Group Loot in Raids

Yes, was just saying this to my guildies. Why do I have to farm LFR and normal after I get a tier piece on heroic just for the transmog?


A lot of us would love this. But since the 1% would abuse it to gear for the world first races, we all have to suffer.

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Yup, whole entire game is still being designed around race to world first, so an unimaginably small percentage of players.

It’s not even like 1%, more like 0.01%.


i see you excluded people being able to roll need on off-spec items, unless this has been addressed elsewhere. :face_with_monocle:


Somehow when PL came it was because blizzard is designing the game around world first guilds.

Now removing PL is also Blizzard designing the game around world first guilds.

It makes no sense at all.

Group loot should be toggleable. 99% of organized raids end up using RCLootcouncil regardless and so even if you win the roll or get the personal loot you end up giving the item to someone else unless oyu cant. the only benefit now is that you can trade an item or pass an item that wouldnt be an upgrade for you. The downside unfortunately is that people can just need on anything they have the ability too which you see in LFR. LFR should certainly not be group loot. Personal loot only in LFR and allow a choice of personalvsgroup in raids

Need (offspec) is a different roll than need (main spec)

Any need (main spec) roll always beats a need (off spec) roll.

Personal loot or bust.


still doesn’t take into consideration one gear type rolls against 10 people and another gear type only rolls against 2


So, after how many weeks of raiding, you fix these issues, and totally ignore what the feedback has asked for lmao. Fine Blizz, seal your fate, just remember it’s your decisions, since you refuse to listen to feedback, while publicly stating otherwise.


In this thread:
"Group loot is actually good, but the bow from Raszageth has dropped three weeks in a row :face_exhaling: "
Y’all ain’t the brightest, are yah? lol.


Same issues came up during Beta, but once it hit the public we saw how bad the group loot went.

PL with 0 trade restrictions means guilds can do a ML if everyone agrees/gives their loot. But nobody can be taken advantage for.

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Whatever you know. If that’s all they care about then they can keep them, while the rest of the game crumbles.

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I think they need to bring back master loot, but only for organized groups where all members need to agree to use master loot. I also think they need to bring back personal loot for queued content like LFR.

GL does this too? It can be used as ML if everyone agrees, but nobody can be taken advantage of because they can always roll need.

Why change something that was working, the current loot system blows! Nothing like Raiding since the new expansion, and not getting any gear, because people keep getting 99 to your 10, wth is this, have not won one roll, which is not right. Not going to lie, borderline making me think of saying f it and move on from this game. Coming from someone that has been around since vanilla…


and what happens when we want LFR tier for mog but have the higher piece already? are we just ineligible for the item?


LFR people just want to chill. Please move back to personal loot. Group loot only bring drama and abuse.


Great, so screw anyone who has normal mode loot and wants to get LFR tints I guess?

I guess LFR is dead to me until I can solo it in half a decade.


We’ve been saying for months this group loot is garbage and it is a system that already failed before. But there are plenty here defending Blizzard bad choice.

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