Group Finder Needs to Go

Warlock was in fact my main in Vanilla, and my main for half of BC. Even if the mechanics were easy it doesn’t mean I got the opportunity to perform them. I could never land myself into a cooperative guild or group to actually get into the raids. And trying to form groups for other stuff was a nightmare. I simply didn’t have that many useful friends or connections.

That is why I will always defend LFR and LFD.


Yes that was back when the internet was newer and most people had never played a MMO. Today it’s a completely different story. On classic servers today you find a group easily with over 11k+ pop and I did so many elite quests I never did before in actual vanilla/bc. There are literal AQ 40 pugs selling tier t2.5 to people. It would be nothing like back then.

Time will tell. I still refer you to one of my original points.

I hope everyone does try vanilla so they realize this. I would much rather never clear a dungeon or raid but log in to people I know.

LFR/LDR hinders the content more than community, why should i bother with Heroic when LFR Titanforges are comparable?

It’s just frustrating having to give up plans to run a dungeon on one night because you can’t get people to join you for it. It’s depressing seeing an epic trailer for a new raid and never having any hope of ever seeing it because “this is not for you, casual peasant scum”.

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Achievements, specialized rewards, better gear overall?

The farthest I got in vanilla was AQ 40 and in TBC i quit before sunwell. My only experience with Naxx in vanilla? A bunch of random people on the PTR wiping to the spider trash and disbanding. And I most likely will never clear Naxxramas in vanilla because who cares. What’s more important are the players and experiences.
Look at Wowhobbs, he would run all these people through SM and slowly built his way into raiding. These were the experiences people love, not auto-attacking a boss in LFR and then alt-tabbing while eating a sandwich.

It’s easy to say that when you did get the opportunity to make all the right friends, have all the right experiences, and get to see more content than most folks got to see.

Understand that not everyone was so lucky though.

What did I do to get that opportunity? There were no achievements or logs and I had trash gear. They literally just said “hey we’re recruiting” and i said “Hi I want to join” then a 5 minute talk and bam I’m in. That’s it. No gear, no skill, nothing. As long as you were a decent human being or even if not you could raid back in vanilla.

I did just that, and ended up getting tricked by a guild promising me a raid spot if I helped them farm. After farming my butt off every day in Burning Steppes for a month it became clear that they never intended to let me raid with them and just wanted someone to use and abuse as a mining slave.

That’s the kind of power guilds had back in the day and there was no recourse for someone like me.


I played all through that period, it was terrible. You’re making it sound like doing 5 mans was some big epic adventure, it wasn’t. It was an hour in trade chat then an hour doing the instance.

Thanks for the condescending speech man, really means a lot coming from someone without any legacy achievements.


I’ll have you know it was RE:7 Biohazard that brought the series back to life, and was a better horror game. Not to say RE: 2 remake is bad.


Destroying Group Finder will also respawn Openraid. It won’t fix it.

But don’t you get it! We need to destroy cellphones and bring back that real sense of community towns had!


LFG/LFR and crose servers have nothing to to do with the community the way it is now, it’s always been like that even if you put everyone in one big server. Hell I joined guilds in wrath and guess what I didn’t get help or get to join any raids, why because they always have their set groups and don’t want anyone else joining them.

Sure if your fully geared you can clear a normal dungion with no problem, no different if you did the same thing back then which is called learning and growing. This is a game, not facebook as it sounding like its what you want. Also the community of back then have change sense then which THEY CHOSE themself. What you and others can’t seem to graps is that it is not the tool’s fault for the community’s change but the people themselfs. If they didn’t then they would have stayed the same as it was back then weither we have the tools of today or not. Hell all mmos have about the same tools and not have any porblems so why is it so different for wow?

For the pugs selling raid gear, runs and what not it’s been like that from the start as well, though it started out with just wow gold until they get the idea of selling raid gear and runs. Just haven’t been more well known until the crose servers came about. If anything that is something you need to get on with Blizzerd about. But that is a different issu, though i would agree that needs to go, however by the rules of the game they are technically not doing anything wrong (for the payed run’s and gear that is, not the wow gold).

The point however is this, stop blaming tools of the game for doing what they were made for. It wasn’t made for afks, again that is of those PEOPLE’S chose. But made to give those who want to EXPERIENCE the raid/dungons. Besides as it been told time and time again, if you don’t wish to use the tool then dont use it and go with your friends/guild you already know. You said your self you make them before then go back and do it again (if you haven’t already) and just stick with them.

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The issue is that you are referring to one aspect of the game, and whilst I would agree that it is probably the aspect that sent us in the direction of accessibility that we currently have.

Removing it now would result in changing the game, but not affecting it’s other systems. It would conflicted in it’s purpose.
Any changes to design philosophy in Live WoW needs to be handed very delicately and slowly. Much like how the accessibility design came into play in the first place.

It wasn’t all of a sudden all here. It was LFD, then reducing dungeon difficulty, then LFR, then more dungeon difficulty reduction, then raid difficulty reduction, then LFG etc.

Same with rewards creep and WQs etc. They were all slow but over time dramatic changes.

You’ve never played on a ghost town server have you?

Like others have said, other games, including WoW’s biggest competitors ESO and FFXIV, have all the same modern QoL features that WoW has in one form or another yet WoW seems to be the only one where players blame QoL for the game declining. So like I’ve said before, QoL isn’t why WoW has declined. It’s a combination of cost-cutting, developer hubris, and WoW just being old in general amidst an aged playerbase and vastly larger market.


I’ll give you this point, Blizzard should have never dropped the difficulty on heroics like they did. Troll heroics in Cata could be frustrating, but it was also a LOT of fun imho.

Could tell you the reason why most do not speak to each other during Dungeon Finder encounters.

If I am correct, it perhaps most people do not want to embarrass themselves by accidentally typing “wwwwwwwwwwwww122111111wwwwwwwwwww111112221 1111221 111 wwwwww” In Group chat; due to most people no longer mouse clicking abilities and keyboard turning.