Grobbulus - Alliance Or Horde?

I honestly think that is just a matter of opinion ! The Kaldorei have a very interesting background and lore to them! Gnomes and dwarves are very interesting as well if you read into them. Both Alliance and Horde both have very well written storylines about each side and all the races excluding probably humans but even they are interesting to me. Both sides are very interesting in their own right.:slight_smile:

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Grobbulus discord shows 715 Alliance to 766 Horde; if pushing for faction balance and unsure where to go, consider Alliance. If you don’t have a PVP-guild home on Alliance, I can fix that too

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As for pvp I believe we will have some seasoned pvpers on alliance. I am probably what you would call someone who only enjoys pvp for the most part. I’ve met a ton of really fantastic pvpers on alliance that have crushed horde side. So I think it’ll be very balanced.

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I was alliance when I first started around BC launch until end of Wrath. Then I switched to horde until end of Legion. Looking forward to being alliance again!


I have not quite decided on what I will do yet, I know I will be looking for a home for sure but I think I wanna get to know them in game before pre signing up to somewhere! I’m excited to see the kind of players I will run into and the community that will forge.


-farewell- Please come say hi and chat with us sometime. I haven’t been this excited about a guild in many years, and we just had our pre-launch meeting tonight. Join us in discord and we’d be glad to get to know you :slight_smile:

In game or out, you can’t go wrong coming out for a chat


Alliance, as I played Horde for majority of BC-BFA. Wanted a change. Also always have liked nelf lore


You’ll probably never hear me say this ever again, but even Twilight is a better story than Nelf Lore.

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Horde! Or more accurately, Forsaken.

Can’t wait to cannibalize some foes after I kill them =)


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For the Forsaken!


I would appreciate to keep bashing off my thread. I love both sides of the lore and both are very good in their own right, so unless you have positive things to say overall I am not interested. I want Grobbulus to be a community without toxic players (which I’m sure there will always be toxic ness) but if people didn’t think the storyline of alliance was worth roleplaying then no one would ever role play alliance. Which is clearly not the case, horde also has amazing role play and I have nothing bad to say about Either side. I would just appreciate keeping my thread a positive one.


I persuaded those members of my guild who want to play Classic to come to Grobbulus and we’re all going Alliance. I’m the only one who has dipped toes into RP, so there will be a lot of new experiences in store for us.


I’m not sure what to do on retail nowadays other than recruit for Classic :smiley: I’ll call it my daily quest


That’s exciting, it’s always nice to see people try new things especially when it comes to role play. Whether your used to horde or alliance, it can be fun to dabble in all of it! The whole experience of role play in World of Warcraft is a very immersive one. It can really make the world seem so much more real. I am most excited to see everyone’s characters and the creativity they put into their characters. Everyone is so unique in their own way and everyone has different writing styles. This whole thing has got me super hype for launch :slight_smile: Anyone on alliance can feel free to befriend me at anytime if you need help with ideas or profiles!


I’m a shaman, so that just leaves me the one option.

(Admittedly, I probably would have picked Horde anyway.)


I used to play Alli but after much consideration, I rolled a tauren shaman. I did priest and warrior in vanilla but it wasn’t until I rolled shaman in BC that I really found my groove with the game so I decided that was the way to go this time. I also have never seen the pre-cata Horde experience past around lvl 30 so I’m looking forward to that.


That’s okay too! I know for some who want to play paladin that’s also a tough choice! Whatever you choose it will be fun regardless and I hope we can all enjoy the experience together. Despite choosing different factions the whole point is for us to have fun and do what is comfortable for us.


Oh I don’t deny that the alliance has some interesting lore. The night elves are neat, dwarves and ironforge are cool, and the defias storyline is one of my favourites. I just think overall they’re boring when compared to the horde, that’s all. I mained Alliance from TBC to Legion and the BGs were just brutal. Once I went horde for the arena community, it totally changed.

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I can understand that! No matter what you choose I just hope you have fun doing it. As for me even if pvp becomes unbalanced I always create my own elite team to curb that issue. Typically if horde does well I just make sure my team will do even better! I am excited to see you out there, we can be rivals ;).:joy: