilled players. We want a chill raid environment that still looks to progress. We have successfully been achieving that goal for last few expansions now while having a good time. We have lost a few people not really feeling BFA so looking for more to join our raiding roster.

Raid Times: Wed and Thurs 8-10:00pm

Needs: Tank - Non Monk
H Pally/Resto Druid
DPS - Will consider all vet players

Casuals and alts of all levels welcomed!
If interested contact Mayching. Mayabella BT = Maybella#1211

still looking

I know you said you aren’t interested in changing servers, but I will throw this on here just in case you open that option up :wink:

My guild (Duh Winning on Ner’Zhul) is 5/8 mythic. We raid Wednesday and Thursday from 8-11 central as well as a Sunday optional night (same time). We are an adult only guild with history as a team going back to Cata. Our group is solid, lots of us have met offline, we pride ourselves in our “friendships first” approach while still pushing mythic progression on a two day a week schedule. We take our raid time seriously, but decorate it lovingly with terrible puns and dad jokes.

You can reach me on discord if you have any questions at all. I probably left out a lot as I am sneakposting from work :wink:


still looking

morpheus#1478 hit me up