Group Finder Needs to Go

The vast majority of players were happier because they all quit.

The game still has at least a million subs 15+ years into it. Probably more. That’s pretty damn good imo.

I’d argue that keeping this game an elitists paradise would have made subs hemorrhage even more. Look at EverQuest. Look at Wildstar.

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Well too bad there’s no one to argue with you since they aren’t subbed. Also I had many alts in many guilds that were super casual all helping each other. They almost never did a raid but hung out with each other all the time and HELPED each other. The game became FAR more elitist when they added in the group finder. I did many raids undergeared and took undergeared people because we had to work together. Now you need a score and achievement to do anything.

PEOPLE are the problem. Not guns. Not LFG.

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I’m glad you had some cooperative guilds that’d help you do a group quest or whatever. But when it came time and you decided you wanted to do a raid? It was a very harsh, cutthroat, and elitist quagmire you had to push through. Assuming you could even break through the initial barrier in the first place. I couldn’t, but I know others did.

People can be as elitist as they want to in the group finder. It doesn’t matter. The community is no longer allowed to say what content I can and can’t do and I am very thankful for that.

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Then the summoning stones need to go as well as ALL the levels lower than mythic+.
The game should last about 90 days after that.

LFR, LFR, LFM whatever is fine. All optional, don’t like them don’t use them. They aren’t negatively affecting my gameplay. You do you, I’ll do me.

That’s all that needs to be said.
If you want to regress and live in a game before QOL improvements Classic is that’s away, enjoy. ——————>


Very true. In regards to Classic the initial hype and boom will be very enjoyable. Lots of folks will be leveling, spreading across the world. Every zone will be a party and groups probably won’t be that hard to form.

A year later though, and that poor level 30 warlock wants to do a run of RFK or some such? Well I wish him the best of luck because if it was anything like Vanilla was, it’s going to be a very uphill battle getting a run for that going unless he has some bored level 60 friends.

That is why LFD was great. It made lower level dungeons relevent again and run as they are supposed to; with a group, and not something that only the lucky ones with max level friends that could run them through can do.

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if you can find a faster way to find people, than let me know, especially in a dead game

During record profits no less.

Which meant they had to nerf all the content to the ground so you never got a “dungeon experience.” They’re all 15 min fast food events. Then they had to add 10 million difficulties to compensate. That’s how we got where we are now with all this RNG and titanforging.
Everything comes at a cost. They cost of ur instant queues for no effort is what we have now.

Most games have easy modes. You still have your hard modes. What is the problem?

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Would need to merge servers otherwise high end M+ players on small servers have to use discord to find people to play with which is not ideal.

Vanilla wow was the easy mode. You had auto-attacks and a few buttons plus almost no mechanics. What you have now is afk mode with things like LFR.

Here’s the elitist requirement to raid in vanilla/tbc. Can you click shadowbolt? GG you’re top dps in sunwell.

Oh really, if it was so easy, how many guilds cleared naxx 40?

Oh now sunwell was easy, you clearly have no idea what you are talking about.

Blizzard specifically said they wouldn’t make raids like them again because the audience was so small due to the difficulty.

So go do heroic and mythic if you think you’re too good for LFR. Doesn’t mean you need to take away LFR and LFD for those who enjoy it.

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Yes, assuming you could kiss up to the raid leader sufficiently and hope you can break into his inner circle in order to get the opportunity to spam shadowbolt. Or are lucky enough to be his girlfriend or whatever, lols.

A few fights like Thaddius and Heigan do require some kind of brain yes. But the majority are very simple compared to today. The reason no one cleared it is most people were still leveling. Today it will get spanked by most guilds that try.

You said you want an easy mode. Nothing was easier than raiding as a warlock in vanilla/tbc. You just put up your curse and spam 1 button it’s the highet dps. Other classes might be a little more complex but not by much. PvP is obv a different story.