Group Finder Needs to Go

It’s a MMORPG not a single player game. You can’t say “im introverted so other players should be forced to play with me.” Don’t play a MMO if you don’t want to talk to people. Again its a MMORPG.

Being introverted doesn’t mean that you don’t want to talk to people. It just means that we need to recharge after socializing. There’s also no rule that says only extroverts should be allowed to play MMOs. Everyone should have a game.


Sounds like your the one with the problem with this MMO maybe you should listen to your own suggestion

No way. Go try to find a dungeon group in chat. Good luck with that. Please keep track of your personal Queue time and let us know how well that worked out.


The folks who actually have lived through that know better and appreciate tools like LFG. xD


Whose saying you can’t play a MMO. The point is you have to interact with others. If you choose not to then you don’t get everything you want instantly at the click of a button. That’s life.

No one’s saying they don’t want to interact with others. We’re just saying you shouldn’t have to have an army of friends and be the life of a party just to be able to see content.


Cross realm is probably a bigger reason for the break down in server communities.

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if they got rid of group finders, they’d have to convert wow to one big megaserver as gigantic amounts of solo servers are effectively dead

then we’ll be back to peeps spamming chat for groups and experiencing discrimination based on gear etc for getting groups. Forcing them to stay in the biggest chat zones completely bored trying to find a group

nope the group finders aren’t the problem, they solved a ton of problems and were a massive QoL improvement for most players


So magically getting teleported to a dungeon anywhere in the game and having 100% chance to clear it made the game better? That sounds more like entitlement then anything.

Experience, quests, story.

It’s the same reason LFR was introduced.

It’s better than sitting in Trade for hours hoping for that vaunted tank or healer to join your group, then hearthing back for another hour after that healer got tired of waiting for that tank.

I guess it’s a personal failing but I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would find that fun.


LFD isn’t solo, you are still in there with 4 other people. The only difference is they aren’t actively spamming a chat channel to find 4 other random people to run it with. Now I agree that the dumbing down on content is a bad thing but that is only an issue with LFR and let’s be honest a second. You really can’t complain about being rewarded for easy content while collecting heoric raid gear from completely 4 emissary quests…


18:32 - [2. Trade] [Gulkas]: LF1M KR need tank
18:43 - [2. Trade] [Gulkas]: LF2M KR need tank and caster
18:48 - [2. Trade] [Gulkas]: LF1M KR need tank geared group
18:54 - [2. Trade] [Gulkas]: LF1M KR need tank fast run have summons
19:17 - [2. Trade] [Gulkas]: LF1M KR need tank or BM hunter/demo lock
19:47 - [2. Trade] [Gulkas]: LFG KR resto healer





Wow that kind of sounds like a MMO is it coming out anytime soon? All i see in trade now is carries for dungeons/raids/pvp.
Again not getting everything you want instantly is okay. When you earn it you will feel better and remember it.

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How about not getting anything you want ever?

I went into BC with a log full of elite and dungeon quests from Vanilla because no one wanted to do them with me. In BC the only two heroics I ran were Slave Pens and Mechanar because getting folks to do any of the other ones was borderline impossible.

The LFG tool was a godsend for people like me who didn’t have an army of friends willing to do what you wanted.

That’s what guilds are for.

Not all guilds are the same. Many of them in fact prove to be quite useless and back in the day selection was far more limited.


after waiting bored for excessive amounts of time, it does not make the reward any more satisfying

it just forces a constant assessment of:

  1. Am I spending my free time the right way?
  2. Is the reward even worth this?
  3. Can’t the devs think of a better system?

Thus we got group finder and the vast majority of players were happier


Oh and who’s version of the game is hemorrhaging subs? Because i can say with 100% assurance that the version of the game i played was ever expanding until blizzard decided to implement lfd and a 3rd difficulty in TotGC.

Try not being a mouthpiece and have actual evidence that your version of the game actually makes it better. From a design standpoint btw not a difficulty standpoint.
So what you got to say?