Group Finder Needs to Go

Too late.

No they don’t, which is exactly how they got into this mess to begin with.
You think people didn’t complain about these all day when they were introduced?
They digged themselves into a hole they cannot get out, these systems are so ingrained that they’ve carved a niche of people that literally only uses these.
They can’t remove them without killing the playerbase and they can’t keep them because it’s also killing the playerbase, they cannot win, it is too late to do this, the time to act was in mists or wod, before people grew a dependence and routine around these systems.

But in classic blizz fashion, they always think they know better and were basically told to take it or uninstall, and in classic blizz fashion, it blows up in their face years down the line, turns out they didn’t know any better.

Just go to classic like almost everyone, and honestly probably even blizz, is doing.

This is definitely the toughest pill to swallow. All of these QoL changes didn’t help grow the playerbase. We’ve become way too dependent on menus and Q’s instead of having to socialize and work together to complete goals set before us. The only answer now is Classic. With all the bad PR going on with ActiBlizz and BFA as well as all the layoffs we can only assume that things aren’t going well at all.

I don’t want an OSRS situation to happen, but if that’s what it takes to get the game back on track then so be it.

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Uhh, Group Finder makes it easy to find groups. Why would anybody want that gone?

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It’s more than just that. It’s coordination to do quest. The fact that I can do any quest in less than a min by pulling the entire ZONE. this game requires no coordination unless you’re doing arenas, mythic +15 or mythic raid. I can literally get into heroic raids no prob without talking. It’s truly sad.

They helped keep many here continuing to play. I left EverQuest before it came to this point in WoW because they insisted on keeping it an elitists paradise.

I’d love to see a group try to do Heroic Mekkatorque without any talking.

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Raider IO and elitest players is part of it. Unless your heals, tank, or severely outgear the content your fighting for a group all day. Even if you start one yourself (I know someone is allready itching to say make your own) good luck getting together a raid with enough tanks and heals.

And look where going the other way got us. 800 employees fired and them hiding sub numbers because they don’t want to show us how bad things have gotten.

They should have at least sought to balance out the experience for both kind of players

You don’t think any deaf raiding guilds have completed Mekka? LOL??

Game is still going plenty strong even today. And will be even stronger soon with many of those who do prefer the “elitists paradise” style gaming being able to their own version elsewhere.

Don’t quite know how many of those actually exist but I’m sure they’ve figured out their own methods. I’m pretty sure the average person needs to be able to communicate to bring that boss down though.

They do. and they have brought Mekka down. And they definitely did it without talking.

Yes, I believe that. I highly doubt the average pug or guild is trying to do it without talking though.

Cool, my point was that you could go through the entire raid without voice comm

Through specialized tactics/methods/addons/etc that deaf guilds have utilized that the average pug and guild is not going to use. You join a pug on Heroic Mekkatorque and you will be expected to communicate in some fashion, which shoots down your original point.

Yeah and the game benefited from that so much by doubling in sub numbers, printing money for blizz, creating tons of jobs and loved by everyone and in no way being slowly stealthy replaced.

Oh wait.

Firing 800 employees isn’t going strong

This game is still going plenty strong even 15 years later. Much better than how EverQuest did when it was at this exact same point.

Nothing they do is going to bring this game back to the 13 million mark where it was a worldwide phenomenon, even if you suddenly removed everything that makes it accessible. But it is still a solid game nonetheless.

It can’t even maintain a quarter of that anymore.
And the game is on a huge decline because these systems have overstayed their welcome and it’s clear how harmful they are.
Meanwhile the big, big majority (and growing) are more and more excited for classic.

Unless 8.2 and 8.3 are a miracle, I don’t see bfa recovering, and next expansion has to be real good.
The fact that classic is gonna keep getting constant content while bfa will be in content droughts is also a huge kick to the face for bfa.

No I’m not, that’s what DBM is for.
I don’t need to communicate at all.

How can they be harmful when they have given so many players like me an actual game? I’d argue it’s even more harmful to keep content restricted to the elite guilds and to those who have massive armies of connections. Can you honestly say we’d still be at 13 million subs today if they stuck with the Vanilla/BC models?

Can you elaborate? I use DBM and it’s never told me what buttons to press. I’ve always had to rely on my fellow shrunken guildy friends in Discord for that.

And took it away from other 12 million.
Good exchange.

Very highly doubt that 12 million left the game because content no longer only belonged to the 1% and the rest of us peasants got the outdoor scraps.

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