Group loot should not come back

Group loot was awful in a lot of ways. Anyone remember when the raid leader would just take all of it and funnel it to his gf cause he is the type of guy there is a certain word for that i can’t use. Or ninjas or people needing on items they couldn’t even use just to get toxic and force other players to beg for it? Yeah it was just trash m8 and I think people have forgotten just how trash cause it’s been gone for so long

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GL isn’t ML

Group loot was the gateway to ml

Oh it’s Sunday…

It was a poorly thought out gearing system that opened the way wide for toxicity

:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

let me reiterate for you since you’re too busy speaking in ridiculous hyperbole to grasp that

It has the potential to turn into ml though

There’s like 5 other topics…

We need more so they know about it

No, we don’t.

Not that I will be hostage to some inferior player withholding gear for egos sake I am largely a pvp player which won’t be affected by this. Just reminding people how trash the system was and why it got replaced before they go jumping head first back into it

So tell me, do you struggle with reading, or do you struggle with comprehension?

But just in case you need a refresher, this post outlines how it will work

Explain to me how other players are going to hold loot over your head when you have the ability to roll “need” on items, and an equal chance to win against other players also rolling need.

Hello, I see you posted a thread about loot. It’s easy to tell that this post is extremely disingenuous because everyone knows that World of Warcraft raid leaders don’t have girlfriends, haha!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

And people who don’t have gfs are largely bitter and toxic you want those guys deciding who gets what?

You had to edit this message twice to get the prefect message across? LOL