Group Loot in Raids

At this point it’s probably best to go to the Legion approach with forced PL for pugs and ML for guilds.

Then we can finally go back to threads complaining about not getting stuff with PL instead of not getting stuff through GL.

Players need saved from themselves it seems.

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I guess we’re back to having an alt to specifically catalyst for the transmog? Lmao

It’s not like LFR is a limited feature, could always go back in a future expansion to get it. I like the LFR mog from Tomb or Throne of Thunder, but I solo it so that way I’m not like “You wanted this piece? Haha too bad, it makes me look schmexy!”

Transmog is a big problem, always has been. It promoted greed, and people heavily defended it because they either made money from it, or they were just vain. I remember when it was first introduced, you couldn’t buy anything on the AH because greens were always too expensive.

Dungeons barely dropped loot for you, and their defense was “You’ll outlevel it”, but it certainly helped your progression before the scaling.

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I mean honestly I think they should just unlock all appearances below what you loot. Loot a normal piece? Get normal and LFR. Loot Heroic? Get heroic, normal and lfr

But they wouldn’t like that because they like us to grind


Group loot is fine. Just dont let people roll need on things that arent intended for them.

Why do we have beta testing again and why does Blizzard insist on constantly trying to remake the wheel per se :thinking:

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This is literally the opposite what the bluepost says at the end.

Catalyst doesn’t really do anything for non set pieces which make up the bulk of the transmog, and no one is going to be blowing catalyst charges on transmog until the season is over and the charges have become useless for player power.

This change is an obvious downgrade for any player who raids normal or higher but tries to collect LFR transmog, and it’s probably a downgrade for LFR only players who will lose out on stronger players propping up their groups.


That already exists with loot specs.

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  • Players can no longer unconditionally roll Need on 1H weapons (or 2H for a Warrior in Fury loot spec).

I assume this is going to prevent Outlaw from rolling Need on daggers. They need to make a decision one way or the other and stick to it - either Outlaw can roll on daggers, or they shouldn’t be able to use them.

You have a loot history. Remember when we used to have to swap trinkets and rings between slots to flag ourselves to be able to trade equal/lower ilvl loot?

That’s still active

So how exactly it is fine? You go to normal, you lose rolls, people that won rolls move to heroic, you roll against new people, you lose rolls, people that won rolls move to heroic, you roll against new people, you lose rolls, people that won rolls move to heroic, you roll against new people, you lose rolls, people that won rolls move to heroic, you roll against new people, you lose rolls… eventually you get enough pieces from vault and open world bosses to get to heroic. Cross fingers it happens before end of the season

Group loot is literally a lootbox. It should have a pity counter at this point.

And not everyone wants to wait 4 years to go back and farm an xmog they like. Your example of making money on it is kind of irrelevant since that isn’t the case here.

You want the piece, I want the piece. We both have goals for why we are there. Just because we have 2 different goals doesn’t make mine any less right than yours. You simply defend yours because it is yours. No one has any more “right” to loot than anyone else.

Arbitrarily locking out an entire population of players from LFR probably won’t benefit anyone tbh.


Just buy the mythic raid loot funnel boost /s

Yep… have fun losing a BiS shield to a ret paladin who decided to roll holy…

Or have fun losing a BiS one hander to a resto druid who already has a 405 staff and doesn’t have an off hand to use with the 1h…

Or the multiple items that specs get to roll need on just because they “can equip it.”

That’s kinda what i’m talking about. Some specs are able to roll on things that they shouldn’t be allowed to roll on.

Can you please change back LFR to personal loot entirely? It felt much better in that mode.


It’s driven by their loot spec, same as it was with PL. Your scenarios all happened all the time with PL.

Someone dpsing can set their loot spec to heals and win a healing item both with PL and GL.

You can only roll need (main spec) on items for your selected loot spec.

What GL really brought to light for me is how many people feel entitled to items over others who were there for the kill as well. That’s the takeaway.

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Upgrade vs. Vanity, those are different goals, but one should outweigh the other in current raiding content.

And no, the money from mogs isn’t a good example now, but it was back in its conception.

Just because you can roll need, doesn’t mean you should. A fair compromise would be, if the item in question is an upgrade of at least 15 iLvls or more, then that should get priority over mogging.

But if it’s like only a 5 iLvl upgrade or something, then I won’t make that big of a stink about it. Getting loot from raids though in this expansion is hard to get, so when you finally see that one big upgrade, and someone wins it for “mogging” it’s maddening.


It’ll probably result in longer queues. And the folks that die in the first 20 seconds of every boss fight might actually have to contribute.

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As long as you rolled, you will win if you win. The item will show up in your mail. You can go ahead and accept that queue.

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