Group Finder Needs to Go

See this is the problem, you hear “content” and the only thing your mind can think of is raids.
raids this, raids that, it’s all a rush just to raid.
Newsflash, you’re already experiencing vanilla content just by leveling, by talking to people.
It’s called world of warcraft, not spreadsheet of warcraft.

And if you actually believe only the 1% did mc or bwl, or karazhan which was done by literally everyone and wrath in general that was done by the BIG majority, I don’t know what to tell you.

This line of thinking is what sinked the game, a rush to the end just to raid, the rpg is gone, the mmo is gone, what’s left?
A bunch of menus with strangers you’re never gonna see again, the only interaction left is guilds.

Conversations don’t make it any less mindless.

Well yes, when they insist on putting the guy on the box into an elite style raid that very few are going to get to see, it is about the raids. When they put the majority of their time, effort and money into building these epic, sprawling raids, when the meat of the game’s storyline is put into them…how is it not about the raids?

I’m sure plenty got to see MC and Kara (I did not get to unfortunately, despite my best efforts) but how many got to see past that? Scheduling and guild politics held many back.

What we have now is preferable to being told you’re garbage and that you’re only worthy of scrapping together some daily quests outside of the raid instance while the cool kids get to ride by you into the instance and get to do the actual good stuff.

Take away the tools we have now and what are people like me left with? The ones without armies of friends to do stuff with?

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I agree, I try and talk to every group and usually don’t get any sort of response.

“Hey guys how’s it going?”


I would respond to you, as would others I’m sure.

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Oh for the love of… really another one? It’s not the bloody tools that is bring this game down but the people themselfs! The tools such as lfg/lfr are more to help those who don’t have set time schedules. Not everyone can make it to the raiding times and by the time they do have time everyone else already done it and being left behind, and you will have the same problem with Classic. Maybe not the first few months but after that I have no doubt that will slowly die out and hardly anyone would want to play, well that’s what I think at lest.

If you dont want the tool then don’t use it and leave it alone. You want go and call out for groups and hoping to be notice go right ahead, I rather have a Q time then have no chance at all. Like others have said other games have the same tool so why is it such a bad thing? How is it hirting the game? Unless you can give a good reason that would make sense all your doing OP is making your self into a Troll.


You could always quit the game, but of course you won’t do that

100% agreed. All cross-realm systems need to go.

Maybe it’s just me, but I never felt any sense of server community in vanilla or any other point in WoW. I had my guild that i talked to and had a good relationship with, but i never payed attention to the names in zone chat and never bothered to remember the names of people i ran a dungeon with. We grouped up, ran to the instance, and when we either finished or disbanded due to wipes I then forgot they ever existed.

The only game in which I ever felt a sense of community was Star Wars Galaxies, and that’s because community is really all that game had to offer for awhile.



Some of us pretty much ONLY play the game for running the dungeons.
By all means, run a bunch more of your paying customers off by listening to BAD advice, such as getting rid of the group finder.


They can merge more servers together, they just choose not to. There are viable options.


gather round children as wartm tells you a story. The expansion is cataclysm, the raid, dragonsoul. Joined a fairly big guild, one requirement of the guild was going by first name basis instead of toon names. wanna know how many names I actually knew in the guild? 10 the 10 people who our group raided with. Hell half the time the raid leader would be hey hunter.

Group finder is not a problem.

Group finder was the solution to a problem. That problem was having to spam LF <insert the role/s you were looking for, almost always tank and/or healer> for an hour or more.

I also don’t understand this concept of server community. I played since vanilla. Never once have I seen this “community” OPer refers to. I saw a lot of aholes and trolls and that’s about it. Is that what a community is? If so then I am glad it is gone. I would say that for the vast majority of people, their guild were the only people they knew and interacted with.


The clique players have been made unhappy that no one is forced to pander to them anymore and they wish to use every trick in the book to return us to the days when we had to put up with whatever madness they wanted in order to just play.

Nothing wrong with being a introvert who likes to join and not make groups. Nothing wrong with being a extrovert who makes groups full of people they like. But there is something wrong when introverts present a problem in the system that needs fixing and instead of listening to said problem and working with them the extroverts simply demand the introverts change everything about themselves and become extroverts too.


They wouldn’t be extroverts otherwise.

Well said. I’ve literally always had this problem, even dating back to 20+ years ago during EverQuest. It’s tough when you don’t stand out and are a quiet person.


This is why Blizzard needs to create ‘pristine realms’. Retail WoW realms that don’t have group finder or CRZ/Sharding. People who like these features can play on normal retail realms. People who want to experience retail WoW in a better way can roll on a pristine realm.

It’s better when the game is inclusive and folks can be able to count on seeing content.

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Classic is here for ppl that dont want that, Main stream ppl like and want LFG because I dont want to spend all my time looking for and maintaining relationships. I love the ones im with…then I move on to the next bunch of folks I meet. i like the variety and the “surprise” of not knowing what may come my way. I like meting lots of new folks and not being with the same bunch. ITS AWESOME!
plus if you talk to ppl they’ll actually talk back to you…even if they get salty who cares its interesting to see what makes strangers tick.If you want to be with the same ppl 24/7 fine ,dont impose that oppression on me.

DVDs killed my VHS collection too. If manufacturers would have just stopped producing DVDs, people would still want to come watch my VHS tapes :frowning: